Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
(1) Additional conditions. Conditions imposed
based on past performance or a risk assessment.
(2) Administrative review. A review of a
grant application for completeness and eligibility.
(3) Advance payment. A payment to a recipient
for anticipated or obligated expenditures for the performance of grant award
Agreed-upon-procedure or desk review. A review of a random sample of grant
award invoices and related documents for monitoring compliance with the
requirements of the grant program and terms and conditions of the grant award.
Agreed-upon-procedures may be conducted in accordance with the Generally
Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS).
(5) Allowable costs. Costs incurred to
further the objectives of the grant award that are allowable under the grant
program requirements, the grant award terms and conditions, or these
regulations. In the event of a conflict, the grant award terms and conditions
will take precedence.
Application. A formal request to receive a grant award.
(7) Application requirements. The elements of
an application that must be completed and the items which must be included, as
set forth in the Request for Proposals.
(8) Audit. An inspection of a recipient's
accounts, financial management systems, and internal controls, conducted in
accordance with the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS),
for monitoring compliance with the requirements of the grant program and terms
and conditions of the grant award.
(9) Audit finding. A determination of
non-compliance with the requirements of the grant program or the terms and
conditions of the grant award.
Authority. The statute, court order, or mandate under which the grant program
or the proposed use of the funds is authorized.
(11) Budget. The financial plan for the
(12) Budget narrative.
Narrative explanation of the items in each budget category
(13) Capacity. The ability of the grant
applicant to perform the proposed grant activities and achieve the stated
objectives in compliance with the grant program requirements or terms and
conditions of the grant award.
Capital asset. An asset having a useful life of more than one year. Includes
land, buildings, equipment as defined in this section, and intellectual
(15) Capital
expenditures. Expenditures to acquire capital assets or expenditures to make
additions, improvements, modifications, replacements, rearrangements,
reinstallations, renovations, or alterations to capital assets that materially
increase their value or useful life.
(16) Closeout. The process by which the
Department determines that all administrative actions and all required grant
award activities have been completed, and takes the actions described in
section 329 Closeout.
(17) Conflict of interest. A situation in
which a person may derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in
their official capacity.
Contractor. An entity that undertakes a contract to perform an activity. The
term Contractor includes Consultants.
(19) Cost-share or cost-match. The portion of
project costs not borne by the grant award in the form of matching funds or
in-kind contributions. Matching funds are cash funds, and in-kind contributions
are the value of non-cash contributions, such as property or
(20) Department. The
California Department of Food and Agriculture.
(21) Direct costs. Costs that can be
identified specifically with a particular grant award and can be directly
attributable to grant award activities relatively easily with a high degree of
accuracy. Typical direct costs include but are not limited to compensation
(salaries and fringe benefits) of employees who work directly on the award,
travel that is necessary to further the objectives of the grant award, and
equipment and supplies used solely to further the objectives of the grant
(22) Disallowed cost. Those
charges to a grant award determined to be unallowable in accordance with the
grant program requirements or the grant award terms and conditions.
(23) Disqualification. Removal of an
application from the grant application process due to one or more bases for
disqualification as set forth in the Request for Proposals issued for the
specific grant program for which the application was received.
(24) Eligibility criteria. The minimum
requirements an entity must meet to be eligible to apply for an award under a
specific grant program.
Eligible entity. An individual or organization that meets the grant program
eligibility criteria to receive a grant award.
(26) Equipment. Tangible personal property
having a useful life of more than one year and a per-unit acquisition cost of
$5,000 or more. The acquisition cost includes the cost of any necessary
accessories and all incidental costs incurred to put the asset into place and
ready for its intended use.
a. Special purpose
equipment is used only for research, scientific, or other technical activities.
For example, electron microscopes, spectrometers, and dairy digesters are
special purpose equipment.
General purpose equipment is not limited to research, scientific or other
technical activities. For example, office equipment and furnishings, modular
offices, telephone networks, information technology equipment and systems, air
conditioning equipment, reproduction and printing equipment, and motor vehicles
are general purpose equipment.
(27) Fixed amount award. A type of award
where a specific level of funding is provided, and for which accountability is
based primarily on performance and results, rather than actual costs
(28) For-profit
organization. An organization operated for the purpose of making a
(29) Funding
recommendation. A recommendation presented to the Secretary or designee as to
which grant projects should receive a grant award, based on factors including
but not limited to the amount of available funding, merits of the application,
program priorities, and results of the administrative review.
(30) Grant. An award of financial assistance
made to a recipient, the principal purpose of which is the transfer of funds to
carry out a program or project of public benefit authorized and intended by
statute or grant program requirements.
(31) Grant agreement. The agreement document
entered into between the Department and the Recipient which sets forth the
terms and conditions of the grant award.
(32) Grant duration or grant period. The time
during which the grant agreement is in effect and the recipient may carry out
the grant award activities.
Grant expenditure. A cost incurred and charged to a grant project for which the
award was received.
(34) Grant
management procedure manual. A document issued by the Department applicable to
each grant program, grant award, or grant year providing information and
procedures regarding managing a grant award.
