California Code of Regulations
Title 22 - Social Security
Division 7 - Health Planning and Facility Construction
Chapter 10 - Health Facility Data
Article 2 - Accounting System Requirements
Section 97016 - Accrual Accounting
A full accrual basis of accounting for revenue and expenses is required for all health facilities. Revenues shall be given recognition in the period during which the service is provided. Except as may be provided in the long-term care manual prescribed by Section 97019, patient revenue shall be recorded at the full established rates regardless of the amounts actually paid to the health facility by or on behalf of the patients. Revenue deductions in all health facilities shall be given accounting recognition in the same period that the related revenues are recorded. Health facility expenses shall be given recognition in the period in which there is (1) a direct identification or association with the revenue of the period, as in the case of services rendered to patients; (2) an indirect association with revenue of the period, as in the case of salaries or rent; or (3) a measurable expiration of asset costs even though not associated with the production of revenue for the current period, as in the case of losses from fire.
1. Amendment
filed 4-16-92; operative 5-18-92 (Register 92, No. 18).
2. Change without
regulatory effect amending NOTE filed 10-31-2000 pursuant to section
100, title 1, California Code of
Regulations (Register 2000, No. 44).
Note: Authority cited: Section 128810, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 128760, Health and Safety Code.