Code of Colorado Regulations
1000 - Department of Public Health and Environment
1002 - Water Quality Control Commission (1002 Series)
Section 5 CCR 1002-93.3 - Waterbodies that are Impaired or Identified for Monitoring and Evaluation
Only those segments where a Clean Water Section 303(d) Impairment has been determined require TMDLs. For these segments, TMDLs are only required for those parameters that are identified as impairments.
The table below includes several key data elements that warrant description. They are: Waterbody ID and Listed Portion/Assessment Unit ID (AUID), Affected Use, Category/List, and Priority.
* Waterbody ID and Listed Portion/Assessment Unit ID (AUID): For each impairment listed in the table, both a Waterbody ID (WBID) and an Assessment Unit ID (AUID) description are provided. The WBID ID describes the entire segment and is derived from basin regulations 32-38. The AUID, which includes an underscore and letter, describes the spatial extent of the impairment listings within the waterbody ID. The AUID is referred to as the "Listed Portion." In situations when the listed portion description matches the segment description, the entire segment is listed.
* Affected Use: The Affected Use refers to a designated use that is applied to the water body segment.
* Category/List: These categories describe waterbody attainment status. These entries are aligned with Environmental Protection Agency reporting categories.
1a. |
Attaining |
Meets designated uses |
1b. |
Attaining with TMDL |
Meets designated uses and a TMDL exists |
3b. |
M&E list |
Insufficient data to make a determination |
4a. |
Impaired with an approved TMDL |
4b. |
4b Plan |
Impaired with an approved 4b plan |
4c. |
4c |
Impaired due to pollution |
5. |
303(d) list |
Impaired without a TMDL completed |
* Priority: This is the Total Maximum Daily Load development priority. Priority options within Regulation #93 include:
o H= High Priority
o M= Medium Priority
o L= Low Priority
1a. Mainstem of Fountain Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with Monument Creek, except for specific listings in segment 1b. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fountain Creek from source to a point immediately upstream of the confluence with Camp Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fountain Creek from a point immediately upstream of the confluence with Camp Creek to the confluence with Monument Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1b. Severy Creek and all tributaries from the source to a point just upstream of where US Forest Service Road 330 crosses the stream. |
Listed portion: |
Severy Creek and all tributaries from the source to a point just upstream of where US Forest Service Road 330 crosses the stream. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2a. Mainstem of Fountain Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with Monument Creek to a point immediately above the State Highway 47 Bridge. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fountain Creek fro Creek to a point immediately ab m a point immediately above ove the confluence with San the confluence with Monument d Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cyanide (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fountain Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Sand Creek to a point immediately above the conflunce with Young Hollow. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fountain Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Young Hollow to a point immediately above the State Highway 47 Bridge. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2b. Mainstem of Fountain Creek from a point immediately above the State Highway 47 Bridge to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fountain Creek from a point immediately above the State Highway 47 Bridge to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Chromium VI (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3a. All tributaries to Fountain Creek which are within the boundaries of National Forest or Air Force Academy lands, including all wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Monument Creek to the confluence with the Arkansas River, except for the mainstem of Monument Creek in the Air Force Academy lands and specific listings in segment 3b. Cheyenne Creek, including tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with Fountain Creek. Bear Creek below Gold Camp Road to the confluence with Fountain Creek. Little Fountain Creek from the source to Highway 115. Rock Creek from the source to Highway 115. North Monument Creek from the source to the confluence with Monument Creek. Beaver Creek from the source to the confluence with Monument Creek. |
Listed portion: |
West Monument Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries and wetlands to Cheyenne Creek not within National Forest boundaries. Bear Creek below Gold Camp Road to the confluence with Fountain Creek. Rock Creek from the National Forest boundary to Highway 115. North Monument and Beaver creeks from the source to the confluence with Monument Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Cheyenne Creek from the confluence with North and South Cheyenne Creeks to its confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List 5. - 303(d) List |
H H |
4a. Mainstems of Jackson Creek, Monument Branch, Elkhorn Springs, Pine Creek, South Pine Creek, South Rockrimmon Creek, Templeton Gap North, Templeton Gap Floodway, Douglas Creek and South Douglas Creek, from the sources to confluences with Monument Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, which are not within the boundaries of the National Forest or Air Force Academy lands. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Jackson Creek, Monument Branch, Elkhorn Springs, Pine Creek, South Pine Creek, South Rockrimmon Creek, Templeton Gap North, Templeton Gap Floodway, Douglas Creek, and South Douglas Creek, from the sources to the confluences with Monument Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, which are not within the boundaries of the National Forest Academy lands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4b. All tributaries to Monument Creek from the sources to the confluences with Monument Creek which are not within the boundaries of National Forest or Air Force Academy lands, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with North Monument Creek to the confluence with Fountain Creek, except for specific listings in segments 3a, 4a and 4c. This includes Dirty Woman Creek, Smith Creek, Black Squirrel Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Dry Creek and an unnamed tributary with the confluence at Monument Creek located near (38.948613, -104.829623). |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to Monument Creek from the sources to the confluences with Monument Creek which are not within the boundaries of National Forest or Air Force Academy lands, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with North Monument Creek to the confluence with Fountain Creek, except for specific listings in segments 3a, 4a, and 4c. This includes Dirty Woman Creek, Smith Creek, Black Squirrel Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Dry Creek, and an unnamed tributary with the confluence at Monument Creek located near (38.948613, -104.829623). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4c. Mainstems of Kettle Creek, North Rockrimmon Creek and Mesa Creek, including tributaries and wetlands, from the sources to confluences with Monument Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstems of Kettle Creek, North Rockrimmon Creek and Mesa Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the sources to the confluences with Monument Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4d. All tributaries with confluences with Fountain Creek from South Academy Blvd (CO83) to and including the unnamed tributary immediately south of Old Pueblo Road (38.585843, -104.669591), including tributaries and wetlands, except for Little Fountain Creek and its tributaries and wetlands, and specific listings in segments 3a, 5a and 5b. All tributaries with confluences with Fountain Creek from a point immediately above University Blvd (CO47) (38.312846, -104.590524), to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries with confluences with Fountain Creek from South Academy Blvd (CO83) including the unnamed tributary immediately south of Old Pueblo Road (38.585843, -104.669591), including tributaries and wetlands, except for Little Fountain Creek and its tributaries and wetlands, and specific listings in segments 3a, 5a, and 5b. All tributaries with confluences with Fountain Creek from a point immediately above University Blvd (CO47) (38.312846, -104.590524) to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4e. All tributaries to Fountain Creek, including tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Monument Creek to University Blvd (CO47) near Pueblo except for specific listings in 3a, 4d, 5a and 5b. |
Listed portion: |
Sand Creek (near Wigwam), including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
COARFO04e_C Sand Creek (near Colorado Springs), including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Little Fountain Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from immediately below Deadman Canyon to the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Spring Creek from its source to the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to Fountain Creek, including tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Monument Creek to University Blvd (CO47) except for Little Fountain Creek, Sand Creek(s) (near Wigwam and Colorado Springs), Spring Creek, and specific listings in segments 3a, 4d, 5a and 5b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5a. Jimmy Camp Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to Old Pueblo Road (38.673200, -104.696739). Williams Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Jimmy Camp Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the irrigation diversion east of Old Pueblo Road (38.694, -104.683). Williams Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Fountain Creek |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Jimmy Camp Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from the irrigation diversion east of Old Pueblo Road (38.694, -104.683) to Old Pueblo Road (38.6732, -104.696739). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
5b. Jimmy Camp Creek from Old Pueblo Road (38.673200, -104.696739) to the confluence with Fountain Creek, including the marshland located on the 60-acre parcel at 13030 Old Pueblo Road. Unnamed tributary from the boundary of Fort Carson (38.694465, -104.738735) to the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Jimmy Camp Creek from Old Pueblo Road (38.6732, -104.696739) to the confluence with Fountain Creek, including the marshland located on the 60-acre parcel at 13030 Old Pueblo Road. Unnamed tributary from the boundary of Fort Carson (38.694465, -104.738735). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6. Mainstem of Monument Creek, from the boundary of National Forest lands to the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Monument Creek, from the boundary of National Forest lands to the confluence with Jackson Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Monument Creek, from the confluence with Jackson Creek to the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cyanide (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
7b. Prospect Lake, Quail Lake, and Monument Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Prospect Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
1a. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with Fountain Creek to immediately above the Colorado Canal headgate near Avondale. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with Fountain Creek to immediately above the Colorado Canal headgate near Avondale. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1b. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from the Colorado Canal headgate to the inlet to John Martin Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from the Colorado Canal headgate to the inlet to John Martin Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Chromium VI (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1c. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from the outlet of John Martin Reservoir to the Colorado/Kansas border. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from the outlet of John Martin Reservoir to the Colorado/Kansas border. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2a. All tributaries to the Arkansas River, including wetlands, from the Colorado Canal headgate to the Colorado/Kansas border except for specific listings in segments 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, through 9b, and Middle Arkansas Basin listings. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Arkansas River, including wetlands, from the Colorado Canal headgate to the Colorado/Kansas border except for specific listings in segments 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a through 9b, and Middle Arkansas Basin listings. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
3a. Mainstem of the Apishapa River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to I-25, except for specific listings in Middle Arkansas segment 1 and Lower Arkansas segments 3b and 3c. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Apishapa River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to I-25, except for specific listings in Middle Arkansas segment 1 and Lower Arkansas segments 3b and 3c. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4a. Mainstem of the Apishapa River from I-25 to the confluence with the Arkansas River. Mainstem of Timpas Creek from the source to the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
COARLA04a_A Mainstem of Timpas Creek from the source to the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Apishapa River from I-25 to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
5a. Mainstem of the North Fork of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Guajatoyah Creek; mainstem of the Middle Fork of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Bar Ni Ranch Road at Stonewall Gap; Mainstem of the South Fork of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Tercio. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Guajatoyah Creek; mainstem of the Middle Fork of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Bar Ni Ranch Road at Stonewall Gap; Mainstem of the South Fork of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Tercio. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5b. Mainstem of the North Fork of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Guajatoyah Creek to the confluence with the Purgatoire River. Mainstem of the Middle Fork of the Purgatoire River from the Bar Ni Ranch Road at Stonewall Gap to the confluence with the North Fork of the Purgatoire River. Mainstem of the South Fork of the Purgatoire River from Tercio to the confluence with the Purgatoire River. Mainstem of the Purgatoire River to Trinidad Lake. Mainstem of Long Canyon Creek from the source to Trinidad Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
NF of the Purgatoire River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from Guajatoyah Ck to Purgatoire River. Middle Fork of the Purgatoire River from the Bar Ni Ranch Road at Stonewall Gap to NF of the Purgatoire River. SF of the Purgatoire River from Tercio to the confluence with the Purgatoire River. Mainstem of the Purgatoire River to Trinidad Lake. Mainstem of Long Canyon Creek from the source to Trinidad Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Long Canyon Creek from source to Trinidad Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
6a.All tributaries to the Purgatoire River, including all wetlands, from the source to Interstate 25, except for specific listings in segments 4b, 5a, 5b, 5c and 6b. |
Listed portion: |
Sarcillo Canyon and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Reilly Canyon and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Bingham Canyon |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
7. Mainstem of the Purgatoire River from Interstate 25 to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Purgatoire River from Interstate 25 to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9a. Mainstems of Adobe, Buffalo, Cheyenne, Clay, Gageby, Horse, Two Butte, Wildhorse and Wolf Creeks from their sources to their confluences with the Arkansas River. Mainstems of Chacuacho Creek, San Francisco Creek, Trinchera Creek and Van Bremer Arroyo from their sources to their confluences with the Purgatoire River. Mainstem of Willow Creek from Highway 287 to the confluence with the Arkansas River. Mainstem of Big Sandy Creek from the source to the El Paso/Elbert county line. Mainstem of South Rush Creek from the source to the confluence with Rush Creek. Mainstem of Middle Rush Creek from the source to the confluence with North Rush Creek. North Rush Creek from the source to the confluence with South Rush Creek. Mainstem of Rush Creek to the Lincoln County Line. Mainstem of Antelope Creek from the source to the confluence with Rush Creek; the West May Valley drain from the Fort Lyon Canal to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Horse Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Adobe Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem (MS) of Buffalo, Cheyenne, Clay, Gageby, Two Butte, Wildhorse and Wolf Cks from sources to the Ark. R. MS of Chacuacho, San Francisco, Trinchera and Van Bremer Cks from sources to the Purgatoire R. MS of Willow Ck from HWY 287 to the confl with the Ark R. MS of Big Sandy Creek from source to the El Paso/Elbert cty line. MS of South Rush Ck from source to the confl with Rush Ck. MS of M Rush Ck from source to the confl with N Rush Ck N Rush Ck from source to the confl with S Rush Ck. MS of Rush Ck to the Lincoln cty Line. MS of Antelope Ck from source to the conf with Rush Ck; the W May Valley drain from Ft Lyon Canal to the confl with the Ark R.except Horse ck and Wiley Ditch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Wiley Drainage Ditch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Wild Horse Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
9b. Mainstem of Apache Creek from the source to the confluence with the North Rush Creek. Mainstem of Breckenridge Creek from the source to the confluence with Horse Creek. Mainstem of Little Horse Creek from the source to the confluence with Horse Creek. Mainstem of Bob Creek from the source to Meredith Reservoir. Mainstem of Big Sandy Creek within Prowers County. Mainstem of Rule Creek from the Bent/Las Animas county line to John Martin Reservoir. Mainstem of Muddy Creek from the south boundary of the Setchfield State Wildlife Area to the confluence with Rule Creek. Mainstem of Caddoa Creek from CC Road to the confluence with the Arkansas River. Mainstem of Cat Creek from the source to the confluence with Clay Creek. Mainstem of Mustang Creek from the source to the confluence with Apishapa River. Mainstem of Chicosa Creek from the source to the Arkansas River. Mainstem of Smith Canyon from the Otero/Las Animas county line to the confluence with the Purgatoire River. Mainstem of Mud Creek from V Road to the confluence with the Arkansas River. Mainstems of Frijole Creek and Luning Arroyo from their sources to their confluences with the Purgatoire River. Mainstem of Blackwell Arroyo from its source to the confluence with Luning Arroyo. Mainstem of San Isidro Creek from the source to the confluence with San Francisco Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem (MS) of Apache Ck. MS of Breckenridge Ck. MS of Little Horse Ck. MS of Bob Ck. MS of Rule Ck from Bent/Las Animas County line. MS of Muddy Ck from south boundary of Setchfield SWA. MS of Caddoa Ck from CC Rd. MS of Cat Ck. MS of Mustang Ck from the source to the confl. with Apishapa R. MS of Chicosa Ck from source to the Ark. R. MS of Smith Canyon from Otero/Las Animas county line to the confl. with Purgatoire R. MS of Mud Ck from V Rd to the confl. with the Arkansas R. MS of Frijole Ck and Luning Arroyo from sources to confl. with Purgatoire R. MS of Blackwell Arroyo from source to the confl. with Luning Arroyo. MS of San Isidro Ck from source to the confl. with San Francisco Ck. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Big Sandy Creek within Prowers County. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
10. Two Buttes Reservoir, Two Buttes Pond, Hasty Lake, Holbrook Reservoir, Burchfield Lake, Nee-Skah (Queens) Reservoir, Adobe Creek Reservoir, Neeso Pah Reservoir, Nee Noshe Reservoir; Nee Gronda Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Adobe Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Nee Gronda Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
11. John Martin Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
John Martin Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
12. Lake Henry, Lake Meredith. |
Listed portion: |
Lake Meredith. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Lake Henry. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
15. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the mainstem of the North Fork of the Purgatoire River from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Guajatoyah Creek. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Middle Fork of the Purgatoire River from the source to the USGS gage at Stonewall. Mainstem of the South Fork of the Purgatoire River, from the source to Tercio. Monument Lake, North Lake, Trinidad Lake, Long Canyon Reservoir and Lake Dorothey. |
Listed portion: |
Trinidad Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen (Temperature) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from the outlet of Pueblo Reservoir to a point immediately above the confluence with Wildhorse/Dry Creek Arroyo. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from Blue Ribbon Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Wildhorse/Dry Creek Arroyo. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from Pueblo Reservoir to Blue Ribbon Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with Wildhorse/Dry Creek Arroyo to a point immediately above the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with Wildhorse/Dry Creek Arroyo to a point immediately above the confluence with Fountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4a. Mainstem of Wildhorse Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Wildhorse Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
4b. Mainstem of Rock Creek, Salt Creek and Peck Creek from their sources to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Salt Creek |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4c. Mainstem of Chico Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River, except for specific listings in segment 4f. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Chico Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River, except for specific listings in segment 4f. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4g. Mainstem of Pesthouse Gulch, from the source to the confluence with Wildhorse Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Pesthouse Gulch, from the source to the confluence with Wildhorse Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6b. Mainstem of the Saint Charles River from the confluence with Edson Arroyo to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Saint Charles River from the confluence with Edson Arroyo to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Chromium VI (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
7b. Mainstem of Greenhorn Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands,from the San Isabel National Forest boundary to a point immediately below the Greenhorn Highline (Hayden Supply Ditch) diversion dam. Mainstem of Graneros Creek below the San Isabel National Forest boundary. Muddy Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the San Isabel National Forest boundary to 232/Bondurant Road. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Greenhorn Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the San Isabel National Forest boundary to a point immediately below the Greenhorn Highline (Hayden Supply Ditch) diversion dam. Mainstem of Graneros Creek below the San Isabel National Forest boundary. Muddy Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the San Isabel National Forest boundary to 232/Bondurant Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
9. Mainstem of Greenhorn Creek, from a point immediately below the Greenhorn Highline (Hayden Supply Ditch) diversion dam, to the confluence with the Saint Charles River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Greenhorn Creek, from a point immediately below the Greenhorn Highline (Hayden Supply Ditch) diversion dam, to the confluence with the Saint Charles River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
10. Mainstem of Sixmile Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Sixmile Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
11b. Mainstem of the Huerfano River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from 570 Road near Malachite to Highway 69 at Badito, except for the specific listings in segment 1, 11a and 17. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Huerfano River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from 570 Road near Malachite to Highway 69 at Badito, except for the specific listings in segment 1, 11a and 17. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
12. Mainstem of Huerfano River from Highway 69 at Badito to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Huerfano River from Highway 69 at Badito to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Chromium VI (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
13a. All tributaries, including wetlands, to the Cucharas River within the San Isabel National Forest boundaries, except for the specific listings in segment 1. Mainstem of the Cucharas River, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with Middle Creek, except for the specific listings in segment 1. Wahatoya Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Cucharas River, except for the specific listings in segment 1. All tributaries to Middle Creek, including wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence of North and South Middle Creeks. |
Listed portion: |
Wahatoya Creek within the national forest boundary. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Wahatoya Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the national forest boundary to the confluence with the Cucharas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
13c. All tributaries and wetlands to the Cucharas and Huerfano Rivers not on forest service lands, except for specific listings in 13a and 13b. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to the Cucharas and Huerfano Rivers not on forest service lands, except for specific listings in 13a and 13b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
14. Mainstem of the Cucharas River from the point of diversion for the Walsenburg public water supply to the outlet of Cucharas Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cucharas River from the point of diversion for the Walsenburg public water supply to the outlet of Cucharas Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
18a. Mainstem of Boggs Creek from the source to Pueblo Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boggs Creek from the source to Pueblo Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
20. Pueblo Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Pueblo Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
26. Horseshoe Lake, Martin Lake (Ohem Lake) and Walsenburg Lower Town Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Horseshoe Lake (Lake Meriam). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Martin Lake (Ohem Lake) |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1a. All streams and wetlands within Mount Massive and Collegiate Peaks Wilderness areas. |
Listed portion: |
(McNasser Gulch, South Fork of Lake Creek, and Sayres Gulch) within Mount Massive and Collegiate Peaks Wilderness areas. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
(Graham Gulch, Mountain Boy Gulch, and North Fork of Lake Creek) within Mount Massive and Collegiate Peaks Wilderness areas. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
1b. Mainstem of the East Fork of the Arkansas River from its source to a point immediately above the confluence with Birdseye Gulch. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the East Fork of the Arkansas River from its source to a point immediately above the confluence with Birdseye Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
