California Code of Regulations
Title 19 - Public Safety
Division 1 - State Fire Marshal
Chapter 1 - General Fire and Panic Safety Standards
Subchapter 1 - Administration
Article 2 - Alternate Means of Protection, and Appeals
Section 2.04 - Appeals Relating to Application of these Regulations
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) When any person is affected by the application of nonbuilding regulations by the State Fire Marshal or his salaried assistants and such person believes that such regulations are being applied incorrectly, such person may appeal the decision of the State Fire Marshal to the State Board of Fire Services. The board shall not consider any such appeal unless the matter has come to the attention of the State Fire Marshal and he has rendered a decision in writing. Any appeal to the board shall be made by the affected person or his agent in writing in the form and manner prescribed by the board. The decision of the board shall be binding upon the State Fire Marshal. Any decision made by the board shall be for the instant case only and shall not be construed as setting precedent for general application.
(b) When any person is affected by the application of building regulations by the State Fire Marshal or his salaried assistants and such person believes that such regulations are being applied incorrectly, such person may appeal to the State Building Standards Commission pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 18945) of Part 2.5, Health and Safety Code.
(c) When any local agency having authority to enforce these regulations and any person adversely affected by any regulation, rule, omission, interpretation, decision, or practice of such agency respecting building standards both wish to appeal the issue, then both parties may jointly appeal such condition to the State Building Standards Commission for resolution.
1. New section filed 2-7-75; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 75, No. 6).
2. Amendment filed 11-13-80; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 80, No. 46).
3. Change without regulatory effect of NOTE filed 8-24-88 (Register 88, No. 36).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 12081, 13108, 13143, 13143.6, 13211, 17920.7, 17921 and 18897.3, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 12000- 12401, 13100- 13146.5, 13210- 13216, 17920.7, 17921 and 18897- 18897.7, 18945, Health and Safety Code.