California Code of Regulations
Title 22 - Social Security
Division 4 - Environmental Health
Chapter 20 - Public Swimming Pools
Article 3 - Maintenance and Operation
Section 65545 - Public Pool Closure
A public pool that is maintained or operated in a manner that creates an unhealthful, unsafe, or unsanitary condition may be closed by the enforcing agent. Unhealthful, unsafe, or unsanitary conditions include, but are not limited to, failure to maintain clean pool water and clear pool water requirements; inadequate disinfection; improper pH; the presence of inhalation hazards; failure to meet microbiological or chemical water-quality standards; missing or broken suction outlet covers; missing or broken pool enclosures, including fencing and gates; hazards to pool users; and any other violation of these regulations identified by the enforcing agent. A public pool shall not be reopened until the unhealthful, unsafe, or unsanitary condition has been rectified and upon specific written approval from the enforcing agent.
1. Amendment of section heading, section and NOTE filed 10-14-2014; operative 1-1-2015 (Register 2014, No. 42).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 116035, 116050 and 131200, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 116040, 116043, 116050, 116053, 116055, 116060 and 116063, Health and Safety Code.