California Code of Regulations
Title 23 - Waters
Division 3 - State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards
Chapter 28 - Certifications
Article 5 - Pollution Control Certifications
Section 3863 - Contents of Application
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
Applications shall include:
(a) A detailed description of the proposed project, the need for the project and the manner in which the project, as designed, will further compliance with federal, state or local water pollution standards and requirements.
(b) A copy of the federal, state or local water pollution standard and requirement involved.
(c) A copy of any report of waste discharge filed by the applicant in connection with the project, and any waste discharge requirements adopted or proposed for the project.
(d) If the project involves wastewater treatment facilities, a detailed description of how the facilities will be operated, including operating procedures, organizational structure, minimum personnel requirements for proper operation and maintenance, and operator training programs.
Note: Authority cited: Section 1058, Water Code. Reference: Sections 44533 and 44539, Health and Safety Code.