(1) Regarding curtailment orders in the Scott River watershed:
(A) Curtailment orders in the Scott River watershed to meet drought emergency minimum fisheries flows in the Scott River shall be issued taking into account water right priority, in groupings from lowest to highest priority, as follows:
(i) All post-Scott River Adjudication appropriative water rights.
(ii) Surplus Class Rights in all schedules of the Scott River Adjudication.
(iii) All Post-1914 Appropriative water rights in the Scott River Adjudication, Shackleford Adjudication, and French Creek Adjudication, collectively.
(iv) Diversions in Schedule D4 of the Scott River Adjudication.
(v) Diversions in Schedule D3 of the Scott River Adjudication.
(vi) Diversions in Schedule D2 of the Scott River Adjudication.
(vii) Diversions in Schedule D1 of the Scott River Adjudication.
(viii) Diversions in French Creek Adjudication, the Shackleford Adjudication, and Schedule B of the Scott River Adjudication, collectively.
(ix) Diversions in Schedule C of the Scott River Adjudication, and overlying groundwater diversions not described in the Scott River Adjudication.
(B) Surface diversions from the Scott River, Big Slough, Etna Creek, or Kidder Creek and described in Scott River Adjudication Schedules D2, D3, D4, B18, B23, and B26 that have moved from surface water to groundwater diversions as permitted under Scott River Adjudication, Paragraph 44, will be curtailed in priority grouping (a)(1)(A)(ix), rather than under (a)(1)(A)(iv), (a)(1)(A)(v), (a)(1)(A)(vi), or (a)(1)(A)(viii).
(C) Domestic and Livestock Water Uses during the non-irrigation season by diverters in Scott River Adjudication Schedules A, B, C, and D, under paragraph 36 shall follow the priority groups under (a)(1)(A)(iv) through (a)(1)(A)(viii), as applicable.
(D) To the extent that curtailment of fewer than all diversions in the groupings listed in (a)(1)(A)(i) and (a)(1)(A)(iii) through (a)(1)(A)(viii) would reliably result in sufficient flow to meet drought emergency minimum fisheries flows, the Deputy Director shall maintain the authority to issue, suspend, reinstate, or rescind curtailment orders for partial groupings based on the priorities in the applicable adjudication or through the appropriative right priority date, as applicable. Any partial curtailment of groups (a)(1)(A)(ii) and (a)(1)(A)(ix) shall be correlative, except that the Deputy Director may issue curtailments to groundwater diverters in (a)(1)(A)(ix) first to diversions closest to surface waterbodies, or use other reliable information to determine which diversions have the highest potential impact on surface flows.
(E) Diversions under Paragraph 39 of the Scott River Adjudication shall be curtailed with the group defined in (a)(1)(A) that corresponds to the schedule in which the diversion would be placed if the right were defined in the adjudication. If partial curtailment of the group is issued, suspended, reinstated, or rescinded under (a)(1)(D), these rights will be subordinated to the other rights in that schedule.
(F) Diversions under paragraph 41 of the Scott River Adjudication shall be curtailed with the group defined in (a)(1)(A) that corresponds to the schedule in which the diversion would be placed if the right were defined in the adjudication. If partial curtailment of the group is issued, suspended, reinstated, or rescinded under (a)(1)(D), these rights shall be treated as subordinate to first priority rights in the schedule, and senior to second priority rights in that schedule.
(G) Diversions under paragraph 42 of the Scott River Adjudication shall be curtailed with the group defined in (a)(1)(A) that corresponds to the schedule in which the diversion would be placed if the right were defined in the adjudication. If partial curtailment of the group is issued, suspended, reinstated, or rescinded under (a)(1)(D), these rights shall be treated as first priority rights compared to downstream rights in that schedule, and subordinate to all upstream rights in that schedule.
(H) Diversions under paragraph 43 of the Scott River Adjudication shall be curtailed with the group defined in (a)(1)(A) that corresponds to the schedule in which the diversion would be placed if the right were defined in the adjudication. If an order for partial curtailment of the group is issued, suspended, reinstated, or rescinded under (a)(1)(D), these rights shall be treated as first priority rights in that schedule.
(I) Diversions under paragraphs 49 and 61 of the Scott River Adjudication shall be curtailed with the group defined in (a)(1)(A)(viii). If an order for partial curtailment of the group is issued, suspended, reinstated, or rescinded under (a)(1)(D), these rights will be treated as first priority rights in the schedule for the appropriate tributary.
(2) Curtailment orders in the Scott River watershed for lack of water availability at a diverter's priority of right shall be issued:
(A) First to appropriative rights that were initiated after the relevant adjudication, in the Shackleford Creek watershed, the French Creek watershed, and the Scott River Stream System as defined in paragraph 2 of the Scott River Adjudication,
(B) Then in accordance with the priorities set forth in the Scott River, Shackleford Creek, and French Creek Adjudications, as applicable, and
(C) Then correlatively to unadjudicated overlying groundwater diversions.