California Code of Regulations
Title 22 - Social Security
Division 6 - Licensing of Community Care Facilities
Chapter 9.5 - Foster Family Homes
Article 2 - Administrative
Section 89219.1 - Criminal Record Exemption
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) After a review of the criminal record transcript, the Department may grant an exception from disqualification for a license, employment or presence in a home pursuant to Section 89219, subsection (g) if:
(b) The Department shall consider factors including, but not limited to, the following as evidence of good character and rehabilitation:
(c) No exemption shall be granted for a crime that is listed in Health and Safety Code section 1522, subsection (g).
(d) The Department may deny an exemption request if:
(e) The reasons for any exemption granted or denied shall be in writing and kept by the Department.
(f) The Department may grant a criminal record exemption that places conditions on the person's continued licensure, and employment or presence in a licensed home.
(g) A person shall be permitted to transfer a current criminal record exemption from one state-licensed facility to another provided the exemption has been processed through a state licensing regional office and the following are met:
(h) If the Department denies the person's request to transfer a conditional criminal record exemption, the Department shall provide the individual with a right to an administrative hearing to contest the Department's decision.
(i) The Department shall take the following actions if a criminal record exemption is not or cannot be granted:
(j) To request a criminal record exemption, an applicant/caregiver must submit information that indicates that the affected individual meets the requirements of Section 89219.1(a)(4). The Department will notify the applicant/caregiver and the affected individual, in concurrent, separate notices, that the affected individual has a criminal conviction and needs to obtain a criminal record exemption.
(k) The Department shall grant a simplified criminal record exemption if the affected individual has the criminal history profile outlined below:
(l) At the Department's discretion, an individual who is otherwise eligible for a simplified criminal record exemption may be required to go through the standard exemption process if the Department determines such action is necessary to help protect the health and safety of a child or nonminor dependent.
1. Renumbering of
former section 87019.1 to section 89219.1, including
amendment of section and NOTE, filed 6-26-2002 as an emergency; operative 7-1-2002
(Register 2002, No. 26). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by
10-29-2002 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the
following day.
2. Renumbering of former section
87019.1 to section 89219.1, including
amendment of section and NOTE, refiled 10-28-2002 as an emergency; operative
10-29-2002 (Register 2002, No. 44). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted
to OAL by 2-26-2003 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on
the following day.
3. Certificate of Compliance as to 10-28-2002 order,
including further amendments, transmitted to OAL 2-25-2003 and filed 4-9-2003
(Register 2003, No. 15).
4. Amendment of subsections (a), (a)(2)-(4),
(b)(8)1.-(c), (d)(1)-(2), (f)-(g)(1), (g)(2)(A), (g)(2)(A)3.-(B), (h) and (i)(3)-(4)
filed 3-4-2010; operative 4-3-2010 (Register 2010, No. 10).
5. New
subsections (j)-(l) filed 6-25-2020; operative 10-1-2020 (Register 2020, No. 26).
Filing deadline specified in Government Code section
extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20 and an additional 60
calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-66-20.
6. Editorial
correction of HISTORY 5 (Register 2020, No. 43).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1530, 1530.5 and 1531, Health and Safety Code; and Section 21 of Assembly Bill (AB) 1695 (Chapter 653, Statutes of 2001). Reference: Section 729, Business and Professions Code; Sections 1520, 1522, 1522.01, 1522.04, 1524, 1531 and 14564, Health and Safety Code; Section 15376, Government Code; and Sections 136.1, 186.22, 187, 190-190.4, 192(a), 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 209.5, 210, 211, 212, 212.5, 213, 214, 215, 220, 243.4, 261(a), (a)(1)-(4) or (a)(6), 262(a)(1) or (a)(4), 264.1, 266, 266c, 266h(b), 266i(b), 266j, 267, 269, 272, 273a(a) [or 273a(1) if the conviction was prior to January 1, 1994], 273d, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.2, 288.5(a), 289, 290(a), 311.2(b), (c) or (d), 311.3, 311.10, 311.11, 314(1) or (2), 347(a), 368(b) or (c) if after January 1, 1999, 186.22, 417(b), 451(a) or (b), 460(a), 518, 647.6 or prior to 1987 former Sections 207, 208, 209, 209.5, 210, 647a, 653f(c), 664.187, 667.5(c)(7), 667.5(c)(8), 667.5(c)(13), 667.5(c)(14), 667.5(c)(22), 12022.53, 12308, 12309 or 12310, Penal Code.