California Code of Regulations
Title 19 - Public Safety
Division 1 - State Fire Marshal
Chapter 4 - Fire Alarm Systems and Devices
Subchapter 1 - Household Fire Warning Equipment
Article 3 - Detailed Requirements
Section 758 - Combination Systems
When common wiring is employed for combination systems, the equipment for other than the fire warning signaling system shall be connected to the common wiring of the combination system so that short circuits, open circuits, grounds, or any fault in this equipment or interconnection between this equipment and the fire warning system wiring shall not interfere with either the supervision of the fire warning system or prevent alarm or supervisory signal operation.
Combination systems shall provide for the fire alarm signal to take precedence or be clearly recognizable over any other signal even when the non-fire alarm signal is initiated first. Distinctive alarm signals shall be obtained between fire alarm and other functions, such as burglar alarm. The use of a common sounding appliance for fire and burglar alarm is acceptable if distinctive signals are obtained. A steady, continuous, sound for one alarm function and a pulsing sound for the other alarm function is acceptable.