California Code of Regulations
Title 17 - Public Health
Division 3 - Air Resources
Chapter 1 - Air Resources Board
Subchapter 7.7 - Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants
Article 2 - Requirements for Calculating and Reporting Criteria Pollutant and Toxic Air Contaminant Emissions
Appendix A - to the Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants
Applicability Thresholds and Lookup Tables for Facilities Subject to Reporting Per Section 93401(a)(4)
Table A-1. |
Initial Data Year by District Group and Sector Phase for Additional Applicability Facilities Subject Per 93401(a)(4) * |
Initial Emissions Reporting: Data Year for Section 93401(a)(4) Facilities |
District Group | Sector Phase 1 only ** and 93401(a)(4)(A) and (B) | Sector Phase 2 only | Sector Phase 3 only | Sector Phase 3B *** | Ongoing Emissions Reporting: Data Year (All Reporters) |
A | 2022 | 2024 | 2025 | 2028 | 2026 *** |
B | 2024 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2028 |
* The initial data year is the first data year subject to reporting. For example, for District Group A, Sector Phase 1, 2022 data must be submitted during 2023. For the sector phases, for each of the initial years, only one phase is subject to reporting each year. For example, for District Group A, facilities in the Phase 1 sector categories in Table A-3 are subject to the sector-based reporting applicability for 2022 emissions data reported in 2023, but Phase 1 sources are not subject to reporting again until the 2026 data year. For 2024, only Phase 2 facilities are subject to the sector-based reporting applicability, and so on. For District Group A, all sources are subject to annual reporting beginning with 2026 data reported in 2027.
** Agricultural operation facilities that are required to submit reports pursuant to a threshold identified in section 93401(a)(4), regardless of which threshold category is exceeded, may postpone the initial year of reporting to Sector Phase 3.
*** As with the Sector Phase 3B sectors subject to reporting per Section 93401(a)(4)(C), Sector 3B sources that are subject to applicability under 93401(a)(4)(A) or (B), based on criteria pollutant emissions, must begin ongoing emissions reporting with 2028 data reported in 2029. Reporting for these facilities is not required prior to 2028 data even if other permitted processes in Sector Phases 1, 2, or 3 are present at the facility.
Table A-2.
District Group Lookup for Additional Applicability Facilities Subject Per 93401(a)(4)
District Group | District | |
A | Bay Area AQMD | San Diego County APCD |
Imperial County APCD | San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD | |
Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD | South Coast AQMD | |
B | Amador County APCD | Mojave Desert AQMD |
Antelope Valley APCD | Monterey Bay Air Resources District | |
Butte County AQMD | North Coast Unified APCD | |
Calaveras County APCD | Northern Sierra AQMD | |
Colusa County APCD | Northern Sonoma County APCD | |
Eastern Kern County APCD | Placer County APCD | |
El Dorado County APCD | San Luis Obispo County APCD | |
Feather River AQMD | Santa Barbara County APCD | |
Glenn County APCD | Shasta County AQMD | |
Great Basin Unified APCD | Siskiyou County APCD | |
Lake County AQMD | Tehama County APCD | |
Lassen County APCD | Tuolumne County APCD | |
Mariposa County APCD | Ventura County APCD | |
Mendocino County AQMD | Yolo/Solano AQMD | |
Modoc County APCD |
Table A-3. Sector Phases and Activity Level Reporting Thresholds for Additional Applicability Facilities Subject Per Section 93401(a)(4)
Sector No. | Sector Phase | Permitted Process | SIC Code(s) * | NAICS Code(s)* | Activity Level Reporting Threshold for Permitted Process |
1 | 1 | Metal plating, anodizing, or grinding using cadmium or chromium cadmium or chromium | Any | Any | Any activity level |
2 | 1 | Plating, polishing, coating, engraving, and allied services, including thermal spraying, using chromium, cadmium, or nickel | 347x | 3328xx and 33991x | Any activity level |
3 | 1 | Petroleum refining and industries related to petroleum refining | 2911 through 2999 | 3241xx, 325110, and 325194 | Any activity level |
4 | 1 | Industrial machinery manufacturing | 353x, 356x | 333xxx | Any activity level |
