California Code of Regulations
Title 23 - Waters
Division 2 - Department of Water Resources
Chapter 2.5.1 - California Safe Drinking Water Bond Law of 1984
Section 481 - Priority Classes
Each Supplier on the priority list shall be assigned to one of the following priority classes:
Class A: Action is necessary to alleviate significant and documented public health hazards involving illness or to respond to a court-ordered compliance schedule.
Class B: Action is necessary to correct documented violations of primary drinking water standards established by the Department of Health Services.
Class C: Action is necessary to correct significant physical defects that affect a system's ability to meet primary standards.
Class D: Action is necessary to correct secondary drinking water standards violations.
Class E: Action is necessary to correct physical defects or waterworks deficiencies that do not result in violations of primary or secondary standards.
Note: Authority cited: Section 13834, Water Code. Reference: Sections 13825, 13826 and 13836, Water Code.