2a. Mainstem of the East Fork of the Arkansas River and the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with Birdseye Gulch to a point immediately above the confluence with the California Gulch. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the East Fork of the Arkansas River and the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with Birdseye Gulch to a point immediately above the confluence with the California Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2b. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above California Gulch to a point immediately above the confluence with Lake Fork. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above California Gulch to a point immediately above the confluence with Lake Fork. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
2c. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with the Lake Fork to a point immediately above the confluence with Lake Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above the confluence with Lake Fork to a point immediately above the confluence with Lake Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4a. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from the Chaffee/Fremont County Line to a point immediately above Highway 115 bridge (38.390243, -105.068648), due east of Florence. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from the Chaffee/ Fremont County Line to Texas Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from Texas Creek to a point immediately above Hwy 115 bridge, (38.390243, -105.068648) due east of Florence. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4b. Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above Highway 115 bridge (38.390243, -105.068648), due east of Florence, to the inlet of Pueblo Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Arkansas River from a point immediately above Highway 115 bridge, (38.390243, -105.068648) due east of Florence, to the inlet of Pueblo Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
5a. All tributaries to the Arkansas River, including wetlands, from the source to immediately below the confluence with Brown?s Creek, except for specific listings in segments 5b through 12b. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Arkansas River, including wetlands, from the source to immediately below the confluence with Brown's Creek, except for the Lake Fork below Sugarloaf Dam, Colorado Gulch and its tributaries, Halfmoon Creek, and specific listings in segments 5b through 12b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Colorado Gulch and its tributaries |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Halfmoon Creek |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Lake Fork below Sugarloaf Dam to County Road 5. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Lake Fork from County Road 5 to the confluence of the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5b. Mainstem of Trout Creek from its source to Trout Creek Reservoir, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Trout Creek from its source to Trout Creek Reservoir, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7. Mainstem of Evans Gulch from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Evans Gulch from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
8b. Mainstem of Iowa Gulch from a point immediately below the historic upper ASARCO water supply intake at 39.224327, -106.223432 to a point immediately below the headgate of the Paddock #1 Ditch (Iowa Ditch) at 39.215532, -106.286037. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Iowa Gulch from a point immediately below the ASARCO water supply intake to a point immediately below the headgate of the Paddock #1 Ditch (Iowa Ditch). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
10. Mainstem of Lake Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River, except for the specific listing in segment 11. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Lake Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River, except for the specific listing in segment 11. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
11. Mainstem of South Fork of Lake Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Lake Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Fork of Lake Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Lake Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
12a. Mainstem of Chalk Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Chalk Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
14c. Mainstems of North and South Hardscrabble Creeks, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences. |
Listed portion: |
North Hardscrabble Creek and tributaries, from the source to the confluence. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
14f. Turkey Creek including all tributaries and wetlands from its source to immediately below the confluence with Little Turkey Creek at 38.594727, -104.851458. |
Listed portion: |
Turkey Creek above the unnamed tributary that drains Mount Pittsburg (38.615, -104.903) |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
15a. Mainstem of Badger Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas, including all tributaries and wetlands. Mainstem of Texas Creek from the forest service boundary to the confluence with the Arkansas River, including all tributaries and wetlands which are not on forest service land. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Badger from the source to the confluence with the Arkansas, including all tributaries ans wetlands, Mainstem of Texas Creek from the forest service boundry to the confluence with the Arkansas River, including all tributaries and wetlands which are not on the forest service land. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
15b. Mainstem of Grape Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the outlet of De Weese Reservoir, except for specific listings in segment 25. Mainstems of Hayden, Hamilton, Stout, and Big Cottonwood Creeks, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences with the Arkansas River. Tributaries and wetlands to Texas Creek which are on Forest Service Land. Mainstem of Newlin Creek from the National Forest boundary to County Road 92 (38.300765, -105.140927). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Grape Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Antelope Creek, except for specific listings in segment 25. Mainstems of Hayden, Hamilton, Stout, and Big Cottonwood Creeks, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences with the Arkansas River. Tributaries and wetlands to Texas Creek which are on Forest Service Land. Mainstem of Newlin Creek from the National Forest boundary to County Road 92 (38.300765, -105.140927). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Grape Creek and its tributaries from Antelope Creek to Deweese Reservoir |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
20b. Mainstem of Fourmile Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the confluence with Long Gulch to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fourmile Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the confluence with Long Gulch to the confluence with the Arkansas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
21a. Mainstem of Cripple Creek from the source to a point 1.5 miles upstream of the confluence with Fourmile Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cripple Creek from Squaw Creek to a point 1.5 miles upstream of the confluence with Fourmile Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
30. Turquoise Reservoir, Clear Creek Reservoir, Twin Lakes and Mt. Elbert Forebay. |
Listed portion: |
Twin Lake West. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
35. DeWeese Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
DeWeese Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
38. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the mainstem of East and West Beaver Creeks from the source to the confluence with Beaver Creek. This segment includes Skagway and Bison Reservoirs. |
Listed portion: |
Skagway Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
40. Brush Hollow Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Brush Hollow Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
41. Teller Reservoir |
Listed portion: |
Teller Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2. Mainstem of the Dolores River from the Highway 141 road crossing near Slick Rock to the Colorado/Utah border. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dolores River from Big Gypsum Creek to East Paradox Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dolores River from East Paradox Creek to the San Miguel River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Chloride |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Dolores River Above Big Gypsum Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3a. All tributaries to the Dolores River, including all wetlands, from the bridge at Bradfield Ranch (Forest Route 505, near Montezuma/Dolores County Line) to the Colorado/Utah border, except for specific listings in Segments 3b, 3c, 4, 5, and 6. |
Listed portion: |
Disappointment Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Nitrate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4. Mainstem of West Paradox Creek from the Manti-La Sal National Forest boundary to the confluence with the Dolores River. Mainstem and all tributaries to Blue Creek from the Uncompahgre National Forest boundary to the confluence with the Dolores River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of West Paradox Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
5. Mainstem of West Creek from the source to the confluence with the Dolores River. Roc Creek including all tributaries and wetlands from the Manti-La Sal National Forest boundary to the confluence with the Dolores River. La Sal Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Utah/Colorado border to the confluence with the Dolores River. Mesa Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Uncompahgre National Forest boundary to the confluence with the Dolores River. |
Listed portion: |
Rock Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mesa Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of West Creek from the source to the confluence with the Dolores River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1. Mainstem of the Gunnison River from the outlet of Crystal Reservoir to Highway 65 (38.772574, -108.002634). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Gunnison River from North Fork to Highway 65. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
2. Mainstem of the Gunnison River from Highway 65 (38.772574, -108.002634) to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Gunnison River from a point immediately above the confluence with the Uncompahgre River to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Gunnison River from Highway 65 to a point immediately above the confluence with the Uncompahgre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4a. All tributaries to the Gunnison River, including all wetlands which are not within national forest boundaries, from the outlet of Crystal Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for specific listings in the North Fork of the Gunnison River sub-basin, the Uncompahgre River sub-basin, and in Segments 3, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8a, 8b, 10 and 12. |
Listed portion: |
Whitewater Creek from below Brandon Ditch to confluence with Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Wells Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Gunnison River, including all wetlands, which are not within national forest boundaries and to which a TMDL does apply, from the outlet of Crystal Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for Cummings Gulch, Whitewater Creek below Brandon Ditch, Wells Gulch, Peach Valley Creek, and specific listings in the North Fork of the Gunnison River sub-basin, the Uncompahgre River sub-basin, and Segments 3, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8a, 8b, 10 and 12. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Cummings Gulch, Peach Valley Creek, and Sunflower Drain including its tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Nitrate |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
4b. All tributaries to Reeder, Hollenbeck, and Juniata Reservoirs, and the mainstem of Kannah Creek below the point of diversion for public water supply (38.961321, -108.229830). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Kannah Creek below point of diversion for public water system (38.961321, -108.229830). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to Reeder, Hollenbeck and Juniata Reservoirs, excluding Kannah Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4c. Mainstem of Red Rock Creek from the boundary of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park to the confluence of the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Red Rock Creek from the boundary of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park to the confluence of the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Selenium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5a. Mainstem of North Fork Escalante Creek from the national forest boundary to the confluence with Escalante Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Fork Escalante Creek from the national forest boundary to the confluence with Escalante Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6a. Mainstem of Escalante Creek from the national forest boundary to the Delta/Montrose County line (38.668215, -108.328144); mainstem of Little Dominguez from the national forest boundary to Big Dominguez Creek; mainstem of Big Dominguez from the national forest boundary to the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Escalante Creek from the national forest boundary to the Delta County Line; mainstem of Little Dominguez from the national forest boundary to Big Dominguez Creek; mainstem of Big Dominguez from the national forest boundary to the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
06c. Mainstem of Escalante Creek from the Delta/Montrose County line (38.668215, -108.328144) to the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Escalante Creek from the Delta County line to the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
7a. Mainstem of Ward Creek, from the national forest boundary to the confluence with Dirty George Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Ward Creek, from the national forest boundary to the confluence with Dirty George Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
7b. Mainstem of Surface Creek from the point of diversion of water supply (38.965216, -107.876031) to the confluence with Tongue Creek; mainstem of Tongue Creek from its inception at the confluence of Ward Creek and Dirty George Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River; mainstem of Youngs Creek from the national forest boundary to the confluence with Kiser Creek; mainstem of Kiser Creek from the national forest boundary to the confluence with Ward Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Youngs Creek from the USFS boundary to Kiser Creek; Kiser Creek from the USFS boundary to the confluence with Ward Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Tongue Creek from its inception at the confluence of Ward Creek and Dirty George Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Surface Creek from the point of diversion of water supply to the confluence with Tongue Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9. Fruitgrowers Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Fruitgrowers Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
11b. All tributaries to the Smith Fork, including all wetlands, which are within the West Elk Wilderness Area. |
Listed portion: |
Lunch Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
12. All tributaries to the Smith Fork, including all wetlands, which are not within national forest boundaries, except for the specific listing in Segment 11a. |
Listed portion: |
Muddy Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
15. Island Lake, Eggleston Lake, and Trickle Park Reservoir (aka Park Reservoir). |
Listed portion: |
Eggleston Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
16. All lakes and reservoirs that are tributary to the Gunnison River, from the outlet of Crystal Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River, and not within national forest boundaries, excluding the listings in the North Fork of the Gunnison sub-basin, the Uncompahgre River sub-basin, and Segments 9, 13, and 19. This segment includes Poison Springs Reservoir, Dry Fork Reservoir, Delta Reservoir, Winkler Reservoir, Desert Reservoir, Alkali Reservoir, Cheney Reservoir, Juniata Reservoir, Hallenbeck Reservoir, Reeder Reservoir, Enochs Lake, Gobbo Reservoir, Schrader Reservoir, and King Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Jatz Bottomlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Maggio Ponds. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Peters Ponds 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2. Mainstem of North Fork of the Gunnison River from its inception at the confluence of Muddy Creek and Anthracite Creek to the Black Bridge (41.75 Drive) above Paonia. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Fork of the Gunnison River from its inception at the confluence of Muddy Creek and Anthracite Creek to the Black Bridge (41.75 Drive) above Paonia. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
3. Mainstem of North Fork of the Gunnison River from the Black Bridge (41.75 Drive) above Paonia to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Fork of the Gunnison River from the Black Bridge (41.75 Drive) above Paonia to the confluence with the unnamed tributary east of Lazear Colorado. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Fork of the Gunnison River from the unnamed tributary east of Lazear Colorado to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4a. Tributaries and wetlands to Muddy Creek within national forest boundaries. Anthracite Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Muddy Creek. All tributaries to the North Fork of the Gunnison from its inception at the confluence of Muddy Creek and Anthracite Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River within national forest boundaries. This segment excludes the specific listings in Segments 1 and 4c. |
Listed portion: |
Ruby Anthracite Creek and its tributaries in the National forest except for the tributaries to Lake Irwin. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Anthracite Creek and its tributaries and all tributaries to the North Fork of the Gunnison within the national forest boundaries. Except for specific listings in Segments 1 and 4c. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4b. Muddy Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the national forest boundary to the confluence with Anthracite Creek, except for the specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
East Muddy Creek from Forest Boundary to Confluence with Muddy Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Muddy Creek to Paonia Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Muddy Creek from Paonia Reservoir to Anthracite Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4c. All tributaries to Lake Irwin from their sources to the inlet of Lake Irwin. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to Lake Irwin. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5a. Mainstems of Hubbard Creek, Terror Creek, and Minnesota Creek, from the national forest boundary to their confluences with the North Fork of the Gunnison River; mainstem of Jay Creek from its source to its confluence with the North Fork of the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Jay Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
5b. Mainstem of Roatcap Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the North Fork of the Gunnison. Leroux Creek from the national forest boundary to its confluence with the North Fork of the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Leroux Creek from the forest to the confluence with North Fork of the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
6a. All tributaries, including wetlands, to the North Fork of the Gunnison River from its inception at the confluence of Muddy Creek and Anthracite Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River, and not within national forest boundaries, except for the specific listings in Segments 5a, 5b, 6b, and 6c. |
Listed portion: |
Unnamed tributary to North Fork Gunnison River near Hotchkiss. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Coal Gulch, Hawksnest Creek, and Gribble Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6b. Mainstem and all tributaries to Bear Creek and Stevens Gulch. All tributaries, including wetlands, to the North Fork of the Gunnison River that are north of the North Fork of the Gunnison River, from a point immediately above the confluence with Roatcap Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River, and are not within national forest boundaries; all tributaries, including wetlands, to the North Fork of the Gunnison River that are south of the North Fork of the Gunnison River, from a point immediately above the confluence with Minnesota Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River, and are not within national forest boundaries, excluding the specific listings in Segments 5a and 5b. |
Listed portion: |
Cottonwood Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Alum Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Big Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Short Draw. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Bell Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstems, tributaries, and wetlands of Bear, Reynolds, Bell, McDonald, Cow, Denver, German and Miller Creeks; and Love, Stevens, Big and Stingley Gulches that are not within national forest boundaries, from the source to the North Fork of the Gunnison River, excluding the specific listings in Segments 5a and 5b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
2. All tributaries and wetlands, to the San Miguel River from its source to a point immediately below the confluence of Leopard Creek, except for specific listings in Segments 1, 6a, 6b, 7 and 8. |
Listed portion: |
Bear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Cornet Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Howard Fork above Swamp Canyon. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Muddy Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries, including all wetlands, to the San Miguel River, from the source to Leopard Creek, excluding Bear Creek, Cornet Creek, Muddy Creek and Howard Fork above Swamp Canyon. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
3a. Mainstem of the San Miguel River from its inception at the confluence of Bridal Veil and Ingram Creeks to a point immediately above the confluence of Marshall Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the San Miguel River from its inception at the confluence of Bridal Veil and Ingram Creeks to a point immediately above the confluence of Marshall Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
3b. Mainstem of the San Miguel River from a point immediately above the confluence of Marshall Creek to a point immediately above the confluence of the South Fork San Miguel River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the San Miguel River from a point immediately above the confluence of Marshall Creek to a point immediately above the confluence of the South Fork San Miguel River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
4a. Mainstem of the San Miguel River from a point immediately above the confluence of the South Fork of the San Miguel River to a point immediately below the CC ditch. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the San Miguel River from Leopard Creek to below the CC ditch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the San Miguel River from South Fork San Miguel to confluence with Leopard Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6a. Mainstem of Ingram Creek including, all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Ingram Creek including, all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
6b. Mainstem of Marshall Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Marshall Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
7. Mainstem of Howard Fork and including tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence of Swamp Gulch to its confluence with the South Fork of the San Miguel River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Howard Fork, all tributaries and wetlands, from the Swamp Gulch to the South Fork of the San Miguel River, excluding the Chapman Creek and the Iron Bog Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Chapman Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Iron Bog Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
8. Mainstem of the South Fork of the San Miguel River from its inception at the confluence of the Howard and Lake Forks to its confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Fork of the San Miguel River from its inception at the confluence of the Howard and Lake Forks to its confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
10b. Mainstem of Naturita Creek and Tabeguache Creek from the point it exits the Uncompahgre National Forest at the most downstream boundary to the confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Naturita Creek from the national forest to the confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
12a. All tributaries and wetlands to Naturita Creek. All tributaries and wetlands to the San Miguel River from a point immediately below the confluence with Leopard Creek to a point immediately above Horsefly Creek. This segment excludes the listings in Segments 9, 11a, 11b, 12b, and 12c. |
Listed portion: |
Specie Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
McKenzie Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12b. All tributaries and wetlands to the San Miguel River from a point immediately above Horsefly Creek to the confluence with the Dolores River, excluding the listings in Segments 9, 11a, 12a, and 12c. Maverick Draw, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to the confluence with Naturita Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Maverick Draw. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Coal Canyon and its tributaries, except for the North and South tributaries in Second Park. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Tuttle Draw and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Dry Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Second Park Tributary South. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
12c. Mainstem of Calamity Draw from Lincoln Street in Nucla (38.264075, -108.555087) to the confluence with the San Miguel River. |
Listed portion: |
Calamity Draw below Lincoln Street. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
14. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the San Miguel River from its source to a point immediately below the confluence of Leopard Creek, except for the specific listings in Segments 13, 15, 16, 17 and 20. This segment includes Lake Hope, Cushman Lake, Alta Lakes, Blue Lake, Mud Lake, and Woods Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Applebaugh Pond. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
20. Trout Lake, Gurley Reservoir, Cone Reservoir, and Miramonte Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Miramonte Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen (Temperature) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1. All tributaries to the Gunnison River, including and wetlands, within the La Garita, Powderhorn, West Elk, Collegiate Peaks, Maroon Bells, Raggeds, Fossil Ridge, or Uncompahgre Wilderness Areas. |
Listed portion: |
Stewart Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to the Gunnison River within the La Garita, Powderhorn, West Elk, Collegiate Peaks, Maroon Bells, Raggeds, Fossil Ridge, or Uncompahgre Wilderness Areas, excluding Stewart Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. All tributaries and wetlands from Beaver Creek to Meyers Gulch, from the West Elk Wilderness boundary to their confluences with Blue Mesa Reservoir, Morrow Point Reservoir, or the Gunnison River, excluding Steuben Creek, Willow Creek, and Soap Creek and their tributaries. |
Listed portion: |
Red Creek and East Elk Creek and their tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4. Mainstem of the Taylor River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Gunnison River, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Taylor River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
5a. Mainstem of the East River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to a point immediately above the confluence with the Slate River, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the East River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its sources to a point immediately above the confluence with the Slate River, except for specific listings in Segments 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6c. Cement Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Horse Basin Creek to the confluence with the East River. |
