California Code of Regulations
Title 23 - Waters
Division 3 - State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Article 5 - Conflict of Interest
Section 644.1 - Regional Water Quality Control Board Membership
Pursuant to Water Code Section 13388, no person shall be a member of a Regional Board if he receives or has received during the previous two years a significant portion of his income directly or indirectly from any person subject to waste discharge requirements or an applicant for waste discharge requirements under the provisions of Chapter 5.5, Division 7, California Water Code (NPDES permits).
1. New NOTE filed 10-1-85; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 85, No. 40).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1058, 13370 and 13371, Water Code. Reference: Sections 13388, Water Code; and Clean Water Act Section 304(i)(2)(D), 33 USC Section 1314(i)(2)(D) and 40 CFR Section 123.25(c)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (c)(2).