California Code of Regulations
Title 20 - Public Utilities and Energy
Division 2 - State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission
Chapter 3 - Data Collection
Article 3 - Petroleum Information Reports
Appendix A - Information Requirements for Weekly Reports

Universal Citation: 20 CA Code of Regs A
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024

I. California Refiners' Weekly Reports shall contain all of the information specified below:

A. All of the information specified on the form EIA800 published by the United States Department of Energy.

B. All of the information specified on the CEC form W800. Specifically, net production and stocks of motor gasolines, blending components and distillate fuel oils..

II. California Imports, Exports, and Intrastate Movements Weekly Reports shall contain all of the information specified on the CEC form W700. Specifically, the information detailed below in subsections A through E for crude oil, finished motor gasoline, gasoline blendstocks, oxygenates, distillates, and aviation fuels.

A. Imports into California of crude oil, petroleum products and oxygenates by marine vessel for each weekly reporting period in thousands of barrels by specific product type, discharge date and California discharge port.

B. Exports from California of crude oil, petroleum products and oxygenates by marine vessel for each weekly reporting period in thousands of barrels by specific product type, load date and California load port.

C. Exports from California of crude oil, petroleum products and oxygenates by pipeline for each weekly reporting period in thousands of barrels by each specific product type, product regrades, product code, pipeline name, and delivery terminal name.

D. Imports into California of crude oil, petroleum products and oxygenates by rail for each weekly reporting period in thousands of barrels by specific product type, discharge date and discharge location. Imported volumes from individual rail cars of identical product type and identical point of origin can be aggregated if the product is discharged on the same date.

E. Exports from California of crude oil, petroleum products and oxygenates by rail for each weekly reporting period in thousands of barrels by specific product type, load date and California load location. Exported volumes from individual rail cars of identical product type and identical intended destination can be aggregated if the product is loaded on the same date.

III. California Major Petroleum Product Storer and Terminal Weekly Reports shall contain all of the information specified on CEC form W08. Specifically the information detailed below in subsections A through C for crude oil, finished gasoline blended with ethanol, other motor gasolines, gasoline blendstocks, oxygenates, distillates, aviation fuels, liquefied petroleum gases, crude oil, and other petroleum products.

A. Production of finished motor gasoline blended with ethanol by weekly reporting period, in thousands of barrels for each California terminal location, including California refineries that blend such type of motor gasoline for dispensing at truck loading racks within the refinery gate.

B. Production of finished motor gasoline blended with ethanol manufactured for use in Arizona and Nevada, by weekly reporting period, in thousands of barrels for each California terminal location, whereby such type of motor gasoline is dispensed for purpose of export by truck to destinations in either Arizona or Nevada.

C. Receipts and ending inventories of specified petroleum products for each weekly reporting period, in thousands of barrels, for each California terminal location.

IV. California Dealer Tank Wagon Price Weekly Reports shall contain all of the information specified on CEC form W900. Specifically, these reports shall contain the information detailed below in subsections A through D for each grade (regular, mid-grade and premium) of finished gasoline.

A. Weighted average dealer tank wagon price that is based on all wholesale transactions for gasoline delivered to final destination during the reporting period for each specified region of California. The delivered prices used in the calculation, referred to as "weighted average dealer tank wagon prices," shall reflect the volume-weighted dealer tank wagon (DTW) prices for each specific region of California for the reporting period.

B. Number of individual delivery sites used in the calculation for the reporting period, rather than the total number of deliveries, for each specified region of California. A refiner shall be exempt from supplying the required information for a specific region of California if that refiner delivers to 10 sites or less during any reporting period.

C. The high and low DTW prices reported for each grade of gasoline for each region specified of California during the reporting period.

D. Volume of finished gasoline, in thousands of gallons, delivered within each of the regions of California defined by Section 1363.2 during the reporting period.

V. California Merchant Terminal Position Holder Weekly Reports shall contain all of the information specified in subsections A through I for all transportation fuel products, both for the terminal as a whole and for each position holder at the terminal location. These reports shall also include the information specified in subsection J for aggregate terminal operations. All items shall be reported in barrels of product.

A. Volume of product received from outside of the merchant terminal.

B. Volume of product received from another position holder within the merchant terminal from either a separate tank or via an in-tank transfer.

C. Total volume of product received.

D. Volume of product produced from the blending or conversion of product within the merchant terminal, including the net change in inventory of both the end product and the components.

E. Volume of product sold over the rack for distribution to an end-user retailer.

F. Volume of product transferred to a location outside of the merchant terminal, not including product transferred via rack distribution.

G. Volume of product transferred to another position holder within the merchant terminal, either from a separate tank or via an in-tank transfer.

H. Ending physical inventory in tankage at the end of the reporting period after accounting for all product transferred, received, and converted, corrected to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

I. Capacity leased by the position holder at the merchant terminal.

J. Additional information required for aggregate terminal operations only:

a. Total unleased storage capacity and unused community storage capacity for gasoline and gasoline blending components, fuel ethanol, distillates, renewable distillates, and aviation fuels.

b. Leased storage capacity, total unleased storage capacity, and unused community storage capacity for crude oil, unfinished oils, residual fuel oil, petroleum coke, transmix, and any other petroleum products. Reporters shall describe any products reported under the "other petroleum products" category.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25213, 25218(e), 25354 and 25367, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 25354(k), Public Resources Code.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25213, 25218(e) and 25354, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 25354(i), Public Resources Code.

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