Listed portion: |
Cement Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Horse Basin Creek to the confluence with the East River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
7. Mainstem of the Slate River from its source to a point immediately above the confluence with Coal Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Slate River from its source to Oh-Be-Joyful Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Slate River from Oh-Be-Joyful Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Coal Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
8. Mainstem of the Slate River from a point immediately above the confluence with Coal Creek to the confluence with the East River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Slate River from a point immediately above the confluence with Coal Creek to the confluence with the East River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
9. All tributaries and wetlands to the Slate River except for specific listings in Segments 1, 10a, 10b, 11, 12 and 13. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Coal Creek from source to Elk Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Washington Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to the Slate River, excluding Coal Creek (above Elk Creek) and Washington Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Drainage from natural iron fen (38.863897, -107.041530) tributary to Coal Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
10a. Mainstem of Oh-Be-Joyful Creek from the boundary of the Raggeds Wilderness Area to the confluence with the Slate River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Oh-Be-Joyful Creek from the boundary of the Raggeds Wilderness Area to the confluence with the Slate River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
10b. All tributaries, including wetlands, to Redwell Creek. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries, including wetlands, to Redwell Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
11. Mainstem of Coal Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with Elk Creek to a point immediately above the Keystone Mine discharge (38.867117, -107.023627). Elk Creek and its tributaries and wetlands from its source to its confluence with Coal Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Elk Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Coal Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with Elk Creek to a point immediately above the Keystone discharge (38.867117, -107.023627). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12. Mainstem of Coal Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from a point immediately above the Keystone Mine discharge (38.867117, -107.023627) to the confluence with the Slate River, with the exception of Wildcat Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Coal Creek, from a point immediately below the Keystone discharge (38.867117, -107.023627) to the confluence with the Slate River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Unnamed tributary draining Red Lady Basin to Coal Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
15a. All tributaries and wetlands to the Gunnison River from its inception at the confluence of the East and Taylor Rivers to the County Road 32 road crossing near the inlet of Blue Mesa Reservoir except for the specific listings in Segments 1, 15b, 16a, 16b, 17 through 24, and 26. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to the Gunnison River from the confluence of the East and Taylor Rivers to the inlet of Blue Mesa Reservoir, excluding South Beaver Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Beaver Creek from Saguache/Gunnison County Line to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
16a. Mainstem of Ohio Creek, from the source to a point immediately below 7 Road. All tributaries to Ohio Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Ohio Creek including its tributaries and wetlands, below Baldwin. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Ohio Creek including its tributaries and wetlands, above Baldwin. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
16b. Mainstem of Ohio Creek from a point immediately below 7 Road to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Ohio Creek from a point immediately below 7 Road to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
17a. West Antelope Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Antelope Creek. |
Listed portion: |
West Antelope Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Antelope Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
17b. Mainstem of Antelope Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Gunnison River, excluding the listings in Segment 17a. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Antelope Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Gunnison River, excluding the listings in Segment 17a. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
18a. Mainstem of Tomichi Creek and its wetlands from the source to the confluence with Porphyry Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Tomichi Creek and its wetlands from the source to the confluence with Porphyry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
18b. Mainstem of Tomichi Creek and its wetlands from the confluence with Porphyry Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Tomichi Creek and its wetlands from the confluence with Porphyry Creek to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
19. All tributaries to Tomichi Creek, including wetlands, which are within the boundaries of the Gunnison National Forest, except for specific listings in Segments 20 through 24. Mainstems of Barret, Razor, and Quartz Creeks from their sources to their confluences with Tomichi Creek. Hot Springs Creek from its source to the inlet of Hot Springs Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Razor Creek from source to confluence with Tomichi Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
21. Mainstem of Marshall Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Tomichi Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 20. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Marshall Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Tomichi Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 20. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
23. Mainstem of Cochetopa Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with West Pass Creek with the exception of Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to mainstem Cochetopa Creek, from the sources to a point immediately below the confluence with West Pass Creek, excluding mainstem Cochetopa Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cochetopa Creek from Nutras Creek to West Pass Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
24. Mainstem of Cochetopa Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with West Pass Creek to the confluence with Tomichi Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cochetopa Creek from West |
Pass Creek to Forest |
Road 3076/Co. Rd 43. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cochetopa Creek, from Forest Road 3076/Co. Rd 43 to the confluence with Tomichi Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
25. The segments of the Gunnison River which interconnect Blue Mesa Reservoir, Morrow Point Reservoir, and Crystal Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
The segments of the Gunnison River which interconnect Blue Mesa Reservoir, Morrow Point Reservoir, and Crystal Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
26. All tributaries, including wetlands, which are tributary to the Gunnison River from County Road 32 to the inlet of Blue Mesa Reservoir, Blue Mesa Reservoir, Morrow Point Reservoir, Crystal Reservoir, or the segments of the Gunnison River that interconnect those reservoirs, except for specific listings in Segments 1, 2, 29a, 29b, 30, 31, and 32. |
Listed portion: |
Blue Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Crystal Creek from source to confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Willow Creek terminating at Blue Mesa Reservoir near (38.43676, -107.288995) and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries, including wetlands which are tributary to the Gunnison River from County Road 32 to the inlet of Blue Mesa Reservoir, Blue Mesa Reservoir, Morrow Point Reservoir, Crystal Reservoir or the segments of the Gunnison River that interconnect those reservoirs, except for (specific listings in Segments 1, 2, 29a, 29b, 30, 31, and 32) and the portions of Blue, Willow and Crystal Creeks. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
29a. Mainstem of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with Eaton Creek. Cebolla Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Hinsdale/Gunnison County line. Powderhorn Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Cebolla Creek. This segment excludes the specific listings in Segments 1, 29b, 30, 31, and 32. |
Listed portion: |
Deadman Creek/Gulch and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Lake Fork of the Gunnison River between Cooper and Silver Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Lake Fork of the Gunnison above Cooper Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Lake Fork of the Gunnison between Silver Creek and Cottonwood Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
29b. Mainstem of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Eaton Creek, to Blue Mesa Reservoir. Cebolla Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Hinsdale/Gunnison County line, to Blue Mesa Reservoir, excluding the listings in Segment 29a. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Eaton Creek, to Blue Mesa Reservoir. Cebolla Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Hinsdale/Gunnison County line, to Blue Mesa Reservoir, excluding the listings in Segment 29a and Powderhorn Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
30. Mainstem of Henson Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Lake Fork of the Gunnison, except for the specific listings in Segments 31 and 32. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Henson Creek from the source to the confluence with the Lake Fork of the Gunnison. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands of Henson Creek, from the source to the confluence with the Lake Fork of the Gunnison, except for the specific listing in Segments 31 and 32. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
31. Mainstem of Palmetto Gulch Creek including all tributaries. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Palmetto Gulch Creek including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
32. North Fork of Henson Creek including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to the confluence with Henson Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
North Fork of Henson Creek including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to the confluence with Henson Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2. Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from the source (Poughkeepsie Gulch) to a point immediately above the confluence with Red Mountain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from the source (Poughkeepsie Gulch) to a point immediately above the confluence with Silver Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from a point immediately above the confluence with Silver Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Red Mountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3a. Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from a point immediately above the confluence with Red Mountain Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Cascade Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from a point immediately above the confluence with Red Mountain Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Cascade Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Copper (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3b. Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from a point immediately above the confluence with Cascade Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Dexter Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from a point immediately above the confluence with Cascade Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Dexter Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
3d. Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from a point immediately below the confluence with Dallas Creek to the inlet of Ridgway Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from a point immediately below the confluence with Dallas Creek to the inlet of Ridgway Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
4a. Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from the Highway 90 bridge at Montrose to Gunnison Road. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from |
Cedar Creek to Gunn |
ison Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from the Highway 90 bridge at Montrose to Cedar Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4b. Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from Gunnison Road to the upstream boundary of Confluence Park. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from Gunnison Road to the upstream boundary of Confluence Park. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4c. Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from the upstream boundary of Confluence Park to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Uncompahgre River from the upstream boundary of Confluence Park to the confluence with the Gunnison River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
5. All tributaries to the Uncompahgre River, including all wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Dexter Creek, except for specific listings in Segments 1, 6a, 6b, and 7 through 9. |
Listed portion: |
Commodore Gulch and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Governor Basin. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Silver Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Sneffels Creek below Governor Basin. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Alaska Basin. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Miner's Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6a. Mainstem of Red Mountain Creek from the source to immediately above the confluence with the East Fork of Red Mountain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Red Mountain Creek from the source to immediately above the confluence with the East Fork of Red Mountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
7. Mainstem of Gray Copper Gulch from the source to the c |
onfluence with Red M |
ountain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Gray Copper Gulch from the |
source to the conflue |
nce with Red Mountain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
8. Mainstem of Mineral Creek from the source to the confluence with the Uncompahgre River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Mineral Creek from the source to the confluence with the Uncompahgre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
9. Mainstem of Imogene Creek from its source to its confluence with Sneffels Creek. Mainstem and all tributaries of Sneffels Creek from a point 1.5 miles above its confluence with Imogene Creek at 37.974979, -107.753960 (WGS84) to its confluence with Imogene Creek. Mainstem of Canyon Creek from its inception at the confluence of Imogene Creek and Sneffels Creek to the confluence with the Uncompahgre River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem and all tributaries of Sneffels Creek from a point 1.5 miles above its confluence with Imogene Creek at 37.974979, -107.753960 (WGS84) to its confluence with Imogene Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Canyon Creek from its inception at the confluence of Imogene Creek and Sneffels Creek to the confluence with the Uncompahgre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Imogene Creek from its source to its confluence with Sneffels Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
10a. All tributaries to the Uncompahgre River, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Dexter Creek to the South Canal near Uncompahgre, except for specific listings in Segments 1, 10b, and 11. |
Listed portion: |
Alkali Creek and all tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cow Creek from the confl |
uence of Nate Creek to the Uncompahgre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
11. Mainstem of Coal Creek from the source to the Park Ditch, mainstem of Dallas Creek from the source of the East and West Forks to the confluence with the Uncompahgre River; mainstem of Cow Creek from the Uncompahgre Wilderness Area boundary to a point immediately below the confluence with Nate Creek, tributaries to Cow Creek from the Uncompahgre Wilderness Area boundary to the confluence with the Uncompahgre River; mainstems of Billy Creek, Onion Creek and Beaton Creek from their sources to their confluences with Uncompahgre River; mainstem of Beaver Creek from the source to the confluence with the East Fork of Dallas Creek; and mainstem of Pleasant Valley Creek from the source to the confluence with Dallas Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Deer Creek from source to Cow Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dallas Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Billy Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstems of Coal, Pleasant Valley, and Beaton Creeks. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Onion Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cow Creek from the wilderness to the confluence with Nate Creek and all tributaries and wetlands of Cow Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
12. All tributaries to the Uncompahgre River, including all wetlands, from the South Canal near Uncompahgre to the confluence with the Gunnison River, except for specific listings in Segments 13, 14, 15a and 15b. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dry Creek from Coal bank Canyon Creek to Uncompahgre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Loutzenhizer Arroyo and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Uncompahgre River, including all wetlands, from the South Canal near Uncompahgre to the confluence with the Gunnison River, except for specific listings in Segments (13, 14, 15a and 15b), Loutzenhizer Arroyo, Dry Creek, Cedar Creek, and Dry Cedar Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Montrose Arroyo from headwaters to confluence with Cedar Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Cedar Creek and Dry Cedar Creek with their tributaries, except Montrose Arroyo. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
15b. Mainstem of Dry Creek from the confluence of the East and West Forks to immediately above the confluence with Coalbank Canyon Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dry Creek from the confluence of the East and West Forks to immediately above the confluence with Coalbank Canyon Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
19. Ridgway Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Ridgway Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
20. Sweitzer Lake (a.k.a. Garnet Mesa Reservoir). |
Listed portion: |
Sweitzer Lake (a.k.a. Garnet Mesa Reservoir). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1. Mainstem of the Colorado River from the confluence with the Roaring Fork River to immediately below the confluence with Rifle Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from Paradise Creek to below the confluence with Rifle Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from Roaring Fork to Paradise Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Chloride |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2a. Mainstem of the Colorado River from immediately below the confluence with Rifle Creek to immediately above the confluence of Rapid Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Colorado River from immediately below the confluence with Rifle Creek to immediately above the confluence of Rapid Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2b. Mainstem of the Colorado River from a point immediately above the confluence with Rapid Creek to immediately above the confluence of the Gunnison River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Colorado River from Rapid Creek to Gunnison River except for the Humphrey Backwater area. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Humphrey Backwater area. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nitrite |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of the Colorado River from immediately above the confluence of the Gunnison River to the Colorado-Utah state line. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Colorado River from above Reed Wash to the Colorado-Utah state line. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4a. All tributaries, including wetlands, to the Colorado River from the confluence with the Roaring Fork River to below the confluence with Parachute Creek except for listings in Segments 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, 9a, 9c, 10, 11a ? c. |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries to Colorado River, Roaring Fork to Parachute Creek, except for Mamm Creek and Alkali Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Mamm Creek and its East, Middle, and West Mamm Creek tributaries from the sources to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Alkali Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
South Canyon Creek sections above hot springs. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
4b. South Canyon Hot Springs (39.552964, -107.414232). |
Listed portion: |
South Canyon Hot Springs. (39.552964, -107.414232). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4c. The mainstem of South Canyon Creek from the South Canyon Hot Springs to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
South Canyon Creek from South Canyon Hot Springs to Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4e. Mainstem of Dry Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to immediately above the Last Chance Ditch. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dry Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to immediately above the Last Chance Ditch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
7a. Mainstem of Mitchell, Canyon, Elk, Garfield, Beaver, and Cache Creeks, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the White River National Forest to their confluences with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Mitchell, Canyon, Beaver, and Cache Creeks, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the White River National Forest to their confluences with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Garfield Creek and its tributaries from the headwaters to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Elk Creek and its tributaries from the White River National Forest boundary to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7b. Mainstem of Divide Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the White River National Forest to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Divide Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the White River National Forest to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
10. West Rifle Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Rifle Gap Reservoir. East Rifle Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the White River National Forest boundary to Rifle Gap Reservoir. Rifle Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from Rifle Gap Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
East Rifle Creek from the White River NF boundary to Rifle Gap Reservoir. Rifle Creek from Rifle Gap Reservoir to the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
West Rifle Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
11c. Mainstem of Parachute Creek from the confluence of the West and East Forks to the confluence with the Colorado River. All tributaries and wetlands to Parachute Creek on the west side of Parachute Creek from the confluence of the East and West Forks to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Parachute Creek from the confluence of the West and East Forks to the confluence with the Colorado River. All tributaries and wetlands to Parachute Creek on the west side of Parachute Creek from the confluence of the East and West Forks to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13a. All tributaries to the Colorado River including wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence of Roan Creek to the Colorado/Utah border, except for listings in Segments 13b through 19. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Colorado River, including wetlands,from a point immediately below the confluence of Roan Creek to the Colorado/Utah border, except for listings in Segments 13b through 19. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nitrite |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Sulphur Gulch and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
13b. All tributaries to the Colorado River, including wetlands, from the Government Highline Canal Diversion to a point immediately below Salt Creek, and downgradient from the Government Highline Canal, the Orchard Mesa Canal No. 2, Orchard Mesa Drain, Stub Ditch and the northeast Colorado National Monument boundary. |
Listed portion: |
Salt Creek and tributaries below lake and reservoir, including Mack Wash. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Adobe Creek, Leach Creek and tributaries below canal. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Indian Wash. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Unnamed tributary to the Colorado River from its source to its confluence with the Colorado River near 39.081, -108.592. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Colorado River from Government Highline Canal Diversion to below Salt Creek, and downgradient from Government Highline Canal, Orchard Mesa Canal No. 2, Orchard Mesa Drain, Stub Ditch and northeast Colorado National Monument boundary, except Salt, Adobe, Leach Creeks, Indian Wash, Unnamed Tributary and Mack Wash. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nitrite |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
14b. Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Tom Creek to the confluence with Roan Creek. Roan Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Clear Creek to a point immediately below the confluence with Kimball Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Tom Creek to the confluence with Roan Creek. Roan Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Clear Creek to a point immediately below the confluence with Kimball Creek |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
14c. Mainstem of Roan Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Kimball Creek to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
North, South and mainstem of Dry Fork including tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Roan Creek and tributaries including Conn Cr, Logan Wash, Bloat Gulch and Gibler Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
15a. Mainstem of Plateau Creek from its source to the inlet of Vega Reservoir. All tributaries and wetlands to Plateau Creek from its source to a point immediately above the confluence with Buzzard Creek. Kimball Creek, Grove Creek, Big Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Bull Creek, Spring Creek, Coon Creek, and Mesa Creek, including all wetlands and tributaries, from their sources to their confluences with Plateau Creek. The mainstem of Buzzard Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, within the Grand Mesa National Forest. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Plateau Creek from its source to the inlet of Vega Reservoir. All tributaries and wetlands to Plateau Creek from its source to a point immediately above the confluence with Buzzard Creek. Kimball Creek, Grove Creek, Big Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Bull Creek, Spring Creek, Coon Creek, and Mesa Creek, including all wetlands and tributaries, from their sources to their confluences with Plateau Creek. The mainstem of Buzzard Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, within the Grand Mesa National Forest. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
15c. Mainstem of Plateau Creek from the outlet of Vega Reservoir to a point immediately below the confluence with Buzzard Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Plateau Creek from the outlet of Vega Reservoir to a point immediately below the confluence with Buzzard Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
15d. Mainstem of Buzzard Creek from the Grand Mesa National Forest boundary to its confluence with Plateau Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Buzzard Creek from the Grand Mesa National Forest boundary to its confluence with Plateau Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
