California Code of Regulations
Title 9 - Rehabilitative and Developmental Services
Division 1 - Department of Mental Health
Chapter 4.5 - Patients' Rights and Related Procedures for Non-Lanterman-Petris-Short Act Patients in Department of Mental Health Facilities
Article 2 - Non-LPS Patients' Rights
Section 884 - Patients' Rights Subject to Denial for Good Cause

Universal Citation: 9 CA Code of Regs 884

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024

(a) The patient's parent, guardian, or conservator may not waive the rights listed in this Section unless authority to waive these rights is specifically granted by court order. These rights shall only be denied for good cause in accordance with Subsection (b) of this Section.

(b) Non-LPS Patients have the following rights, subject to denial for good cause:

(1) A right to keep and use personal possessions as space permits, except items and materials that are listed as contraband by the facility. Each facility shall make a copy of the contraband listing available on all treatment units and public areas within the facility. Each patient shall receive a copy of the contraband listing upon admission.

(2) A right to have access to individual secured storage space for personal possessions in accordance with the formal policies and procedures of the facility. Title 19, Section 314 and Title 22, Sections 71543 and 73507 require hospitals and licensees to comply with State Fire Marshall regulations.

(3) A right to keep and spend a sum of the patient's own money via the facility monetary replacement system.

(4) A right to personal visits during regularly scheduled visiting days and hours. The right to have visits shall not be denied except as is necessary for reasonable security of the facility and the safety of persons. The length and frequency of visits and the number of persons permitted to visit a patient at the same time may be limited consistent with safety, security, and to ensure that all patients have a fair opportunity to have visitors.

(5) A right to access telephones to make and receive confidential telephone calls, or to have such calls made for them. Telephone hours, frequency and duration of telephone calls, and method of payment may be limited to ensure access by all patients.

(6) A right to have access to letter writing materials and to mail and receive correspondence. Designated facility employees shall open and inspect all incoming and outgoing mail addressed to and from patients for contraband. Confidential mail, as defined in Section 881(c), shall not be read. Limitations on size, weight and volume of mail shall be specified by formal facility policy.

(7) A right to receive packages. Designated facility employees shall open and inspect all incoming and outgoing packages addressed to and from patients for contraband. Limitations on the size, weight and volume, and frequency/number of packages allowed shall be specified by formal facility policy.

(8) A right to have access to legal reference material. Limitations on the time, duration, frequency, and method of access shall be specified by formal facility policy to ensure opportunity for access by all patients.

(9) A right to participate in appropriate programs of publicly supported education that are consistent with the patient's treatment plan and with the secure treatment facility environment.

(10) A right to social interaction. The formation of supervised patient leisure time activity groups that promote educational, social, cultural and recreational interests of participating patients shall be permitted, except for activities that pose a threat to safety and security.

(c) The rights specified in Subsection (b) of this Section shall be denied only for good cause. Good cause for denying a patient the exercise of a right exists when the facility director determines that:

(1) The exercise of the specific right would be injurious to the patient; or

(2) There is evidence that the specific right, if exercised, would seriously infringe on the rights of others; or

(3) The facility would suffer serious damage if the specific right is not denied, or;

(4) The exercise of the right would compromise the safety and security of the facility and/or the safety of others; and

(5) That there is no less restrictive way of protecting the interests specified in Subsections (c)(1) through (4) of this Section.

(d) The reason for denial of a right under this Section must be related to the specific right denied. A right specified in this Section shall not be withheld or denied as a punitive measure, nor shall a right specified in this Section be considered a privilege to be earned. A denial of a right shall not exceed thirty days without additional staff review. Treatment plans shall not include denial of any right specified in Subsection (b) of this Section.

(e) Each denial of a right specified in this Section shall be noted in the patient's treatment record. Documentation shall take place immediately whenever a right is denied. The notation shall include:

(1) Date and time the right was denied.

(2) Specific right denied.

(3) Good cause for denial of right.

(4) Date of review if denial was extended beyond 30 days.

(5) The facility director's signature authorizing the denial.

(f) The patient shall be told of the content of the notation and the process for restoration at the time of the denial.

(g) Each denial of a right specified in this Section shall be documented regardless of the reason for the denial, or the frequency with which a specific right is denied in a particular facility, or to a particular patient.

(h) A patient's right under this Section shall be restored when the good cause for its denial no longer exists. When a right has been denied, staff shall employ the least restrictive means of managing the behavior that led to the denial. The date that a specific right is restored shall be documented in the patient's treatment record.

(i) Information in the patients' treatment record pertaining to a denial of rights shall be available on request to the patient, their attorney/conservator/guardian, the Department, or excluding the patient identity, a member of the State Legislature.

1. New section filed 6-4-2003; operative 7-4-2003 (Register 2003, No. 23).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 4005.1 and 4027, Welfare and Institutions Code. Reference: Section 4027, Welfare and Institution Code.

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