California Code of Regulations
Title 8 - Industrial Relations
Division 1 - Department of Industrial Relations
Chapter 4 - Division of Industrial Safety
Subchapter 5 - Electrical Safety Orders
Group 1 - Low-Voltage Electrical Safety Orders
Article 59 - Hazardous (Classified) Locations
Section 2540.1 - Scope
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) Applicability. This Article covers the requirements for electric equipment and wiring for all voltages in locations that are classified depending on the properties of the flammable vapors, liquids or gases, or combustible dusts or fibers which may be present therein and the likelihood that a flammable or combustible concentration or quantity is present. Hazardous (classified) locations may be found in occupancies such as, but not limited to, the following: Aircraft hangers, gasoline dispensing and service stations, bulk storage plants for gasoline or other volatile flammable liquids, paint-finishing process plants, health care facilities, agricultural or other facilities where excessive combustible dusts may be present, marinas, boat yards, and petroleum and chemical processing plants. Each room, section or area shall be considered individually in determining its classification.
Class I, Division 1
Class I, Division 2
Class I, Zone 0
Class I, Zone 1
Class I, Zone 2
Class II, Division 1
Class II, Division 2
Class III, Division 1
Class III, Division 2
(b) Classifications.
NOTE: This classification usually includes locations where volatile flammable liquids or liquefied flammable gases are transferred from one container to another, interiors of spray booths and areas in the vicinity of spraying and painting operations where volatile flammable solvents are used: locations containing open tanks or vats of volatile flammable liquids; drying rooms or compartments for the evaporation of flammable solvents; locations containing fat and oil extraction equipment using volatile flammable solvents; portions of cleaning and dyeing plants where flammable liquids are used; gas generator rooms and other portions of gas manufacturing plants where flammable gas may escape; inadequately ventilated pump rooms for flammable gas or for volatile flammable liquids; the interiors of refrigerators and freezers in which volatile flammable materials are stored in open, lightly stoppered, or easily ruptured containers; and all other locations where ignitable concentrations of flammable vapors or gases are likely to occur in the course of normal operations.
NOTE: This classification usually includes locations where volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases or vapors are used, but which would become hazardous only in case of an accident or of some unusual operating condition. The quantity of flammable materials that might escape in case of accident, the adequacy of ventilating equipment, the total area involved, and the record of the industry or business with respect to explosions or fires are all factors that merit consideration in determining the classification and extent of each location. Piping without valves, checks, meters, and similar devices would not ordinarily introduce a hazardous condition even though used for flammable liquids or gases. Locations used for the storage of flammable liquids or of liquefied or compressed gases in sealed containers would not normally be considered hazardous unless also subject to other hazardous conditions. Electrical conduits and their associated enclosures separated from process fluids by a single seal or barrier are classed as a Division 2 location if the outside of the conduit and enclosures is a non-hazardous location.
NOTE: As a guide in determining when flammable gases or vapors are present continuously or for long periods of time, refer to Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations of Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1 or Zone 2, API RP 505-1997; Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres, Classifications of Hazardous Areas, IEC 79-10-1995; Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations, Model Code--Part 15, Institute for Petroleum; and Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres, Classifications of Hazardous (Classified) Locations, ISA S 12.24.01 - 1997.
NOTE: This classification may include areas of grain handling and processing plants, starch plants, sugar-pulverizing plants, malting plants, hay-grinding plants, coal pulverizing plants, areas where metal dusts and powders are produced or processed, and other similar locations that contain dust producing machinery and equipment (except where the equipment is dust-tight or vented to the outside). These areas would have combustible dust in the air, under normal operating conditions, in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures. Combustible dusts which are electrically nonconductive include dusts produced in the handling and processing of grain and grain products, pulverized sugar and cocoa, dried egg and milk powders, pulverized spices, starch and pastes, potato and wood flour, oil meal from beans and seed, dried hay, and other organic materials which may produce combustible dusts when processed or handled. Dusts containing magnesium or aluminum are particularly hazardous and the use of extreme caution is necessary to avoid ignition and explosion.
NOTE: This classification includes locations where dangerous concentrations of suspended dust would not be likely, but where dust accumulations might form on or in the vicinity of electric equipment. These areas may contain equipment from which appreciable quantities of dust would escape under abnormal operating conditions or be adjacent to a Class II Division 1 location, as described above, into which an explosive or ignitable concentration of dust may be put into suspension under abnormal operating conditions.
NOTE: Such locations usually include some parts of rayon, cotton, and other textile mills; combustible fiber manufacturing and processing plants; cotton gins and cotton-seed mills; flax-processing plants; clothing manufacturing plants; woodworking plants, and establishments and industries involving similar hazardous processes or conditions.
Easily ignitable fibers and flyings include rayon, cotton (including cotton linters and cotton waste), sisal or henequen, istle, jute, hemp, tow, cocoa fiber, oakum, baled waste kapok, Spanish moss, excelsior, and other materials of similar nature.
(c) Other sections of these Safety Orders. All applicable requirements in these Safety Orders apply to hazardous (classified) locations unless modified by provisions of this Article.
(d) Division and zone classification. In Class I locations, an installation must be classified as using the division classification system meeting Sections 2540.3 and 2540.4 of this Article or using the zone classification system meeting Section 2540.11. In Class II and Class III locations, an installation must be classified using the division classification system meeting Sections 2540.3 and 2540.4.
1. Repealer of article 59 (sections 2540.1-2540.6) and new article 59 (sections 2540.1, 2540.2 and 2540.4-2540.9) filed 2-1-83, effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 6). For prior history, see Register 75, No. 42.
2. Editorial correction of NOTE filed 11-2-83 (Register 83, No. 45).
3. Editorial correction filed 11-3-83 (Register 83, No. 45).
4. Amendment of title 24 cross references filed 8-27-86; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 86, No. 37).
5. Change without regulatory effect amending (a)(2)(C) NOTE filed 7-6-93; operative 8-5-93 (Register 93, No. 28).
6. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 5-5-2008; operative 5-5-2008. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Labor Code 142.3(a)(3) (Register 2008, No. 19).
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.