16. Plateau Creek including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Buzzard Creek, to the confluence with the Colorado River, excluding listings in segments 5, 15a and 21. |
Listed portion: |
Plateau Creek including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Buzzard Creek, to the confluence with the Colorado River, excluding specific listings in segment 5, 15a, and 21. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
17a. Rapid Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to below the confluence with Cottonwood Creek (39.130512, -108.301028), including Kruzen Springs. |
Listed portion: |
Rapid Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to below the confluence with Cottonwood Creek (39.130512, -108.301028) including Kruzen Springs. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
19. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Colorado River from a point immediately below the confluence of the Colorado River and Parachute Creek to the Colorado-Utah border, except for listings in segments 9b, 13c, 20, and 21. This segment includes Highline Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
West Lake in James M. Robb Colorado River State Park. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
20. Rifle Gap Reservoir, Harvey Gap Reservoir, and Vega Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Rifle Gap Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Harvey Gap Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Vega Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Yampa River from a point immediately below the confluence with Elkhead Creek to the confluence with the Green River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Yampa River from a point immediately below the confluence with Little Snake River to the confluence with the Green River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3c. Mainstem of Milk Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from Thornburgh (County Rd 15) to the confluence with the Yampa River, except for listings in Segment 3b and 3e. |
Listed portion: |
Wilson Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Stinking Gulch and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
3e. Mainstem of Good Spring Creek and its tributaries above Wilson Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Good Spring Creek and its tributaries above Wilson Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
3i. Lower Johnson Gulch from the confluence with Pyeatt Gulch at CO 107 to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Lower Johnson Gulch from the confluence with Pyeatt Gulch at CO 107 to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
5. Mainstem of Fortification Creek from the confluence of the North Fork and South Fork to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fortification Creek from the confluence of the North Fork and South Fork to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
6. All tributaries to Fortification Creek, including all wetlands, from the confluence of the North and South Forks to the confluence with the Yampa River, except for listings in Segments 4 and 7. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to Fortification Creek, including all wetlands, from the confluence of the North and South Forks to the confluence with the Yampa River, except for listings in Segments 4 and 7. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
12a. Mainstem of the South Fork of the Williams Fork River and Beaver Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of Routt National Forest to their mouths. Milk Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point just below the confluence with Clear Creek. Morapos Creek, including all wetlands and tributaries, from the source to the confluence with the Williams Fork River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Fork of the Williams Fork River and Beaver Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of Routt National Forest to their mouths. Milk Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point just below the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Morapos Creek, including all wetlands and tributaries, from the source to the confluence with the Williams Fork River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
16. Mainstem of the Little Snake River from a point immediately above the confluence with Powder Wash to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Little Snake River from a point immediately above the confluence with Powder Wash to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
22c. Mainstem of Vermillion Creek from HWY 318 to the confluence with the Green River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Vermillion Creek from HWY 318 to the confluence with the Green River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
3. Mainstem of the North Fork of the White River and mainstem of the White River from the Flat Tops Wilderness Area boundary to a point immediately above the confluence with Miller Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the White River and mainstem of the White River from the Flat Tops Wilderness Area boundary to a point immediately above the confluence with Miller Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4a. All tributaries to the North Fork White River, including all wetlands, from the Flat Tops Wilderness Area boundary to the confluence with the South Fork White River, except for listings in Segment 1 and 4b. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the North Fork White River, including all wetlands, from the Flat Tops Wilderness Area boundary to the confluence with the South Fork White River except for listings in Segment 1 and 4b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4b. Lost Creek, including tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the North Fork White River. Snell Creek, including all wetlands and tributaries, from the source to the confluence with the North Fork White River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstems of Lost Creek and Snell Creek, including all wetlands and tributaries, from the Flat Tops Wilderness area to the boundary of the White River National Forest. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
7. Mainstem of the White River from a point immediately above the confluence with Miller Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Piceance Creek. |
Listed portion: |
White River below Meeker to the confluence with Piceance Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9b. All tributaries to the White River, including wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Flag Creek, to a point immediately above the confluence with Piceance Creek, which are not within the boundary of National Forest lands, except for listings in segments 9c and 9d. |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries to the White River from above the confluence with Flag Creek, to above the confluence with Piceance Creek, which are not within the boundary of National Forest lands, except for listings in segment 9c and 9d. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
9d. Sulphur Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the White River. Flag Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point just below the confluence with the East Fork of Flag Creek to the confluence with the White River. |
Listed portion: |
Sulphur Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the White River. Flag Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point just below the confluence with the East Fork of Flag Creek to the confluence with the White River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
11. Rio Blanco Lake and Taylor Draw Reservoir (a.k.a. Kenney Reservoir). |
Listed portion: |
Taylor Draw Reservoir (a.k.a. Kenney Reservoir). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Rio Blanco Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
12. Mainstem of the White River from a point immediately above the confluence with Piceance Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Douglas Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the White River from a point immediately above the confluence with Piceance Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Douglas Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
13b. Mainstem of Yellow Creek including all wetlands from the source to immediately below the confluence with Barcus Creek. All tributaries to Yellow Creek from the source to the White River, including wetlands. |
Listed portion: |
Yellow Creek from source to below the confluence with Barcus Creek. Tributaries to Yellow Creek from the source to the White River, except for Corral Gulch and tributaries, Stake Springs Draw and tributaries above Stake Springs and Duck Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Corral Gulch and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Stake Springs Draw and tributaries above Stake Springs. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Duck Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
13c. Mainstem of Yellow Creek, including all wetlands from immediately below the confluence with Barcus Creek to the confluence with the White River. |
Listed portion: |
Yellow Creek from immediately below the confluence with Barcus Creek to the confluence with Greasewood Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Yellow Creek below Greasewood Creek to the confluence with the White River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
14a. Mainstem of Piceance Creek from the source to a point just below the confluence with Hunter Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Piceance Creek from the source to below confluence with Willow Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Piceance Creek from Willow Creek to Hunter Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
15. Mainstem of Piceance Creek from a point just below the confluence with Ryan Gulch to the confluence with the White River. The Dry Fork of Piceance Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point just below the confluence with Little Reigan Gulch to the confluence with Piceance Creek, except for listings in Segment 18. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Piceance Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Piceance Creek from 3 miles above the confluence with White River, to the confluence with White River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
16b. All tributaries to Piceance Creek, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Dry Thirteenmile Creek to the confluence with the White River, except for listings in Segments 15, 17, 18a, 18b, 19 and 20. |
Listed portion: |
Ryan Gulch and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
20. Mainstem of Black Sulphur Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Piceance Creek, except for the listing in Segment 19. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Black Sulphur Creek from source to Piceance Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
All Tributaries of Black Sulphur Creek from source to Piceance Creek, except for the listing in Segment 19. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
21. Mainstem of the White River from a point immediately above the confluence with Douglas Creek to the Colorado/Utah border. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the White River from a point immediately above the confluence with Douglas Creek to the Colorado/Utah border. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
22. All tributaries to the White River, including all wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Douglas Creek to the Colorado/Utah border, except for specific listings in Segment 23. |
Listed portion: |
West Evacuation Wash with tributaries and Douglas Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
23. Mainstems of East Douglas Creek and West Douglas Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluence. |
Listed portion: |
West Douglas Creek from its source to confluence. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
East Douglas creek from the point below Tommy's Draw a point above its confluence with Douglas Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of East Douglas Creek and tributaries from the source to a point below Tommy's Draw. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
24. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the White River, which are within the boundaries of the Flat Tops Wilderness Area, including Trappers Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Ned Wilson Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
25. Lake Avery (a.k.a Big Beaver Reservoir). |
Listed portion: |
Lake Avery (a.k.a Big Beaver Reservoir). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Alamosa River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to immediately above the confluence with Alum Creek, except for specific listings in segments 1, 4a, and 4b. Tributaries to the Alamosa River from a point immediately below the confluence of Bitter Creek to the inlet of Terrace Reservoir, except for specific listings in segments 4a, 5, 6, and 7. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Alamosa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands of the Alamosa River, from the source to immediately above the confluence with Alum Creek, except for tributaries to lower Iron Creek and specific listings in segments 1, 4a, and 4b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries to the Alamosa River from a point immediately below the confluence of Bitter Creek to the inlet of Terrace Reservoir, except for specific listings in segments 4a, 5, 6, and 7. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3a. Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately above the confluence with Alum Creek to immediately above the confluence of Wightman Fork. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately above the confluence with Alum Creek to immediately above the confluence of Wightman Fork. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
3b. Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately above the confluence with Wightman Fork to immediately above the confluence with Fern Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately above the confluence with Jasper Creek to immediately above the confluence with Fern Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately above the confluence with the Wightman Fork to Jasper Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
3c. Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately above the confluence with Fern Creek to immediately below the confluence with Ranger Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately above the confluence with Fern Creek to immediately below the confluence with Ranger Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
3d. Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately below the confluence with Ranger Creek to the inlet of Terrace Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Alamosa River from immediately below the confluence with Ranger Creek to the inlet of Terrace Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5. Mainstem of Wightman Fork, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the west line of S30, T37N, R4E (37.43127, -106.60325). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Wightman Fork from the source to the west line of S30, T37N, R4E, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
7. Jasper Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Alamosa River. |
Listed portion: |
Jasper Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Alamosa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nickel (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
8. Terrace Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Terrace Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
9. Mainstem of Alamosa River from the outlet of Terrace Reservoir to Hwy 15 (Gunbarrel Road). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Alamosa River from the outlet of Terrace Reservoir to Hwy 15 (Gunbarrel Road). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
10. Mainstem of the Alamosa River from Hwy 15 (Gunbarrel Road) to its point of final diversion. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Alamosa River from Hwy 15 (Gunbarrel Road) to its point of final diversion. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provision |
al) 5. - 303(d) List |
M |
11b. Mainstem of La Jara Creek from the outlet of La Jara Reservoir to a point immediately above the confluence with Hot Creek. All tributaries and wetlands to La Jara Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Jarosa Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Hot Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of La Jara Creek from the outlet of La Jara Reservoir to a point immediately above the confluence with Hot Creek. All tributaries, including wetlands, to La Jara Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Jarosa Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Hot Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
12. Mainstem of La Jara Creek from immediately above the confluence with Hot Creek to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of La Jara Creek from immediately above the confluence with Hot Creek to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
13. Mainstem of Hot Creek from the source to the confluence with La Jara Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Hot Creek from the source to the confluence with La Jara Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
14a. Mainstem of the Conejos River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to immediately below the confluence with Elk Creek, excluding the specific listings in segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
La Manga Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
25. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to La Jara Creek from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with Hot Creek. |
Listed portion: |
La Jara Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
30. Platoro Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Platoro Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2a. Mainstem of La Garita Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Geronimo Creek. The North, Middle, and South Forks of Carnero Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences at the inception of the mainstem of Carnero Creek. |
Listed portion: |
North Fork of Carnero Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
South Fork of Carnero Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2b. Mainstem of La Garita Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Geronimo Creek to 38 Road. All tributaries to the mainstem of Carnero Creek from its inception at the confluence of the North, Middle, and South Forks to 42 Road, excluding the specific listings in segment 2a. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of La Garita Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Geronimo Creek to 38 Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2c. Mainstem of Carnero Creek from its inception at the confluence of the North, Middle, and South Forks to 42 Road. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Carnero Creek from its inception at the confluence of the North, Middle, and South Forks to 42 Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. All tributaries to the Closed Basin excluding the listings in segments 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, and 4 through 13. |
Listed portion: |
Cottonwood Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Major Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Willow Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4. Mainstem of San Luis Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Piney Creek, excluding the specific listings in segments 8, 9a, and 9b. Garner Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Rio Grande Forest Boundary to the mouth. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of San Luis Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Piney Creek, excluding the specific listings in segments 8, 9a and 9b. Garner Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Rio Grande Forest Boundary to the mouth. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
5. Mainstem of San Luis Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Piney Creek to the inlet to San Luis Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of San Luis Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Piney Creek to the inlet to San Luis Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
9a. Mainstem of Kerber Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately above the Cocomongo Mill site to immediately above the confluence of Brewery Creek, excluding the specific listings in segment 8. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem, tributaries and wetlands of Kerber Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands,from the source to immediately above the confluence of Brewery Creek, except for Squirrel Creek and excluding the specific listings in segment 8. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Silver (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Squirrel Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Bear Creek to the confluence with Kerber Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Silver (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
9b. Mainstem of Kerber Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with Brewery Creek to the confluence with San Luis Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Kerber Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with Brewery Creek to the confluence with U S Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Kerber Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with U S Gulch to the confluence with San Luis Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
10. Mainstem of Sand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the mouth. Mainstem of Medano Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the mouth. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Sand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the mouth. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
12a. Mainstem of Saguache Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the La Garita Wilderness Area to a point just below the confluence with Ford Creek, excluding the specific listings in segments 1 and 12b. |
Listed portion: |
East Pass Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Ford Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Saguache Creek from the boundary of the La Garita Wilderness Area to a point just below the confluence with Ford Creek, excluding the specific listings in segment 12b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12b. Mainstem of Saguache Creek from a point just below the confluence of Fourmile Creek to a point just below the confluence with Ford Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Saguache Creek from a point just below the confluence of Fourmile Creek to a point just below the confluence with Ford Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12c. Mainstem of Saguache Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point just below the confluence with Ford Creek to Hwy 285. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Saguache Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point just below the confluence with Ford Creek to Hwy 285. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
13. Mainstem of Saguache Creek from Hwy 285 to the confluence with San Luis Creek. Mainstem of Russell Creek from its source at Russell Springs to the confluence with La Garita Creek. Mainstem of Cottonwood Creek downstream of the Rio Grande National Forest Boundary. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Saguache Creek from Hwy 285 to the confluence with San Luis Creek. Mainstem of Russel Creek. Mainstem of Cottonwood Creek downstream of the Rio Grande National Forest Boundary. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
19. San Luis Lake. |
Listed portion: |
San Luis Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Rio Grande, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with Willow Creek, excluding the listings in segments 1 and 3. |
Listed portion: |
South Clear Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Seepage Creek from the outlet of Santa Maria Reservoir to a point one mile below the outlet of Santa Maria Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem and tributaries of the Rio Grande from the source to Rio Grande Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from the outlet of Rio Grande Reservoir to the confluence of Squaw Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem and Tributaries of the Rio Grand from Squaw Creek to Willow Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of North Clear Creek from the outlet of Continental Reservoir to a point immediately above the confluence with Rito Hondo Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Clear Creek from the outlet of Continental Reservoir to a point immediately above the confluence with Rito Hondo Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4a. Mainstem of the Rio Grande from a point immediately above the confluence with Willow Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with the South Fork Rio Grande. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from a point immediately above the confluence with Willow Creek to Blue Creek at Wagon Wheel Gap. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from a point immediately below the confluence with Blue Creek at Wagon Wheel Gap to a point immediately above the confluence with the South Fork Rio Grande. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4b. Mainstem of the Rio Grande from a point immediately above the confluence with South Fork Rio Grande to the Hwy 285 crossing. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from Del Norte to the Hwy 285 crossing. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from a point immediately above the confluence with Pinos Creek to Del Norte. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from the confluence of South Fork to a point immediately above the confluence with Pinos Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4c. Mainstem of the Rio Grande from the Hwy 285 crossing to the Rio Grande/Alamosa County line. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from the Hwy 285 crossing to the Rio Grande/Alamosa County line. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5a. All tributaries to the Rio Grande, including all wetlands, from immediately above the confluence with Willow Creek to the Hwy 112 bridge near Del Norte, excluding the listings in segments 5b through 10. |
Listed portion: |
Nelson Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Embargo Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to immediately above the confluence with Dyers Creek. West Alder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5b. Mainstem of Alder Creek. Mainstem of East Alder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Alder Creek. Mainstem of Agua Ramon Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Rio Grande. Mainstem of Embargo Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from immediately above the confluence with Dyers Creek to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Embargo Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from immediately above the confluence with Dyers Creek to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
6. Mainstem of West Willow Creek from immediately above Deerhorn Creek to the Park Regent Mine dump (37.890445, -106.936868). East Willow Creek from the confluence with Whited Creek to the confluence with West Willow Creek. |
Listed portion: |
East Willow Creek from the confluence with Whited Creek to the confluence with West Willow Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
7. Mainstem of West Willow Creek from the Park Regent Mine dump (37.890445, -106.936868) to the confluence with East Willow Creek. Mainstem of Willow Creek, including all tributaries, from the confluence of East and West Willow Creeks to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of West Willow Creek from the Park Regent Mine dump to the confluence with Nelson Creek. Mainstem of Willow Creek, including all tributaries from the confluence of East and West Willow Creeks, to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
West Willow Creek below Nelson Creek to East Willow Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
9a. Mainstem of the South Fork Rio Grande, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point just below the confluence with Decker Creek, excluding the specific listings in segment 1. Mainstem of Beaver Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Beaver Creek Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
North Branch of Pass Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
