15.1 The following
requirements apply to candidate, statewide initiative, recall, minor party
creation, and referendum petitions, unless otherwise specified.
15.1.1 Petition template for state petitions
(a) Petition proponents must use the
Secretary of State's fillable.pdf petition template to create their petition
(b) After approval of the
petition format as to form, proponents must print all petition sections in
accordance with the Secretary of State's petition-printing
(c) Any signature
affixed to a petition section that does not conform to the requirements of this
Rule 15.1.1 is not valid.
Petition proponents for initiative petitions must provide a Word version of the
final text of the measure to the Secretary of State.
15.1.2 Petition submission
(a) The Department of State or DEO will not
accept or count additional signatures after the initial submission of the
petition, even if additional signatures are offered before the
(b) The Department of
State or DEO will inspect each petition section for evidence of disassembly. If
it appears that the section was disassembled, the Secretary or DEO will reject
all signatures in the section.
The Department of State or DEO will not consider a signer line as a reviewable
line, if the line is incomplete or partially crossed out and the information
missing or crossed out is the name, signature, or address of the
(d) The Department of State
or DEO will not review lines that are blank or completely
(e) If the number of
lines submitted is less than the number of signatures required to access the
ballot, the Department of State or DEO will issue a statement of insufficiency
and will not review signer lines or apply duplicates to future candidate
petition submissions for the same office or recall petitions of the same
(f) The Department of
State or DEO will review and process candidate petitions for the same office in
the order in which they are received.
15.1.3 Circulator affidavit
(a) If a petition section does not have a
completed circulator affidavit, the Secretary of State or DEO will reject the
entire section.
(b) If a petition
section does not have a completed notary clause, or if the date of the notary
clause differs from the date the circulator signed the affidavit, the Secretary
of State or DEO will reject the entire section.
(c) If a state candidate, recall proponent,
or initiative proponent is curing a circulator affidavit under section
C.R.S., the candidate or proponent must use a form approved by the Secretary of
15.1.4 Verifying
individual entries
(a) Staff will check each
individual entry against the information contained in SCORE.
(b) Staff will create and maintain a master
record of each accepted and rejected entry, along with the reason code for each
rejected entry.
(c) If an entry
does not match the signer's current information in SCORE, staff must check the
signer's information in SCORE as of the date the signer signed the
(d) Secretary of State or
DEO staff will reject the entry if:
(1) The
name on the entry is not in SCORE;
(2) The middle initial or middle name on the
entry does not match the middle initial or middle name in SCORE;
(3) The address on the entry does not match
the residential address in SCORE;
(4) The entry address contains information,
such as a number, apartment number, or street direction that contradicts the
SCORE address;
(5) The signer
completed the entry before the designated election official approved the
petition format;
(6) The signer was
not an eligible elector at the time he or she completed the entry;
(7) The signer completed the entry after the
date on the circulator affidavit;
(8) Evidence exists that some other person
assisted the signer in completing the entry but no statement of assistance
accompanies the entry;
(9) The name
and signature on the entry is illegible and cannot be verified in
(10) The entry is a
duplicate of a previously accepted entry on the same petition; or
(11) For a candidate petition where an
elector may sign only one petition for the same office, the entry is a
duplicate of a previously accepted entry on a petition that was declared
sufficient or insufficient after lines were reviewed for the same
(12) The signer's
information appears outside of a numbered signature block on a petition
(13) For a candidate
petition, the address on the entry does not match the current residential or
mailing address for the elector in SCORE.
(e) The Department of State or DEO staff will
not use any of the following discrepancies as the sole reason to reject an
(1) The name on an entry matches or is
substantially similar to the information in SCORE, or if the signature on an
entry is a common variant of the name;
(2) A middle initial or middle name is
present on the entry but not in SCORE, or present in SCORE but not on the
(3) A namesuffix is present
on the entry but not in SCORE, or present in SCORE but not on the entry and
only one person with that name is registered to vote at that address;
(4) For a candidate petition, a
name suffix is present on the entry but not in SCORE, or present in SCORE but
not on the entry, more than one person with that name is registered to vote at
the same address, but the signature matches for one person registered to vote
at that address;
(5) The printed
name is missing or illegible but the signature can be read;
(6) The address on the entry is missing an
apartment letter or number or a street direction, or the address entry contains
an apartment letter or number or a street direction that is missing in the
voter registration record;
(7) The
city or county name is missing, abbreviated, or wrong;
(8) For candidate and recall petitions, the
address provided did not match the current residence address information in
SCORE, but did match the current mailing address information in
(9) On a signer line, the
date is missing but a line above and below has an acceptable date;
(10) For Secretary of State staff reviewed
petitions only, the year of the date is missing or wrong; or
(11) Information required for the signer is
present on a petition line but is written in the wrong field.