California Code of Regulations
Title 19 - Public Safety
Division 1 - State Fire Marshal
Chapter 1 - General Fire and Panic Safety Standards
Subchapter 1 - Administration
Article 1 - Basic Operational Requirements
Section 1.09 - Fire and Life Safety References and Resources
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) The installation, maintenance, and operation of any material, appliance, furnishing or process and the maintenance and operation of any building housing occupancies governed by these regulations shall be such that no undue hazard to life and property is created or permitted. When these regulations do not specifically cover any matter pertaining to fire and life safety, recognized fire prevention engineering practices shall be employed including but not limited to the following reference publications:
(b) Neither the provisions of this section nor the provisions of any code referred to in this section shall be construed to mandate the installation of any fire protective device, equipment, appliance or systems not otherwise required by these regulations or California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, unless such installation is necessary to maintain the operational integrity of any required device, equipment, appliance or systems.
1. Amendment filed 11-27-79; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 79, No. 48). For prior history, see Registers 75, No. 6; 72, No. 33; and 72, No. 19.
2. Change without regulatory effect of NOTE filed 8-24-88 (Register 88, No. 36).
3. Amendment of section heading and section filed 10-28-2004; operative 10-28-2004 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2004, No. 44).
4. Amendment of subsections (a)(2) and (b) filed 1-12-2011; operative 1-12-2011 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 2).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 13108, 13143, 13143.6, 13211 and 18897.3, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 13100- 13146.5, 13210- 13216, and 18897- 18897.7, Health and Safety Code.