10. Mainstem of Pinos Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Pinos Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
11. Mainstem of San Francisco Creek (Rio Grande County), including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Rio Grande. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of San Francisco Creek (Rio Grande County), including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Spring Branch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12. Mainstem of the Rio Grande from the Rio Grande/Alamosa County line to Conejos County Road G (37.07831, -105.75665). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from the Rio Grande/Alamosa County line to the Old State Bridge east of Lobatos (Conejos County Road G). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
13. Mainstem of the Rio Grande from Conejos County Road G (37.07831, -105.75665) to the Colorado/New Mexico border. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Grande from Old State Bridge east of Lobatos (Conejos County Road G) to the Colorado/New Mexico border. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
19. Mainstem of Rock Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Monte Vista Canal (37.52773, -106.16826). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Rock Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Monte Vista Canal. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
20a. Mainstem of Cat Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Rio Grande National Forest boundary. |
Listed portion: |
Deer Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
23a. Mainstem of Sangre de Cristo Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Hwy 159, excluding the specific listings in segment 23b. |
Listed portion: |
Placer Creek and its Tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Blind Canyon, Black Canyon, Malo Vega Creek, Gomer Gulch, Sawmill Gulch, West Indian Creek, and their tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
23b. Mainstem of Sangre de Cristo Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Placer Creek to Hwy 159. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Sangre de Cristo Creek from a point immediately below the confluence with Placer Creek to Hwy 159. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
25. Mainstem of Trinchera Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Mountain Home Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Trinchera Creek including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Mountain Home Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
26. Mainstem of Trinchera Creek from the outlet of Mountain Home Reservoir to the Rio Grande. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Trinchera Creek from the outlet of Mountain Home Reservoir to the Rio Grande. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
28. Mainstem of Rito Seco, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the road crossing at 37.218809, -105.411762. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Rito Seco, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Battle Mountain Gold Mine to Salazar Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
33. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Rio Grande from the source to the Hwy 112 bridge near Del Norte, excluding the specific listings in segments 32 and 38. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to San Francisco Creek from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Spring Branch. |
Listed portion: |
Alberta Park Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
37. Sanchez Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Sanchez Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
38. Continental Reservoir, Upper Brown Lake, Santa Maria Reservoir, Road Canyon Reservoir, Rio Grande Reservoir, Big Meadows Reservoir, Beaver Creek Reservoir, Smith Reservoir, Mountain Home Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Smith Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Big Meadows Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Road Canyon Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mountain Home Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen (Temperature) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Continental Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Animas River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Denver Lake to a point immediately above the confluence with Minnie Gulch, except for specific listings in Segment 6. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Denver Lake to a point immediately above the confluence with Minnie Gulch, except for specific listings in Segment 6. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
3a. Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Minnie Gulch to immediately above the confluence with Cement Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Minnie Gulch to immediately above the confluence with Cement Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, From Minnie Gulch to Maggie Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
3b. Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Cement Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Mineral Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Cement Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Mineral Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
3c. Arrastra Gulch including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Listed portion: |
Arrastra Gulch including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
4a. Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Mineral Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Deer Park Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Mineral Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Deer Park Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
4b. Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Deer Park Creek to Bakers Bridge (37.458620, -107.799194). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with Deer Park Creek to Bakers Bridge. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
5a. Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from Bakers Bridge (37.458620, -107.799194) to the Southern Ute Indian Reservation boundary. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from Bakers Bridge to Junction Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Animas River, including wetlands, from Junction Creek to the Southern Ute Indian Reservation boundary. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
6. Mainstem of the Animas River from the source to the outlet of Denver Lake. Mainstem, including all tributaries and wetlands of Cinnamon Creek, Grouse Gulch, Picayne Gulch, and Minnie Gulch. All tributaries and wetlands to the Animas River from immediately above Maggie Gulch to to a point immediately above Elk Creek except for those listed under segments 3c, 7, 8 and 9. South Mineral Creek and all other tributaries and wetlands to Mineral Creek, except for those specifically listed in segments 8 and 9. |
Listed portion: |
Mill Creek, Porphyry Gulch, and Big Horn Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
7. Mainstem of Cement Creek, including all tributaries, and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cement Creek, including all tributaries, and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
8. Mainstem of Mineral Creek, including wetlands, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with South Mineral Creek. All tributaries on the east side of this segment of Mineral Creek including wetlands, except for Big Horn Creek. Mainstem of the Middle Fork of Mineral Creek including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with Mineral Creek except for Crystal Lake and its exiting tributary to confluence with Middle Fork of Mineral Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Mineral Creek, including wetlands, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with South Mineral Creek. All tributaries on the east side of this segment of Mineral Creek including wetlands, except for Big Horn Creek. Mainstem of the Middle Fork of Mineral Creek including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with Mineral Creek except for Crystal Lake and its exiting tributary to confluence with Middle Fork of Mineral Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Middle Fork of Mineral Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
9. Mainstem of Mineral Creek, including wetlands, from immediately above the confluence with South Mineral Creek to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Mineral Creek, including wetlands, from immediately above the confluence with South Mineral Creek to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Aluminum (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
10a. Mainstem of the Florida River from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to the inlet of Lemon Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Florida River from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to the inlet of Lemon Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
13a. Mainstem of Junction Creek including all tributaries, from the U.S. Forest Boundary to the confluence with Animas River. |
Listed portion: |
Junction Creek from US Forest Boundary to confluence with the Animas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
14b. Mainstem of Lightner Creek from below the confluence with Deep Creek to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Lightner Creek, including wetlands, from below the confluence with Deep Creek to the confluence with the Animas River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
22. Electra Lake. Lake Nighthorse. |
Listed portion: |
Lake Nighthorse. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Electra Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
3. Mainstem of the Dolores River from a point immediately above the confluence with Horse Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Bear Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Dolores River from a point immediately above the confluence with Horse Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Bear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4a. Mainstem of the Dolores River from a point immediately above the confluence with Bear Creek to the bridge at Bradfield Ranch (Forest Route 505, near Montezuma/Dolores County Line). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Dolores River from a point immediately above the confluence with Bear Creek to McPhee Reservior. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4b. McPhee Reservoir and Summit Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Summit Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
McPhee Reservoir |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
5a. All tributaries to the Dolores River and West Dolores River, including all wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with the West Dolores River except for specific listings in Segments 1 and 5b through 10. |
Listed portion: |
Fish Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Roaring Forks Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
9. Mainstem of Silver Creek from a point immediately below the Town of Rico's water supply diversion to the confluence with the Dolores River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Silver Creek, including wetlands, from a point immediately below the Town of Rico's water supply diversion to the confluence with the Dolores River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
10b. Mainstem of the West Dolores River from above the confluence with Fish Creek to the confluence with the Dolores River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the West Dolores River, including wetlands, from above the confluence with Fish Creek to the confluence with the Dolores River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
11b. All tributaries to the Dolores River, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence of the West Dolores River to the inlet of McPhee Reservoir, except for the specific listing in Segments 4a and 11a. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Dolores River, including all wetlands, from below West Dolores River to the inlet of McPhee Reservoir, except for 4a, 11a. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
1. Mainstem of the La Plata River, including all wetlands and tributaries from the source to the Hay Gulch diversion south of Hesperus. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the La Plata River, including all wetlands and tributaries from the source to the Hay Gulch diversion south of Hesperus. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2a. Mainstem of the La Plata River from the Hay Gulch diversion south of Hesperus to the boundary of Southern Ute Indian Reservation. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the La Plata River from the Hay Gulch diversion south of Hesperus to the boundary of Southern Ute Indian Reservation. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4a. Mainstem of the Mancos River, including all wetlands and tributaries, from the source of the East, West and Middle Forks to the San Juan National Forest Boundary. |
Listed portion: |
All Tributaries and wetlands to the mainstem of the Mancos River, from the source of West and Middle Forks to the San Juan, except for the East Mancos River and Box Canyon Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Box Canyon Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of E. Mancos River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nickel (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Agricultural Use |
Copper (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries of E. Mancos River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Copper (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4c. Mainstem of the Mancos River, including all wetlands, tributaries, from below the San Juan National Forest Boundary to Hwy 160. Chicken Creek, including all tributaries, from its source to the confluence with the Mancos River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Mancos River the confluence of the East and West Forks to Hwy 160. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
East Mancos River from the National Forest boundary to the confluence with Middle Mancos River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Chicken Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to the confluence with the Mancos River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
5. Mainstem of the Mancos River from Hwy 160 to the boundary of the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation and mainstem of Weber Canyon from source to boundary of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Mancos River from Hwy 160 to the boundary of the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
6a. All tributaries to the Mancos River, including all wetlands, from Hwy 160 to the boundary of the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation, except for specific listings in segment 4c, 5, 6b and 6c. Navajo Wash, including all tributaries, from the source to the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation Boundary. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Mancos River, including all wetlands, from Hwy 160 to the boundary of the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation, except for portion 6a_C (Navajo Wash) and specific listings in segment 4c, 5a, 6b and 6c. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Navajo Wash, including tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation Boundary. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Agricultural Use |
Selenium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7a. Mainstem of McElmo Creek from the source to the confluence with Alkali Canyon. Mainstem of Yellow Jacket Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with McElmo Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of McElmo Creek, from the source to Alkali Canyon. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
7b. Mainstem of McElmo Creek from the confluence with Alkali Canyon to the Colorado/Utah border, except portion within the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of McElmo Creek from Alkali Canyon to the Utah border except for portions within the Ute Mountain Ute boundry. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
8. All tributaries to McElmo Creek, including all wetlands, from the source to the Colorado/Utah border, except for the portions within the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation and except for specific listings in Segments 7a, 7b and 11. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to McElmo Creek, except Mud Creek, Hartman Draw, and Ritter Draw. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mud Creek and all tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Hartman Draw and all tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Trail Canyon and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Ritter Draw and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9. Unnamed tributary to Ritter Draw (confluence at 37.4059, -108.5325). |
Listed portion: |
Unnamed tributary to Ritter Draw (confluence at 37.4059,-108.5325), and wetlands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
11. Narraguinnep, Puett and Totten Reservoirs. |
Listed portion: |
Puett Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Narraguinnep Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Totten Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5a. All tributaries to the Piedra River, including all wetlands, from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to a point immediately below the confluence with the First Fork of the Piedra River. Devil Creek, including all tributaries, from the source to a point below the confluence with Dunagan Canyon. |
Listed portion: |
Williams Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Piedra River, including all wetlands, from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to the confluence with First Fork, Devil Creek including its tributaries and wetlands to Dunagan Creek, except for segments 2a, 3 and Williams Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
6a. All tributaries to the Piedra River, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Devil Creek to Southern Ute Indian Reservation boundary, except the specific listing in Segment 6d. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Stollsteimer Creek from Martinez Creek to the confluence with Hall Canyon. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries to Stollsteimer Creek to the confluence with Hall Canyon not on the the Southern Ute Reservation. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
8. Williams Creek Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Williams Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2a. Mainstem of the Los Pinos River from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to the boundary of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation except for the specific listing in Segment 3. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Los Pinos River from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to the boundary of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation except for the specific listing in Segment 3. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
3. Vallecito Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Vallecito Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen (Temperature) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4. All tributaries to the Los Pinos River and Vallecito Reservoir, including all wetlands, from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to a point immediately below the confluence with Bear Creek, except for the specific listing in Segment 5; mainstems of Beaver Creek, Ute Creek, and Spring Creek from their sources to the boundary of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Los Pinos River and Vallecito Reservoir, including all wetlands, from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to a point immediately below the confluence with Bear Creek (T35N, R7W), except for the specific listing in Segment 5; mainstems of Beaver Creek, Ute Creek, and Spring Creek, including wetlands, from their sources to the boundary of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
5. Mainstem of Vallecito Creek from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to Vallecito Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Vallecito Creek, including wetlands, from the boundary of the Weminuche Wilderness Area to Vallecito Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
1b. Mainstem of the Navajo River, including all wetlands and tributaries from below the confluence with Sheep Creek to the Colorado/New Mexico border, except for specific listings in Segment 3. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Navajo River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
3. Mainstem of the Little Navajo River from the San Juan-Chama diversion to the confluence with the Navajo River; all tributaries to the Navajo River and the Little Navajo River, including all wetlands, from the San Juan-Chama diversions to the confluence with the San Juan River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Little Navajo River from the San Juan-Chama diversion to the confluence with the Navajo River; all tributaries to the Navajo River and the Little Navajo River, including all wetlands, from the San Juan-Chama diversions to the confluence with the San Juan River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6b. Mainstem of the San Juan River from Highway 160 in Pagosa Springs to the Southern Ute Indian Reservation Northern boundary. Mainstem of Mill Creek from the source to the confluence with the San Juan River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the San Juan River from Hwy 160 to the Southern Ute Reservation Boundary. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Mill Creek, including wetlands, from the source to confluence with the San Juan River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
8. Navajo Reservoir. Echo Canyon Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Echo Canyon Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Navajo Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
9a. Mainstem of the Rio Blanco, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Leche Creek to the Southern Ute Indian Reservation boundary, except for specific listings in Segment 10. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rio Blanco, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Leche Creek to the Southern Ute Indian Reservation boundary, except for specific listings in Segment 10. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
10. Mainstem of the Rito Blanco River from Echo Ditch to the confluence with the Rio Blanco River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Rito Blanco River, including wetlands, from Echo Ditch to the confluence with the Rio Blanco River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
1. Mainstem of Big Dry Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Standley Lake to the confluence with the South Platte River. Walnut Creek, including tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Great Western Reservoir to the confluence with Big Dry Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Big Dry Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the oulet of Standley Lake to Weld County road 8. Walnut Creek, including tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Great Western Reservoir to the confluence with Big Dry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Big Dry Creek from Weld County Road 8 to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
2. Standley Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Standley Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4a. Mainstem and all tributaries to Woman and Walnut Creeks from sources to Standley Lake and Great Western Reservoir, respectively, except for listings in Segments 4b and 5a. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem and all tributaries to Woman and Walnut Creeks from sources to Standley Lake and Great Western Reservoir, respectively, except for specific listings in Segments 4b and 5. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
5a. North Walnut Creek from the western edge of the Central Operable Unit and South Walnut Creek from its source, including all tributaries and wetlands, to the eastern boundary of the Central Operable Unit. |
Listed portion: |
North Walnut Creek from the western edge of the Central Operable Unit and South Walnut Creek from its source, including all tributaries, and wetlands, to the eastern boundary of the Central Operable Unit. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
NO2+NO3 |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1a. Mainstem of Bear Creek from the boundary of the Mt. Evans Wilderness area to the inlet of Evergreen Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Bear Creek below Yankee Creek to the inlet of Evergreen Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1b. Mainstem of Bear Creek from Harriman Ditch to the inlet of Bear Creek Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Bear Creek from Harriman Ditch to the inlet of Bear Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
1c. Bear Creek Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Bear Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Chlorophyll-A |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Total Phosphorus |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1e. Mainstem of Bear Creek from the outlet of Evergreen Lake to the Harriman Ditch. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Bear Creek from Kerr/Swede Gulch to Mount Vernon Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Bear creek from Mount Vernon Creek to the Harriman Ditch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of Bear Creek from the outlet of Bear Creek Reservoir to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Bear Creek from the outlet of Evergreen Lake to Kipling Parkway. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Bear Creek from Kipling Parkway to Wadsworth Boulevard. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Bear Creek from Wadsworth Boulevard to South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. All tributaries to Bear Creek, including all wetlands, from the source to the outlet of Evergreen Lake, except for listings in Segment 7. |
Listed portion: |
Vance Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4. All tributaries to Bear Creek, including all wetlands, from the outlet of Evergreen Lake to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for specific listings in Segments 5, 6a, and 6b. |
Listed portion: |
Mt. Vernon Creek and all of its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
6a. Turkey Creek system, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Bear Creek Reservoir, except for listings in Segment 6b. |
Listed portion: |
Turkey Creek system, including all tributaries and wetlands, from Parmalee Gulch to the inlet of Bear Creek Reservoir, except for listings in Segment 6b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Turkey Creek system, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Parmalee Gulch, except for listings in Segment 6b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6b. Mainstem of North Turkey Creek, from the source to the confluence with Turkey Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Turkey Creek, from the source to the confluence with Turkey Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
11. Lakes and reservoirs in the Bear Creek system from the outlet of Evergreen Lake to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for lakes and reservoirs in Segments 1c, 10, and 12; includes Soda Lakes. |
Listed portion: |
Harriman Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2a. Mainstem of Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area to a point immediately below the confluence with North Boulder Creek, except for the specific listings in Segment 3. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Middle Boulder Creek below 39.971 -105.4755, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area to a point immediately below the confluence with North Boulder Creek, except for the specific listings in Segment 3. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
North Boulder Creek from Caribou Creek to the confluence with Como Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