(35) Grant program. A program that awards
(36) Indirect costs. Costs
incurred for common or joint objectives that cannot be identified specifically
with a particular project, program, or organizational activity. Typical
indirect costs include but are not limited to administrative or clerical staff
costs, rent, utilities and internet service, cellular and land-line telephone
service, general office supplies, and insurance.
(37) Individual. A person who, for the
purposes of applying for a grant from the Department, is not associated with an
organization, a government agency, or other institution.
(38) Institution of higher education. An
accredited educational institution that is legally authorized to provide an
educational program for which the institution awards a bachelor's degree or
provides not less than a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit
toward such a degree, or awards a degree that is acceptable for admission to a
graduate or professional degree program.
(39) Intellectual property. A copyright,
trademark, patent, or invention.
(40) Key personnel. The Project Director,
Project Manager, Principal Investigator, or other person responsible for the
project and fulfilling the terms and conditions of the grant award.
(41) Line item shift. A shift of a budget
amount from one budget line item to another.
(42) Merits of the proposal. The degree to
which the elements of a proposal meets the evaluation criteria set forth in the
request for proposals.
Non-federal funds. Funds not received from the federal government. Non-federal
funds do not include funds received from the federal government as pass-through
(44) Non-profit
organization. An organization that conducts business for the benefit of the
general public without shareholders and without a profit motive, and is exempt
from filing income taxes under United States Internal Revenue Code section
(45) Organization. A non-profit or for-profit
organization, a state, local or other government, or an institution of higher
education. Organization does not mean an individual. See Individual.
(46) Performance measure. A quantifiable
indicator used to assess how well a project is achieving its desired
(47) Post-award. The
period after a grant is awarded.
(48) Pre-award. The period prior to the award
of a grant, including but not limited to the application period.
(49) Program income. Gross income earned as a
result of the grant award during the grant duration. Program income includes
but is not limited to income from fees for services performed, the sale of
commodities or items fabricated under the grant award, and license fees and
royalties on patents and copyrights.
(50) Project. An undertaking that is planned
to conduct activities and achieve stated goals and objectives for which grant
funds were awarded.
(51) Project
description. A summary or abstract of the grant project and what the project
will accomplish.
(52) Project
objective. The goal or outcome a grant project is intended to
(53) Proposal. A document
that contains all necessary information to describe the project plans,
objectives, outcomes, performance measures, scope of work, and budget of the
proposed project.
(54) Recipient,
awardee, or grantee. An individual or organization to which a grant is awarded.
For purposes of these regulations, the term "Recipient" will be used.
(55) Records retention period. The period of
time after the grant award is closed out that a recipient must maintain records
related to the grant award.
Recusal. To excuse oneself from conducting a technical review of an application
because of a possible conflict of interest.
(57) Reimbursement payment. Payment to a
recipient for actual and allowable costs incurred for the grant award after the
costs are incurred.
(58) Request
for Applications, Request for Concept Proposals, Request for Grant Proposals,
or Request for Proposals. A document requesting applications, proposals and
submissions, and setting forth the requirements of a specific grant program,
including but not limited to the application requirements and submission
deadline. For purposes of these regulations, the term "Request for Proposals"
will be used.
(59) Risk assessment.
An evaluation of the potential risk for non-compliance by an applicant or
recipient with grant program requirements or grant agreement terms and
(60) Secretary. The
Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
(61) Scope of work. A detailed description of
the work to be performed under a grant award. The scope of work typically
includes the approved proposal, and reporting and invoicing due
(62) Site visit. A visit to
the project site, or an alternative site such as a headquarters office, to
evaluate project progress and for monitoring compliance with the requirements
of the grant program and terms and conditions of the grant award.
(63) Subject matter expert. A person with
expertise, experience, or in-depth knowledge in a specified subject.
(64) Supplant. Replacing existing funds for
an activity specifically because grant funds are available or expected to be
available to fund that same activity.
(65) Supplement. Adding to existing funds to
enhance or expand existing activities.
(66) Supplies. Tangible personal property
having a useful life of less than one year or a per-unit value of less than
(67) Suspension. A
temporary cessation of a grant agreement and grant project activities due to
noncompliance with grant program requirements or grant agreement terms and
(68) Technical review.
Review by one or more technical reviewers to evaluate the merits of the
(69) Termination. The
ending of a grant award, in whole or in part, at any time prior to the
specified end of the grant duration.
(70) Unallowable costs. Costs that are not
allowable under the grant program requirements, the grant award terms and
conditions, these regulations, or other state laws.
(71) Work plan. A detailed plan of activities
to be performed under the grant award, including but not limited to the dates
the work will be performed and who will perform the work.
1. New section
filed 9-21-2016; operative 1-1-2017. Exempt from Administrative Procedure Act
pursuant to Food and Agricultural Code Section 485(d), which provides
"Procedures, forms, and guidelines established for these grant programs,
including the application process, are exempt from Chapter 3.5 (commencing with
Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code."
(Register 2016, No. 39).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 485, Food and
Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections
401, 401.5, 404 and 485, Food and
Agricultural Code; and Section
Revenue and Taxation Code.