Code of Colorado Regulations
1200 - Department of Agriculture
1208 - State Fair Authority
Article 9 - Statements of Basis, Specific Statutory Authority and Purpose
Section 8 CCR 1208-1-9.6 - Adopted July 24, 2024 - Effective December 31, 2024
Specific Statutory Authority
The specific statutory authority for this rulemaking is at section 35-65-401(9)(j), C.R.S., which provides authority to the Colorado State Fair Authority Board of Commissioners to "adopt rules."
Purpose of the Rulemaking.
The Colorado State Fair Authority Board of Commissioners (the "Board") proposed these rule amendments as part of its regulatory review process and to amend the rules in the following ways.
In Article 1, Definitions, the Board modified the definition of "livestock" to include a statutory citation that is in many of the Department of Agriculture's other definitions of the term.
In Article 3, Exhibitors, the Board added terms to clarify that Article 3 applies to commercial exhibitors and to concessionaires. With the change to the title of the article, the Board made additional, harmonizing changes to the text of Article 3's provisions. Further, in Article 3, the Board removed the requirement that exhibitors may not remove their exhibits without a release from the department of the exhibit to accommodate that each department has a different process for how and when exhibitors may remove their exhibits.
In Article 5, the Board updated statutory citations related to peace officers and modified that those persons entering the Authority's grounds are subject to search by weapon-sensing, not metal-sensing, devices, as these devices are designed to identify potential weapons, not all metal on a person entering.
The Board further updated a statutory citation in Rule 6.3(a) and applied formatting and numbering changes to Article 7.