North Boulder Creek to the confluence with Caribou Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Middle Boulder Creek from the outlet at Baker Reservoir to Longitude:-105.475577° Latitude: 39.971275°. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Boulder Creek from Como Creek to the confluence of Middle Boulder Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Como Creek and its tributaries from source to North Boulder Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2b. Mainstem of Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with North Boulder Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with South Boulder Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boulder Creek from 13th St. to immediately above the confluence with South Boulder Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the City of Boulder boundary (40.013181, -105.301472) to a point immediately above 13th St (40.0143, -105.2779), except for Bear 0Canyon and Gregory Creeks. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fourmile Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence of Boulder Creek, except Gold Run Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Gold Run Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with North Boulder Creek to a point immediately above the City of Boulder boundary (40.013181, -105.301472), including the entirety of Bear Canyon and Gregory creeks, and except for specific listings in Four Mile and Gold Run Creeks. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of Middle Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the outlet of Barker Reservoir, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries and wetlands to Middle Boulder Creek, from the source to the outlet of Barker Reservoir, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Middle Boulder Creek, from the source to the outlet of Barker Reservoir, except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4a. Mainstem of South Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the outlet of Gross Reservoir except for specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the outlet of Gross Reservoir except for specific listings in Segment 1 and Gamble Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Gamble Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
4b. Mainstem of South Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Gross Reservoir to South Boulder Road, except for specific listings in Segments 4c and 4d. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Gross Reservoir to the mouth of Eldorado Canyon above the Community Ditch diversion structure (39°55'56.82"N, 105°16'50.56"W), except for specific listings in Segments 4c and 4d. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Boulder Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from below the Community Ditch diversion structure (39°55'56.82"N, 105°16'50.56"W), to South Boulder Road, except for specific listings in Segments 4c and 4d. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7a. Mainstem of Coal Creek from Highway 93 to Highway 36 (Boulder Turnpike). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Coal Creek from Highway 93 to Highway 36 (Boulder Turnpike). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7b. Mainstem of Coal Creek from Highway 36 to the confluence with Boulder Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Coal Creek from Highway 36 to the confluence with Rock Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Coal Creek from Rock Creek to Boulder Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
8. All tributaries to South Boulder Creek, including all wetlands from South Boulder Road to the confluence with Boulder Creek and all tributaries to Coal Creek, including all wetlands from Highway 93 to the confluence with Boulder Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Rock Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9. Mainstem of Boulder Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with South Boulder Creek to the confluence with Coal Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boulder Creek from a point immediately above the confluence with South Boulder Creek to 107th Street. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. Coli (July - October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boulder Creek from 107th Street to Coal Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. Coli (July - October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
10. Mainstem of Boulder Creek from the confluence with Coal Creek to the confluence with St. Vrain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boulder Creek from the confluence with Coal Creek to the confluence with St. Vrain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
14. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to Boulder Creek from the source to a point immediately above the South Boulder Creek confluence, except as specified in Segment 13. This segment includes Barker and Lakewood Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Barker Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Silver Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
18. Gross Reservior. |
Listed portion: |
Gross Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
1. Mainstem of the Big Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, within Rocky Mountain National Park. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, within Rocky Mountain National Park. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Big Thompson River from the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park to the Greeley-Loveland Canal Diversion (40.397884, -105.106482). All tributaries to the Big Thompson River, including all wetlands, from the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park to the Home Supply Canal diversion (40.424430, -105.210449). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Upper Thompson Sanitaton District discharge to a point immediately below Cedar Creek, except for the North Fork Big Thompson River and Fish Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Listed portion: |
Fish Creek below Mary's Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
Water Supply Use |
Nitrate |
5. - 303(d) List |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park to the Upper Thompson Sanitation District discharge. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Nitrate |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from immediately below Cedar Creek to the Home Supply Canal diversion (40.424430, -105.210449). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork Big Thompson River from the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park to the confluence with the Big Thompson River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson River from the Home Supply Canal diversion (40.424430, -105.210449) to the Big Barnes Ditch (40.406, -105.143). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson River from the Big Barnes Ditch (40.406, -105.143) to the Greeley-Loveland Canal Diversion (40.397884, -105.106482). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of the Big Thompson River from the Greeley-Loveland Canal diversion (40.397884, -105.106482) to County Road 11H. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson from the Greeley-Loveland Canal diversion (40.397884, -105.106482) to County Road 11H. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4. Mainstem of the Big Thompson River from County Road 11H to I-25. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Big Thompson River from County Road 11H to I-25. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
5. Mainstem of The Big Thompson River from I-25 to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of The Big Thompson River from I-25 to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
6. All tributaries to the Big Thompson River, including all wetlands, from the Home Supply Canal diversion (40.424430, -105.210449) to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for listings in segments 7, 8, 9, and 10. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Big Thompson River, including all wetlands, from the Home Supply Canal diversion (40.24430, -105.210449) to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for Dry Creek and listings in Segments 7, 8, 9, and 10. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
7. Buckhorn Creek from the source to the confluence with the Big Thompson River. |
Listed portion: |
Buckhorn Creek from the source to the confluence with the Big Thompson River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
8. Mainstem of the Little Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the Culver Ditch diversion (40.259242, -105.200029). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Little Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the the St. Vrain Supply Canal to the Culver Ditch diversion (40.253242, -105.200029). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Little Thompson River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the St. Vrain Supply Canal. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9. Mainstem of the Little Thompson River from the Culver Ditch diversion (40.259242, -105.200029) to the confluence with the Big Thompson River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Little Thompson River from the Culver Ditch diversion (40.259242, -105.200029) to the confluence with the Big Thompson River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
10. All tributaries to the Little Thompson River, including all wetlands, from the Culver Ditch diversion (40.259242, -105.200029) to the confluence with the Big Thompson River. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Little Thompson River, including all wetlands, from the Culver Ditch diversion (40.259242, -105.200029) to the confluence with the Big Thompson River, except Big Hollow Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
11. Carter Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Carter Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
16. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Big Thompson River from the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park to the Home Supply Canal diversion (40.424430, -105.210449). This segment includes Lake Estes and St Mary?s Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Lake Estes. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1. Mainstem of Cherry Creek from the source of East and West Cherry Creek to the inlet of Cherry Creek Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cherry Creek from the source of East and West Cherry Creek to the inlet of Cherry Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2. Cherry Creek Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Cherry Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Chlorophyll-A |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of Cherry Creek from the outlet of Cherry Creek Reservoir to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cherry Creek from the outlet of Cherry Creek Reservoir to Holly Street. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cherry Creek from Holly street to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4a. All tributaries to Cherry Creek, including all wetlands, from the source of East and West Cherry Creeks to the confluence with the South Platte River except for listings in Segment 4b. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to Cherry Creek, including all wetlands, from the source of East and West Cherry Creeks to the confluence with the South Platte River, except Goldsmith Gulch, McMurdo Gulch, and listings in Segment 4b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Goldsmith Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4b. Cottonwood Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Cherry Creek Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Upper Windmill Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2a. Mainstem of Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the I-70 bridge above Silver Plume to a point just above the confluence with West Fork Clear Creek, except for listings in Segments 3a and 3b. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the I-70 bridge above Silver Plume to the inlet of Georgetown Lake, except for listings in Segments 3a and 3b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Georgetown Lake to a point just above the confluence with West Fork Clear Creek, except for listings in Segments 3a and 3b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2b. Mainstem of Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the confluence with West Fork Clear Creek to a point just below the confluence with Mill Creek, except for listings in Segments 4 through 8. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from the confluence with West Fork Clear Creek to a point just below the confluence with Mill Creek, except for listings in Segments 4 through 8. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to Clear Creek, from the confluence with West Fork Clear Creek to a point just below the confluence with Mill Creek, except for listings in Segments 4 through 8. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2c. Mainstem of Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point just below the confluence with Mill Creek to a point just above the Argo Tunnel discharge, except for listings in Segments 9a, 9b, and 10. |
Listed portion: |
Turkey Gulch below Rockford Tunnel. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nickel (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from the confluence with Mill Creek to a point just above the Argo Tunnel discharge. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Virginia Canyon from its source to its confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Nickel (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nickel (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands of Clear Creek, from a point just below the confluence with Mill Creek to a point just above the Argo Tunnel discharge, except for Virginia Canyon, Turkey Gulch below Rockford Tunnel, and listings in Segments 9a, 9b, and 10. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3a. Mainstem of South Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek, except for the listings in Segments 3b and 19. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Lower Cabin Creek Reservoir, except for the listings in Segments 3b and 19. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point just above Clear Lake to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South Clear Creek from Lower Cabin Creek Reservoir to Clear Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
4b. - 4b plan |
N/A |
3b. Mainstem of Leavenworth Creek from source to confluence with South Clear Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Leavenworth Creek from source to confluence with South Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
5. Mainstem of West Fork Clear Creek from the confluence with Woods Creek to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Listed portion: |
West Fork of Clear Creek from Hoop Creek to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
6. All tributaries to West Fork Clear Creek, including all wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek, except for listings in Segments 7a and 8. |
Listed portion: |
North Empire Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nickel (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
9a. Mainstem of Fall River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Silver Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fall River from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
9b. Mainstem of Trail Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Trail Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
10. Mainstem of Chicago Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek, except for listings in Segment 19. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Chicago Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Clear Creek, except for listings in Segment 19. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
11. Mainstem of Clear Creek from a point just above the Argo Tunnel discharge to the Farmers Highline Canal diversion in Golden, Colorado. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from a point just above the Argo Tunnel discharge to the Farmers Highline Canal diversion in Golden, Colorado. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
12a. All tributaries to Clear Creek, including all wetlands, from the Argo Tunnel discharge to the Farmers Highline Canal diversion in Golden, Colorado, except for listings in Segments 12b, 13a and 13b. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to Clear Creek, including all wetlands, from the Argo Tunnel discharge to the Farmers Highline Canal diversion in Golden, Colorado, except for Gilson Gulch and listings in Segments 12b, 13a, and 13b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Gilson Gulch and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nickel (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Nickel (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
13a. Mainstem of North Clear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to its confluence with Chase Gulch, and Four Mile Gulch, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluence with North Clear Creek and Eureka Gulch, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to its confluence with Gregory Gulch. |
Listed portion: |
Chase Gulch, including all tributaries and wetlands, from its source to its confluence with North Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13b. Mainstem of North Clear Creek including all tributaries and wetlands from a point just below the confluence with Chase Gulch to the confluence with Clear Creek, except for the listings in Segment 13a. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Clear Creek from a point just below the confluence with Chase Gulch to the confluence with Clear Creek, except for the listings in Segment 13a. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Gregory Gulch, Russell Gulch, and Silver Gulch, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences with North Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands to North Clear Creek from a point just below the confluence with Chase Gulch to the confluence with Clear Creek, except for Gregory Gulch, Russell Guclh, Silver Gulch, and the listings in Segment 13a. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
14a. Mainstem of Clear Creek from the Farmers Highline Canal diversion in Golden, Colorado to the Denver Water conduit #16 crossing. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from the Farmers Highline Canal diversion in Golden, Colorado to Croke Canal Diversion, and from McIntyre St. to the Denver Water conduit #16 crossing. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from Croke Canal Diversion to McIntyre Street. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
14b. Mainstem of Clear Creek from the Denver Water conduit #16 crossing to a point just below Youngfield Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from the Denver Water conduit #16 crossing to a point just below Youngfield Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Organic Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
15. Mainstem of Clear Creek from Youngfield Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from Youngfield Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to Wadsworth Blvd (39.7845, -105.0814). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Organic Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Clear Creek from Wadsworth Blvd (39.2492, -105.6608) to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Organic Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
16a. Mainstem of Lena Gulch including all tributaries and wetlands from its source to the inlet of Maple Grove Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Lena Gulch including all tributaries and wetlands from its source to the inlet of Maple Grove Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
17a. Arvada Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Arvada Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
17b. Mainstem of Ralston Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Arvada Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Ralston Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Arvada Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
18a. Mainstem of Ralston Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Arvada Reservoir to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Ralston Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the outlet of Arvada Reservoir to the confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
18b. Mainstem of Leyden Creek and Van Bibber Creek from their source to their confluence with Ralston Creek. Mainstem of Little Dry Creek from its source to its confluence with Clear Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Leyden Creek and Van Bibber Creek from their source to their confluence with Ralston Creek. Mainstem of Little Dry Creek from its source to its confluence with Clear Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2a. Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundaries of Rocky Mountain National Park and the Rawah, Neota, Comanche Peak, and Cache La Poudre Wilderness Areas to a point immediately below the confluence with the South Fork Cache La Poudre River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from the boundaries of Rocky Mountain National Park, and the Rawah, Neota, Comanche Peak, and Cache La Poudre Wilderness Areas to a point immediately below the confluence with the South Fork Cache La Poudre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Pr |
ovisional) 5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands of the Cache la Poudre River from the boundaries of Rocky Mountain National Park, and the Rawah, Neota, Comanche Peak, and Cache La Poudre Wilderness Areas to a point immediately below the confluence with the South Fork Cache La Poudre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Elkhorn Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with Manhattan Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Elkhorn Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately above the confluence with Manhattan Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
6. North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Halligan Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Halligan Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7. North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the inlet of Halligan Reservoir to the confluence with the Cache La Poudre River, except for listings in segments 8 and 20. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the Cache la Poudre River, including wetlands, from immediately below the outlet of Halligan Reservoir to a point five miles downstream. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries to the North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River, including wetlands, from the inlet of Halligan Reservoir to the confluence with the Cache La Poudre River, except Lone Pine Creek, Rabbit Creek, and listings in segments 8 and 20. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the Cache la Poudre River from a point five miles downstream of Halligan Reservoir to Seaman Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the Cache la Poudre River from below Seaman Reservoir to the confluence with the Cache La Poudre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Lone Pine Creek, including wetlands, from the confluence of North Fork Lone Pine Creek and South Fork Lone Pine Creek to the confluence with the North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Rabbit Creek, including wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
8. Middle Fork Rabbit Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Rabbit Creek. Stonewall Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River. North Fork Lone Pine Creek and South Fork Lone Pine Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Lone Pine Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Middle Fork of Rabbit Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Rabbit Creek. Stonewall Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River. North Fork Lone Pine Creek and South Fork Lone Pine Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Lone Pine Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
10a. Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from the Munroe Gravity Canal Headgate (also known as the North Poudre Supply Canal diversion; 40.691700, -105.255292) to a point immediately above the Larimer County Ditch diversion (40.656612, -105.185244). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from the Munroe Gravity Canal Headgate (also known as the North Poudre Supply Canal diversion; 40.691700, -105.255292) to a point immediately above the Larimer County Ditch diversion (40.656612, -105.185244). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
10b. Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from a point immediately above the Larimer County Ditch diversion (40.656612, -105.185244) to Shields Street in Ft. Collins, Colorado. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from a point immediately above the Larimer County Ditch diversion (40.656612, -105.185244) to Shields Street in Ft. Collins, Colorado. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
11. Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from Shields Street in Ft. Collins to Prospect Road. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from Shields Street in Ft. Collins to Prospect Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12a. Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from Prospect Road to U.S. Hwy 85 in Greeley. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from Boxelder Creek to US Hwy 85 in Greeley. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from Prospect Road to Boxelder Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12b. Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from U.S. Hwy 85 in Greeley to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Cache La Poudre River from U.S. Hwy 85 in Greeley to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13a. All tributaries to the Cache La Poudre River, including all wetlands, from the Munroe Gravity Canal Headgate (also known as the North Poudre Supply Canal diversion; 40.691700, -105.255292) to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for listings in segments 6, 7, 8, 13b, and 13c. |
Listed portion: |
Dry Creek and all tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Spring Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Fossil Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13b. Mainstem of Boxelder Creek from its source to a point immediately above Slab Canyon Wash. Mainstems of South Branch of Boxelder Creek, North Branch of Boxelder Creek, and Sand Creek from their sources to their confluences with the mainstem of Boxelder Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boxelder Creek from its source to a point immediately above Slab Canyon Wash. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13c. Mainstem of Boxelder Creek from a point immediately above Slab Canyon Wash to the confluence with the Cache La Poudre River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Boxelder Creek from a point immediately above Slab Canyon Wash to the confluence with the Cache La Poudre River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
14. Horsetooth Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Horsetooth Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
20. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River from the inlet of Halligan Reservoir to the confluence with the Cache La Poudre River. This segment includes Halligan Reservoir and Seaman Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Seaman Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
2a. Mainstem of the Laramie River from the source to the National Forest boundary, and all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the Colorado/Wyoming border, except for listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Laramie River from the source to the National Forest boundary, and all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the Colorado/Wyoming border, except for listings in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2b. Mainstem of the Laramie River from the National Forest boundary to the Colorado/Wyoming border. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Laramie River from the National Forest boundary to the Colorado/Wyoming border. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1a. Mainstem of the South Platte River from the Weld/Morgan County line to the Morgan/Washington County line. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from the Weld/Morgan County line to the Morgan/Washington County line. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from the Morgan/Washington County line to the Colorado/Nebraska border. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Uranium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2. All tributaries to the South Platte River, including all wetlands, from the Weld/Morgan County line to the Colorado/Nebraska border. |
