California Code of Regulations
Title 23 - Waters
Division 3 - State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards
Chapter 2.8 - Measuring and Monitoring
Section 931.5 - Authority of the Delta Watermaster
The Delta Watermaster may exercise all powers assigned to the deputy director under this chapter for any point of diversion located within the Delta. The deputy director may exercise these powers within the Delta during a vacancy in the position of Delta Watermaster or as authorized by the Delta Watermaster.
1. New section filed 3-21-2016 as an emergency; operative 3-21-2016 (Register 2016, No. 13). Pursuant to Water Code section 1841(b), the regulation shall remain in effect until revised by the State Water Resources Control Board.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1058, 1840 and 1841, Water Code. Reference: Section 85230, Water Code.