California Code of Regulations
Title 8 - Industrial Relations
Division 1 - Department of Industrial Relations
Chapter 4 - Division of Industrial Safety
Subchapter 7 - General Industry Safety Orders
Section 3203 - Injury and Illness Prevention Program
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) Effective July 1, 1991, every employer shall establish, implement and maintain an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program (Program). The Program shall be in writing and, shall, at a minimum:
EXCEPTION: Employers having fewer than 10 employees shall be permitted to communicate to and instruct employees orally in general safe work practices with specific instructions with respect to hazards unique to the employees' job assignments as compliance with subsection (a)(3).
EXCEPTION: Those employers having in place on July 1, 1991, a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program complying with previously existing section 3203.
EXCEPTION: Employers having in place on July 1, 1991, a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program complying with the previously existing Accident Prevention Program in Section 3203.
(b) Records of the steps taken to implement and maintain the Program shall include:
EXCEPTION: Employers with fewer than 10 employees may elect to maintain the inspection records only until the hazard is corrected.
EXCEPTION NO . 1: Employers with fewer than 10 employees can substantially comply with the documentation provision by maintaining a log of instructions provided to the employee with respect to the hazards unique to the employees' job assignment when first hired or assigned new duties.
EXCEPTION NO . 2: Training records of employees who have worked for less than one (1) year for the employer need not be retained beyond the term of employment if they are provided to the employee upon termination of employment.
EXCEPTION NO . 3: For Employers with fewer than 20 employees who are in industries that are not on a designated list of high-hazard industries established by the Department of Industrial Relations (Department) and who have a Workers' Compensation Experience Modification Rate of 1.1 or less, and for any employers with fewer than 20 employees who are in industries on a designated list of low-hazard industries established by the Department, written documentation of the Program may be limited to the following requirements:
EXCEPTION NO . 4: Local governmental entities (any county, city, city and county, or district, or any public or quasi-public corporation or public agency therein, including any public entity, other than a state agency, that is a member of, or created by, a joint powers agreement) are not required to keep records concerning the steps taken to implement and maintain the Program.
NOTE 1: Employers determined by the Division to have historically utilized seasonal or intermittent employees shall be deemed in compliance with respect to the requirements for a written Program if the employer adopts the Model Program prepared by the Division and complies with the requirements set forth therein.
NOTE 2: Employers in the construction industry who are required to be licensed under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code may use records relating to employee training provided to the employer in connection with an occupational safety and health training program approved by the Division, and shall only be required to keep records of those steps taken to implement and maintain the program with respect to hazards specific to the employee's job duties.
(c) Employers who elect to use a labor/management safety and health committee to comply with the communication requirements of subsection (a)(3) of this section shall be presumed to be in substantial compliance with subsection (a)(3) if the committee:
1. New
section filed 4-1-77; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 77, No. 14).
For former history, see Register 74, No. 43.
2. Editorial correction
of subsection (a)(1) (Register 77, No. 41).
3. Amendment of
subsection (a)(2) filed 4-12-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register
83, No. 16).
4. Amendment filed 1-16-91; operative 2-15-91 (Register
91, No. 8).
5. Editorial correction of subsections (a), (a)(2),
(a)(4)(A) and (a)(7) (Register 91, No. 31).
6. Change without
regulatory effect amending subsection (a)(7)(F) filed 10-2-92; operative
11-2-92 (Register 92, No. 40).
7. Amendment of subsection (b)(2),
amendment of subsection (c)(2) filed 9-13-94; operative 9-13-94 pursuant to
Government Code section
(Register 94, No. 37).
8. Editorial correction of subsections
(a)(6)(A) and (a)(7)(A) (Register 95, No. 22).
9. Amendment of
subsections (b)(1)-(2) and (c)(2) filed 6-1-95; operative 7-3-95 (Register 95,
No. 22).
10. Editorial correction of subsection (a)(4) (Register
2002, No. 46).
11. New subsections (a)(8)-(a)(8)(F) filed 3-3-2020;
operative 7-1-2020 (Register 2020, No. 10).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 142.3 and 6401.7, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 142.3 and 6401.7, Labor Code.