Listed portion: |
Beaver Creek from the source to South Platte River, except for the portion of Beaver Creek from its source to the Fort Morgan Canal. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Kiowa Creek and its tributaries from the source to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
3. Jackson Reservoir, Prewitt Reservoir, North Sterling Reservoir, Jumbo (Julesburg), Empire Reservoir, Vancil Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
North Sterling Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Jumbo Reservoir (Julesburg Reservoir). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Jackson Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
1a. Mainstem of the South Platte River from a point immediately below the confluence with Big Dry Creek to the confluence with St. Vrain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from a point immediately below the confluence with Big Dry Creek to the confluence with St. Vrain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1b. Mainstem of the South Platte River from a point immediately below the confluence with St. Vrain Creek to the Weld/Morgan County Line. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from a point immediately below the confluence with St. Vrain Creek to the Weld/Morgan County Line. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Nitrate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4. Barr Lake and Milton Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Barr Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Milton Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
5a. Mainstem of Lone Tree Creek from the source to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Lone Tree Creek from the source to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Nitrate |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5c. Mainstems of Crow Creek and Box Elder Creek from their sources to their confluences with the South Platte River, except for listings in Segment 5b. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstems of Crow Creek and Box Elder Creek from their sources to their confluences with the South Platte River, except for listings in Segment 5b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
7. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the South Platte River from a point immediately below the confluence with Big Dry Creek to the Weld/Morgan County line, except for listings in the subbasins of the South Platte River, and in segments 4 and 8. |
Listed portion: |
Prospect Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Horse Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
1. Mainstem of the South Fork of the Republican River from a point 23 miles above the Colorado/Kansas border (39.582154, -102.350838) to the Colorado/Kansas border. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Fork of the Republican River from a point 23 miles above the Colorado/Kansas border (39.582154, -102.350838) to the Colorado/Kansas border. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of the North Fork of the Republican River from the source to the Colorado/Nebraska border. Mainstem of Chief Creek from the source to the confluence with the North Fork of the Republican River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the Republican River from the source to the Colorado/Nebraska border. Mainstem of Chief Creek from the source to the confluence with the North Fork of the Republican River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
5. Mainstem of Black Wolf Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arikaree River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Black Wolf Creek from the source to the confluence with the Arikaree River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
1. All tributaries to St. Vrain Creek, including all wetlands, which are within the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area and Rocky Mountain National Park. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of South St. Vrain Creek, including all wetlands, which are within the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area and Rocky Mountain National Park. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisi |
onal) 5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to St. Vrain Creek, including all wetlands, which are within the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area and Rocky Mountain National Park, except for the maintsem of South St. Vrain. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2a. Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area and Rocky Mountain National Park to the eastern boundary of Roosevelt National Forest. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area and Rocky Mountain National Park to the eastern boundary of Roosevelt National Forest. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2b. Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the eastern boundary of Roosevelt National Forest to Hygiene Road. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the eastern boundary of Roosevelt National Forest to Hygiene Road. Except part of South Saint Vrain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
South Saint Vrain Creek from just below its confluence with Red Hill Gulch to its confluence with North Saint Vrain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek from Hygiene Road to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek from the confluence with Left Hand Creek to the confluence with Boulder Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek from Hover Road to Left Hand Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek from Hygiene Road to Hover Road and St. Vrain Creek from I-25 to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of St. Vrain Creek from Boulder Creek to I-25. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4a. Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with James Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 4b. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Hwy 72, except for specific listings in Segment 4b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from Hwy 72 to James Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
4b. Mainstem of James Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Left Hand Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of James Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Left Hand Creek, excluding Little James Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Little James Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4c. Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with James Creek to Highway 36. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with James Creek to Highway 36. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
5. Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from Highway 36 to the confluence with St. Vrain Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from a point above the Boulder Feeder Canal to the confluence with St. Vrain Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Left Hand Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from Highway 36 to a point above the Boulder Feeder Canal. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
6a. All tributaries to Dry Creek, including wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Boulder Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to Dry Creek, including wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Boulder Reservior, except Little Dry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Little Dry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
6b. All tributaries to St. Vrain Creek, including wetlands from Hygiene Road to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for specific listings in the Boulder Creek subbasin and in Segments 4a, 4b, 4c and 5 and 6a. |
Listed portion: |
Dry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
7. Boulder Reservoir, Coot Lake, Left Hand Valley Reservoir and Spurgeon Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Boulder Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1a. Mainstem of the South Platte River from the source of the South and Middle Forks to the inlet of Cheesman Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from the source of the South and Middle Forks to the Elevenmile Reservoir, except for the Middle Fork South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Middle Fork South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
South Platte River from the outlet of Elevenmile Reservoir to the Idlewilde picnic area. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
South Fork of the South Platte from Antero Reservoir to the confluence with the Middle Fork of the South Platte. Was Listed incorrectly in Reg. 93 as COSPUS02a. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
South Platte River from Idlewilde picnic area to Cheesman Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1b. All tributaries to the South Platte River, including wetlands within the Lost Creek and Mt. Evans Wilderness Areas. |
Listed portion: |
Hankins Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
2a. All tributaries to the South Platte River system, including all wetlands from the headwaters of the South and Middle Forks to a point immediately below the confluence with Tarryall Creek except for listings in Segment 1b, 2b and 2c. |
Listed portion: |
Twin Creek, on USFS Land. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the South Platte River system, including all wetlands from the headwaters of the South and Middle Forks to a point immediately below the confluence with Tarryall Creek except for Snyder Creek and for specific listings in Segment 1b, 2b and 2c. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Snyder Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2b. Mainstem of Mosquito Creek from Road #698 (39.270971, -106.098846) to its confluence with the Middle Fork of the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Mosquito Creek from Road #698 (39.270971, -106.098846) to its confluence with the Middle Fork of the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2c. South Mosquito Creek from the source to confluence with Mosquito Creek, Mosquito Creek from the confluence with South Mosquito Creek to Road #698 (39.270971, -106.098846), and No Name Creek from the source to the confluence with South Mosquito Creek. |
Listed portion: |
No Name Creek from the source to the confluence with South Mosquito Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
South Mosquito Creek from the London Mine to confluence with Mosquito Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
South Mosquito Creek from the source to the London Mine. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mosquito Creek from the confluence with South Mosquito Creek to Road #698 (39.27901, -106.098846). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. All tributaries to the South Platte River, including all wetlands from a point immediately below the confluence with Tarryall Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with the North Fork of the South Platte River, except for listings in Segment 1b. |
Listed portion: |
Trout Creek and tributaries on USFS property. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Pine Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Fourmile Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Horse Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
West Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Wigwam Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Goose Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4. Mainstem of the North Fork of the South Platte River, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for listings in Segments 1b, 5a, 5b, and 5c. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the South Platte River, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with Sawmill Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Fork of the South Platte River, including all tributaries and wetlands from Sawmill Gulch to Geneva Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Fork of the South Platte River, including all tributaries and wetlands from Geneva Creek to the confluence with the South Platte River, except for listings in Segments 1b, 5a, 5b, and 5c. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5a. Mainstem of Geneva Creek from the source to the confluence with Scott Gomer Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Geneva Creek from the source to the confluence with Scott Gomer Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
5b. Mainstem of Geneva Creek from the confluence with Scott Gomer Creek to the confluence with the North Fork of the South Platte River; all tributaries of Geneva Creek including wetlands from source to confluence with the North Fork of the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries of Geneva Creek including wetlands from source to confluence with the North Fork of the South Platte River. Excludes Geneva Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Geneva Creek from the confluence with Scott Gomer Creek to the confluence with the North Fork of the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
5c. Mainstem of Gooseberry Gulch and all tributaries from source to Sunset Trail. |
Listed portion: |
Unnamed Tributary to Gooseberry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
6a. Mainstem of the South Platte River from the outlet of Cheesman Reservoir to the inlet of Chatfield Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from the Lazy Gulch to the inlet of Chatfield Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
South Platte River from outlet of Cheesman Reservoir to Lazy Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisi |
onal) 5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
6b. Chatfield Reservoir |
Listed portion: |
Chatfield Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7. All tributaries to the South Platte River, including all wetlands from a point immediately below the confluence with the North Fork of the South Platte River to the outlet of Chatfield Reservoir except for listings in Segments 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. |
Listed portion: |
Willow Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
9. Mainstem of Bear Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the inlet of Perry Park Reservoir, a.k.a. Waucondah Reservoir (Douglas County). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Bear Creek from the source to the inlet of Perry Park Reservoir (Douglas County). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
10. Mainstems of East Plum Creek, West Plum Creek, and Plum Creek from the boundary of National Forest lands to Chatfield Reservoir, mainstems of Stark Creek and Gove Creek from the boundary of National Forest lands to their confluence. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of West Plum Creek from the boundary of National Forest lands to Chatfield Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of East Plum Creek from the boundary of National Forest lands to Chatfield Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Plum Creek from the confluence with East and West Plum Creek to Chatfield Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
11a. All tributaries to the East Plum Creek system, including all wetlands which are not on national forest lands. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the East Plum Creek system, including all wetlands which are not on national forest lands. Excludes Cook Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
11b. All tributaries to the West Plum Creek system, including all wetlands, which are not on national forest lands, except for listings in Segments 9 and 12. |
Listed portion: |
Spring Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12. Mainstem of Garber Creek and Jackson Creek from the boundary of National Forest lands to the confluence with West Plum Creek; mainstem of Bear Creek from the outlet of Perry Park Reservoir, a.k.a. Waucondah Reservoir, to the confluence with West Plum Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Garber Creek from the boundary of National Forest lands to the confluence with West Plum Creek; mainstem of Bear Creek from the outlet of Perry Park Reservoir, a.k.a. Waucondah Reservoir, to the confluence with West Plum Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Jackson Creek from the boundary of National Forest lands to the confluence with West Plum Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
14. Mainstem of the South Platte River from the outlet of Chatfield Reservoir to the Burlington Ditch diversion in Denver, Colorado. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from Bowles Ave. to the Burlington Ditch diversion in Denver, Colorado. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from the outlet of Chatfield Reservoir to Bowles Ave. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
15. Mainstem of the South Platte River from the Burlington Ditch diversion in Denver, Colorado, to a point immediately below the confluence with Big Dry Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from the Burlington Ditch diversion in Denver, Colorado to Sand Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4b. - 4b plan |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from Sand Creek, to 180 meters below 120th Ave. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4b. - 4b plan |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the South Platte River from 180 meters below 120th Ave, to a point immediately below the confluence with Big Dry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4b. - 4b plan |
N/A |
16a. Mainstem of Sand Creek from the confluence of Murphy and Coal Creek in Arapahoe County to the confluence with the Toll Gate Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Sand Creek from the confluence of Murphy and Coal Creek in Arapahoe County to the confluence with the Toll Gate Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
16c. All tributaries to the South Platte River, including all wetlands, from the outlet of Chatfield Reservoir, to a point immediately below the confluence with Big Dry Creek, except for listings in the subbasins of the South Platte River, and in Segments 16a, 16d, 16e, 16f, 16g, 16h, 16i, 16j, and 16k. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the South Platte River, including all wetlands, from the outlet of Chatfield Reservoir, to a point immediately below the confluence with Big Dry Creek, except for listings in the subbasins of the South Platte River, and in Segments 16a, 16d, 16e, 16f, 16g, 16h, 16i, 16j, and 16k. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli (May-October) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
16g. Marcy Gulch, including all wetlands from the source to the confluence with the South Platte. |
Listed portion: |
Marcy Gulch, including all wetlands from the source to the confluence with the South Platte. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
16i. Mainstem of Sand Creek from the confluence with Toll Gate Creek to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Sand Creek from the confluence with Toll Gate Creek to the confluence with Westerly Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem Sand Creek from the confluence with Westerly Creek to the confluence with the South Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
17a. Washington Park Lakes, City Park Lakes, Rocky Mountain Lake, Berkely Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Duck Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Ferril Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Berkeley Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Rocky Mountain Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Smith Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
17b. Sloan?s Lake. |
Listed portion: |
Sloan's Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
19. Lakes and reservoirs in the South Platte River system from headwaters to Chatfield Reservoir, except for listings in Segment 18. Includes Antero, Spinney Mountain, Elevenmile, Cheesman, and Strontia Springs. |
Listed portion: |
Cheesman Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
23. Lakes and reservoirs in watersheds tributary to the Upper South Platte River and within the City and County of Denver, except for listings in the other subbasins of the South Platte River and in Segments 17a and 17b. |
Listed portion: |
Barnum Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Vanderbilt Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Garfield Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Harvey Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Aqua Golf. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Parkfield Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Overland Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Houston Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
1. Mainstem of the Blue River from the source to above the confluence with French Gulch. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Blue River from the source to above the confluence with French Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2a. Mainstem of the Blue River from above the confluence with French Gulch to a point one half mile below Coyne Valley Road (39.523189, -106.050805). |
Listed portion: |
Blue River from South Barton Gulch to one half mile below Summit County Road 3. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nitrite |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Blue River from the confluence with French Gulch to South Barton Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2b. Mainstem of the Blue River from a point one half mile below Coyne Valley Road (39.523189, -106.050805) to above the confluence with the Swan River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Blue River from a point one half mile below Summit County Road 3 to the confluence with the Swan River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisio |
nal) 5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2c. Mainstem of the Blue River from above the confluence with the Swan River to Dillon Reservoir. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Blue River from above the confluence with the Swan River to Dillon Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
4a. All direct tributaries, including wetlands, to Dillon Reservoir and all tributaries, including wetlands, to the Blue River above Dillon Reservoir, except for specific listings in Segments 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 4b, 6a, 10-14 and 16. |
Listed portion: |
Gold Run Gulch below Jessie Mine. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Meadow Creek and its tributaries not in the wilderness. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Soda Creek from the source to Dillon Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisio |
nal) 5. - 303(d) List |
L |
6a. Mainstem of the Snake River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to Dillon Reservoir, except for specific listings in Segments 6b, 7, 8 and 9. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Snake River from the source to Dillon Reservoir, including Saint John Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries and wetlands of the Snake River from the source to Dillon Reservoir, except for specific listings in Segments 6b, 7, 8, 9, and Saint John Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
7. Mainstem of Peru Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Snake River, except for specific listings in Segment 8. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Peru Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands from the source to the confluence with the Snake River, except for specific listings in Segment 8. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Lead (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
11. Mainstem of French Gulch from a point 1.5 miles below Lincoln (39.484661, -105.995074) to the confluence with the Blue River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of French Gulch from a point 1.5 miles below Lincoln (39.484661, -105.995074) to the confluence with the Blue River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
12. Mainstem of Illinois Gulch and Fredonia Gulch from their sources to their confluences with the Blue River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Illinois Gulch from its source to the confluence with the Blue River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Fredonia Gulch from its source to the confluence with the Blue River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
17. Mainstem of the Blue River from the outlet of Dillon Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Blue River from outlet of Dillon Reservoir to Green Mountain Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Blue River from Green Mountain Reservoir to confluence with Colorado River |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
18. All tributaries to the Blue River, including all wetlands, from the outlet of Dillon Reservoir to the outlet of Green Mountain Reservoir, except for the specific listings in Segment 16. |
Listed portion: |
Straight Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provision |
al) 5. - 303(d) List |
H |
20. Mainstems of Elliot Creek and Spruce Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to the confluence with the Blue River. |
Listed portion: |
Spruce Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Eagle River from the source to above the compressor house bridge at Belden (39.526879, -106.394950). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Eagle River from the source to Peterson Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Eagle River Below Peterson Creek to compressor house bridge at Belden. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. All tributaries to the Eagle River, including wetlands, from the source to above the compressor house bridge at Belden (39.526879, -106.394950), except for the specific listings in Segments 1 and 4. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Eagle River, including wetlands, from the source to the compressor house bridge at Belden, except for the specific listing in Segment 4 and those waters included in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
5a. Mainstem of the Eagle River from above the compressor house bridge at Belden (39.526879, -106.394950) to a point immediately above the Highway 24 Bridge near Tigiwon Road (39.554936, -106.401691). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Eagle River from the compressor house bridge in Belden to a point located 600 ft upstream of Rock Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point located 600 ft upstream of Rock Creek to a point immediately above the Highway 24 Bridge near Tigiwon Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5b. Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately above the Highway 24 Bridge near Tigiwon Road (39.554936, -106.401691) to a point immediately above the confluence with Martin Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately above the Highway 24 Bridge near Tigiwon Road (39.554936, -106.401691) to a point immediately above the confluence with Martin Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5c. Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately above Martin Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Gore Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately above Martin Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Gore Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
6. All tributaries to the Eagle River, including all wetlands, from above the compressor house bridge at Belden (39.526879, -106.394950) to a point immediately below the confluence with Lake Creek, except for the specific listings in Segments 1, 7a, 7b, and 8. |
Listed portion: |
Lake Creek from below the confluence with East and West Lake Creek to the mouth. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Beaver Creek from confluence with Wayne Creek to Mouth. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Red Sandstone Creek from USFS Boundary to north side I-70 Frontage Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Red Sandstone Creek from north side I-70 Frontage Road to confluence with Gore Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Black Gore Creek adjacent to I-70 above Miller Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Rock Creek from the source to the confluence with the Eagle River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Cadmium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Eagle River, including all wetlands, from above the compressor house bridge at Belden (39.526879, -106.394950) to a point immediately below the confluence with Lake Creek, except for the specific listings in Segments 1, 7a, 7b, and 8. With other exceptions to Black Gore and Rock Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Black Gore Creek from a point immediately below its confluence with Miller Creek to a point immediately above its confluence with Timber Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Black Gore Creek from a point immediately below its confluence with Timber Creek to the confluence with Gore Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7a. Mainstem of Cross Creek from the source to below the Minturn Water Facility (39.565419, -106.417032), except for the specific listings in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Cross Creek from the source to a point immediately below the Minturn Middle School, except for those waters included in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
8. Mainstem of Gore Creek from the confluence with Black Gore Creek to the confluence with the Eagle River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Gore Creek from the confluence with Black Gore Creek to the confluence with the Eagle River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Pr |
ovisional) 5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9a. Mainstem of the Eagle River from above Gore Creek to a point immediately below the confluence with Squaw Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Eagle River from Gore Creek to confluence with Berry Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Eagle River from confluence with Berry Creek to confluence with Squaw Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
9b. Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately below the confluence with Squaw Creek to a point immediately below the confluence with Rube Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Eagle River from Squaw Creek to Ute Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Eagle River from Ute Creek to Rube Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
9c. Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately below the confluence with Rube Creek to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately below the confluence with Rube Creek to Warren Gulch (39.6785, -106.7645). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Eagle River from a point immediately below the confluence with Warren Gulch (39.6785, -106.7645) to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
10a. All tributaries to the Eagle River, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Lake Creek to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for specific listings in Segments 10b, 11 and 12, and those waters included in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Eagle River, including all wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Lake Creek to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for specific listings in Segments 10b, 11 and 12, and those waters included in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Eby Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1. All tributaries to the North Platte and Encampment Rivers, including all wetlands, within the Mount Zirkel, Never Summer, and Platte River Wilderness Areas. |
Listed portion: |
South Fork Big Creek and tributaries from source to the wilderness boundary. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of the North Platte River from the confluence of Grizzly Creek and Little Grizzly Creek to the Colorado/Wyoming border. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the North Platte River from the confluence of Grizzly Creek and Little Grizzly Creek to the Colorado/Wyoming border. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
4a. All tributaries to the North Platte River, including all wetlands, from the source to the Colorado/Wyoming border, except for those tributaries included in Segments 1, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a and 7b. |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries to the North Platte River, including all wetlands, from the source to the Colorado/Wyoming border, except for those tributaries in Segments 1, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a and 7b, and except the Canadian and Illinois rivers and their tributaries as well as Grizzly, Little Grizzly, Lake, South Fork Big, Snyder, and North Sand creeks and their tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Canadian River and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Grizzly Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Little Grizzly Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Lake Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Illinois River and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
South Fork Big Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Snyder Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
North Sand Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Beneficial Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4b. Mainstem of the Illinois River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Indian Creek to the confluence with the Michigan River, except for specific listings in Segments 7a and 7b. Mainstem of the Canadian River from below 12E Road (40.720033, -106.088912) to the confluence with the North Platte River. All tributaries to the Canadian River, including wetlands, which enter the mainstem from the southwest from below 12E Road to the confluence with the North Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Canadian River below 12E Road to confluence w/ North Platte River. Tributaries entering mainstem of Canadian River from SW side of mainstem. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Illinois River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Indian Creek to the confluence with the Michigan River, except for specific listings in Segment 7a and 7b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
5a. Mainstem of the Michigan River from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with the North Fork Michigan River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Michigan River from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with the North Fork Michigan River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
5b. Mainstem of the Michigan River from a point immediately below the confluence with the North Fork Michigan River to the confluence with the North Platte River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Michigan River from a point immediately below the confluence with the North Fork Michigan River to the confluence with the North Platte River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7b. Mainstem of Spring Creek from the outlet of Spring Creek (Number 31) Reservoir to the confluence with the Illinois River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Spring Creek from the outlet of Spring Creek (Number 31) Reservoir to the confluence with the Illinois River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
9. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the North Platte and Encampment Rivers except for specific listings in Segment 8. |
Listed portion: |
Big Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
North Delaney Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Lake John. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
pH |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Roaring Fork River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Hunter Creek, except for those tributaries included in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Roaring Fork River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Hunter Creek, except for those tributaries included in Segment 1. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3a. Mainstem of the Roaring Fork River, from a point immediately below the confluence with Hunter Creek, to a point immediately below the confluence with the Fryingpan River. All tributaries to the Roaring Fork River, including wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Hunter Creek to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for those tributaries included in Segment 1, 3b, 3d, 4-10b. |
Listed portion: |
Roaring Fork from confluence with Hunter Creek to the confluence of Trentaz Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
West Sopris Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Capitol Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Cattle Creek from Fisher Creek to Mouth. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Roaring Fork River, from a point immediately below the confluence with Trentaz Gulch, to a point immediately below the confluence with the Fryingpan River. All tributaries to the Roaring Fork River, including wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Hunter Creek to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for those tributaries included in Segment 1, 3b, 3d, 4-10b, West Sopris, Capital, Roaring Fork, Cattle Creek, and Three Mile Creek Portions. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Three Mile Creek, including all tributaries, from the source to the Roaring Fork River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
3b. Mainstem of Red Canyon, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Roaring Fork River, except for Landis Creek from the source to the Hopkins Ditch (39.522138, -107.223479). |
Listed portion: |
Landis Creek from the Hopkins Ditch (39.522138, -107.223479) to its confluence with Red Canyon. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
3c. Mainstem of the Roaring Fork River from a point immediately below the confluence with the Fryingpan River to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Roaring Fork below the confluence with the Crystal River to the mouth. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Roaring Fork River from the Fryingpan River to the Crystal River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4. Mainstem of Brush Creek from the source to the confluence with the Roaring Fork River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Brush Creek from the source to the confluence with the Roaring Fork River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
7. All tributaries to the Fryingpan River, including all wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Roaring Fork River, except for those tributaries included in Segment 1. |
Listed portion: |
South Fork Frying Pan River from transbasin diversion to confluence with unnamed tributary (39.251280N, -106.594420W). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
12. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Roaring Fork River, except for the specific listings in Segment 11. |
Listed portion: |
Ruedi Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
1. Mainstem of the Colorado River, including all tributaries and wetlands, within or flowing into Rocky Mountain National Park. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Colorado River, including all tributaries and wetlands, within or flowing into Rocky Mountain National Park. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2. Mainstem of the Colorado River, including all tributaries and wetlands, within or flowing into Arapahoe National Recreation Area, except for the specific listing in Segment 5. |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from Shadow Mountain Reservoir to Granby Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of North Inlet from Tonahutu Creek to Grand Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of East Inlet. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Colorado River, including all tributaries and wetlands within, or flowing into Arapahoe National Recreation Area. Except for Willow, Stillwater, Arapaho Creeks, East Inlet, North Inlet, Roaring Fork, and the Colorado River from Shadow Mountain Reservior to Granby Reservior. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Arapaho Creek downstream of Monarch Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Silver (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Willow Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the National Forest boundary to a point immediately upstream of Willow Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Stillwater Creek, including its tributaries and wetlands, within or flowing into Arapaho Recreation Area. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Roaring Fork Arapaho Creek from Indian Peaks Wilderness to Lake Granby. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
3. Mainstem of the Colorado River from the outlet of Lake Granby to below the confluence with the Roaring Fork River. |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from outlet of Lake Granby to Windy Gap Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from Windy Gap Reservoir to 578 Road Bridge. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from 578 Road Bridge to Gore Canyon. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from Gore Canyon to Derby Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Colorado River from Derby Creek to below the confluence with the Roaring Fork River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4. All tributaries to the Colorado River, including all wetlands, from the outlet of Lake Granby to above the confluence with the Roaring Fork River, which are on National Forest lands, except for the specific listings in Segments 2, 8, 9 and 10a. |
Listed portion: |
Red Dirt Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provi |
sional) 5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Colorado River, including all wetlands, from the outlet of Lake Granby to above the confluence with the Roaring Fork River, which are on National Forest lands, except for the specific listings in Segments 2, 8, 9 and 10a and Red Dirt Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Cadmium (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
5. Mainstem of Willow Creek from the outlet of Willow Creek Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Willow Creek from the outlet of Willow Creek Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
6a. All tributaries to the Colorado River, including all wetlands, from the border of Rocky Mountain National Park and Arapahoe National Recreation Area to a point immediately above the confluence with the Blue River and Muddy Creek, which are not on National Forest lands, except for the specific listings in Segments 5, 6b, 8 and 10a-c. |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to the Colorado River, including all wetlands, from the border of Rocky Mountain National Park and Arapahoe National recreation Area to a point immediately above the confluence with the Blue River and Muddy Creek, which are not on the National Foreste lands, except for the specific listings in Segments 5, 6b and 10a-c. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
6b. Mainstem of un-named tributary to Willow Creek from the headwaters to the confluence with Willow Creek (40.131422, -105.920895). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of un-named tributary from the headwaters to Willow Creek Reservoir Road. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Nitrite |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of un-named tributary to Willow Creek from the Willow Creek Reservoir Road to the confluence with Willow Creek (40.131422, -105.920895). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Ammonia |
4a. - TMDL |
N/A |
7a. All tributaries to the Colorado River, including all wetlands, from a point immediately above the confluence with the Blue River and Muddy Creek to a point immediately below the confluence with the Roaring Fork River, which are not on National Forest lands, except for specific listings in Segment 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e and in the Blue River, Eagle River, and Roaring Fork River basins. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Muddy Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
7b. All tributaries to Muddy Creek, including all wetlands, from the inlet of Wolford Mountain Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River. Mainstems of Rock Creek, Deep Creek, Sheephorn Creek, Sweetwater Creek, Piney River and Blacktail Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences with the Colorado River, which are not on National Forest lands. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstems of Rock Creek, Deep Creek, Sheephorn Creek, Sweetwater Creek and Piney River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences with the Colorado River, which are not on National Forest Lands. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
All tributaries to Muddy Creek, including all wetlands, from the inlet of Wolford Mountain Reservoir to the confluence with the Colorado River, except Alkali Slough and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Alkali Slough and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Sulfate |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7c. Mainstem of Muddy Creek from the source to a point immediately below the confluence with Eastern Gulch, except those waters on National Forest lands. All tributaries to Muddy Creek, including all wetlands, from the source to the inlet of Wolford Mountain Reservoir, except those waters on National Forest lands. The mainstems of Derby Creek, Cabin Creek, and Red Dirt Creeks (all tributary to the Colorado River), including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to their confluences with the Colorado River, except those waters on National Forest lands. |
Listed portion: |
Diamond Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
7d. Mainstem of Muddy Creek from the outlet of Wolford Mountain Reservoir to above the Highway 40 Bridge in Kremmling (40.060574, -106.398739). |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Muddy Creek from the outlet of Wolford Mountain Reservoir to Cow Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Muddy Creek from Cow Gulch to the Highway 40 Bridge in Kremmling (40.060574, -106.398739). |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Manganese (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
7e. Mainstem of Muddy Creek from above the Highway 40 Bridge in Kremmling (40.060574, -106.398739) to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Muddy Creek from above the Highway 40 Bridge in Kremmling (40.060574, -106.398739) to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
8. Mainstem of the Williams Fork River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for those tributaries in Segment 9. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Williams Fork River below Kinney Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Ute Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
10a. Mainstem of the Fraser River from the source to a point immediately below the Rendezvous Bridge (39.933728, -105.789785). All tributaries to the Fraser River, including wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Colorado River, except for those tributaries included in Segments 2 and 9. |
Listed portion: |
Ranch Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Vasquez Creek and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates (Provisional) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Saint Louis Creek below King Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
10c. Mainstem of the Fraser River from a point immediately below the Hammond No 1 Ditch (39.952113, -105.814481) to the confluence with the Colorado River. |
Listed portion: |
Fraser River from below the Hammond No 1 Ditch in Town of Fraser (39.952113, -105.814481) to Fraser Canyon near Tabernash. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Fraser River from Fraser Canyon near Tabernash to the Town of Granby. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
From the Town of Granby to confluence with the Colorado River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
12. Lakes and reservoirs within Arapahoe National Recreation Area, including Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain Lake and Lake Granby. |
Listed portion: |
Shadow Mountain Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Lake Granby. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Willow Creek Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Grand Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Colorado River from the boundary of Rocky Mountain National Park and Arapahoe National Recreation Area to a point immediately above the confluence with the Roaring Fork River, except for specific listings in Upper Colorado Segments 11 and 12 and the Blue River and Eagle River subbasins. |
Listed portion: |
Wolford Mountain Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Williams Fork Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Windy Gap Reservior. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
2a. Mainstem of the Yampa River from the confluence of the Bear River and Phillips Creek to a point immediately above the confluence with Oak Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Yampa River from the confluence of the Bear River and Phillips Creek to Stagecoach Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Yampa River from Stagecoach Reservoir to above confluence with Oak Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
2b. Mainstem of the Yampa River from a point immediately above the confluence with Oak Creek to a point immediately below the confluence with Elkhead Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Yampa River from a point immediately above the confluence with Oak Creek to a point immediately below the confluence with Elkhead Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
3. All tributaries to the Yampa River, including all wetlands, from the source to above the confluence with the Elk River, except for specific listings in Segments 1 and 4-7. Mainstem of the Bear River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the boundary of the Flat Tops Wilderness Area to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Tributaries to Yampa River except, except for specific listings in Segments 4-8, 13a-f and 19. Mainstem of the Bear River, including all tributaries and wetlands from the boundary of the Flat Tops Wilderness Area to the confluence with the Yampa River. Also excludes Bushy Creek, Mainstem of Walton Creek, Little Morrison Creek, and Gunn Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Bushy Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Little Morrison Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Gunn Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
4. Mainstem of Little White Snake Creek from the source to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Little White Snake Creek from the source to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
8. Mainstem of the Elk River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Yampa River, except for those tributaries included in Segments 1 and 20a. Mainstem of the West Fork Elk River from the source to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of the Elk River, including all tributaries and wetlands, below Morin Ditch to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Recreational Use |
E. coli |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Lost Dog Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Zinc (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
13b. Mainstem of Foidel Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with Middle Creek. Mainstem of Fish Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from County Road 27 (40.355559, -107.105131) to the confluence with Trout Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 13g. Mainstem of Middle Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from County Road 27 (40.339183, -107.025533) to the confluence with Trout Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Foidel Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Middle Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Sediment |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13c. Mainstem of Trout Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the headgate of Spruce Hill Ditch (40.317190, -107.005110) to the confluence with Fish Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 13b. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Trout Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the headgate of Spruce Hill Ditch (40.317190, -107.005110) to the confluence with Fish Creek, except for specific listings in Segment 13b. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Dissolved Oxygen |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
13d. Mainstem of Dry Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to above the confluence with Temple Gulch. |
Listed portion: |
Dry Creek from Seneca sample location 5 (WSD5) to above Temple Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dry Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from source to above the confluence with Temple Gulch, except for the mainstem of Dry Creek from Seneca sample location 5 (WSD5) to above Temple Gulch. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
13e. Mainstem of Sage Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the source to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Sage Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands,from the source to above Routt County Road 51D, Grassy Creek and tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Temperature |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Macroinvertebrates |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
Sage Creek and tributaries below Routt County Road 51D to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
13g. All tributaries to Fish Creek from the confluence with Cow Camp Creek (40.398773, -107.016467) to the confluence with Trout Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Unnamed Tributary (40.419, -107.00) above Fish Creek. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
13h. Mainstem of Dry Creek (near Hayden), including all tributaries and wetlands, from above the confluence with Temple Gulch to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Dry Creek, (near Hayden), including all tributaries and wetlands, from Routt County Road 53 to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
Listed portion: |
Dry Creek, including Temple Gulch and all tributaries, from the mainstem of Dry Creek just above the confluence with Temple Gulch to Routt County Road 53. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
M |
13j. Mainstem of Grassy Creek (near Hayden), including all tributaries and wetlands, from above the confluence with Scotchmans Gulch to the confluence with the Yampa River. |
Listed portion: |
Scotchmans Gulch and its tributaries above Grassy Creek |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Selenium (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
15. Mainstem of Elkhead Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below the confluence with Calf Creek to the confluence with the Yampa River. Dry Fork Elkhead Creek, including all tributaries and wetlands, from a point immediately below 80A Road (40.612676, -107.228533) to the confluence with Elkhead Creek. |
Listed portion: |
Mainstem of Elkhead Creek from Calf Creek to Yampa River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
18. South Fork Little Snake River and Middle Fork Little Snake River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from their sources to the confluence with the Little Snake River, which are not on National Forest lands. North Fork Little Snake River, including all tributaries and wetlands, from the Colorado/Wyoming border to the confluence with the Little Snake River. |
Listed portion: |
Little Snake River including all tributaries and wetlands from forest boundary to Wyoming border, except for the South Fork of the Little Snake River. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Copper (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Listed portion: |
South Fork of Little Snake River and its tributaries. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
22. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Yampa River from the source to the confluence with Elkhead Creek, except for those listed in Segment 21. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to Elkhead Creek from the source to the confluence with the Yampa River, except for specific listings in Segment 23. All lakes and reservoirs tributary to the Little Snake River, including those on National Forest lands. |
Listed portion: |
Catamount Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Pearl Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Mercury (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Listed portion: |
Steamboat Lake. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Water Supply Use |
Iron (Dissolved) |
5. - 303(d) List |
L |
Listed portion: |
Stagecoach Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |
23. Elkhead Reservoir |
Listed portion: |
Elkhead Reservoir. |
Affected Use |
Analyte |
Category / List |
Priority |
Water Supply Use |
Arsenic (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Iron (Total) |
3b. - M&E List |
N/A |
Aquatic Life Use |
Fish (Mercury) |
5. - 303(d) List |
H |