5 | 1 | Release of fumigant or fumigation of crops for market using ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, sulfur dioxide, methyl bromide, sulfuryl fluoride, or phosphine and phosphine-generating processes | 0723, 2033, 2034, 2068, 2099, 5148 | 115111, 115114, 3111xx through 3114xx, 3118xx, and 3119xx | Any activity level |
6 | 1 | Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products manufacturing if styrene, butadiene, phthalates, carcinogenic solvents, or isocyanates are used | 3011 through 3089, 3293, 3555 | 31332x, 31491x, 3162xx, 3252xx, 325991, 3261xx, 3262xx, and 339113 | Any activity level |
7 | 1 | Processes emitting 1,4-dioxane in reverse osmosis equipment manufacturing, water treatment filtration systems, manufacturing of paints, lacquers, cosmetics, and cleaning agents; manufacturing or processing of petroleum, pulp and paper, explosives; commercial printing, electroplating/polishing; manufacturing of pesticides, dyes, fibers, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, semiconductors, electronic components, photographic equipment, magnetic recording media, polymers, plastics, rubber, and organic and inorganic chemicals; and cleaning or degreasing solvent use containing 1,4-dioxane | 13xx, 22xx, 26xx, 27xx, 28xx, 29xx, 30xx, 35xx, 36xx, 37xx, 38xx, 49xx, 50xx, 51xx, 73xx, 75xx, 76xx, 97xx | 211xxx, 221xxx, 236xxx, 2371xx, 2389xx, 3115xx, 3121xx, 3149xx, 3222xx, 3231xx, 325xxx, 326xxx, 331xxx, 332xxx, 333xxx, 334xxx, 3361xx, 3364xx, 3399xx, 4881xx, 5311xx, 5417xx, 5622xx, 61xxxx, 8111xx, 92811x | 10 pounds of 1,4-dioxane emitted per year |
8 | 1 | Combustion of crude, residual, distillate, or diesel oil, except for the agricultural operations and medical-related industry sectors as defined in the SIC and NAICS columns | Any, except SIC codes 0110 through 0762 and 8011 through 8099 | Any, except 111xxx, 112xxx, 1151xx, 1152xx, and 621xxx through 623xxx | Tier 4 or higher diesel engines: 100 gallons of fuel combusted per year, or 5 hours per year of non-emergency operation. Tier zero through tier 3 diesel engines: 30 gallons of fuel combusted per year or 5 hours per year of non-emergency operation. Combustion devices other than compression ignition engines: 100 gallons of fuel combusted per year. |
9 | 1 | Processes emitting styrene, in boat and ship building and repair; rubber products manufacturing; plastics, resins, and foams manufacturing; utility vault manufacturing; cultured marble and stone manufacturing and wholesale; fiber cans and drums manufacturing; manufacturing and installation of polystyrene products; and furniture and fixtures manufacturing | 17xx, 22xx, 23xx, 24xx, 25xx, 26xx, 28xx, 30xx, 32xx, 34xx, 35xx, 37xx, 38xx, 44xx, 45xx, 49xx, 50xx, 51xx, 75xx, 97xx | 211xxx, 2123xx, 213xxx, 221xxx, 236xxx, 237xxx, 311xxx, 3121xx, 313xxx, 314xxx, 315xxx, 316xxx, 321xxx, 322xxx, 32311x, 324xxx, 325xxx, 326xxx, 327xxx, 331xxx, 332xxx, 333xxx, 334xxx, 336xxx, 337xxx, 339xxx, 441xxx, 443xxx, 4441xx, 445xxx, 447xxx, 448xxx, 481xxx, 484xxx, 485xxx, 486xxx, 4881xx, 4883xx, 493xxx, 562xxx, 62xxxx, 722xxx, 8111xx, 8114xx, 8122xx, 92811x | 1 pound of styrene emitted per year |
10 | 1 | Methylene chloride use for paint or coating removal, printing or print shop cleaning, or aircraft maintenance or repair | Any | Any | 1 gallon of methylene chloride used per year |
11 | 1 | Paint stripping and varnish stripping | 7641 | 811420 | Any activity level |
12 | 1 | Use of N-methyl pyrrolidone | Any | Any | 1 gallon of N-methyl pyrrolidone per year |
13 | 1 | Dry cleaning facilities, except facilities that only use water or carbon dioxide based cleaning systems | 7216, 7217 | 812320, 561740 | Any activity level |
14 | 1 | Tert-butyl acetate use in, aerospace manufacturing and maintenance; fabricated metal products manufacturing; manufacture or use of coatings, inks, adhesives, cleaners and degreasers; and military facilities. Tert-butyl acetate from auto body repair and coating operations are reported under the Phase 2 category for that process. | 28xx, 32xx, 33xx, 34xx, 37xx, 38xx, 49xx, 50xx, 97xx. Auto body repair and coating operations, and the associated SICs, 5511 through 5521, 7532, and 7535, are reported under Phase 2. | 325xxx, 327xxx, 331xxx, 332xxx, 3362xx, 3363xx, 3369xx, 3364xx, 5417xx, 5629xx, 92811x. Auto body repair and coating operations, and the associated NAICS, 4411xx, 44121x, 441228, 44131x, 811111, and 811121, are reported under Phase | 20 pounds of tert-butyl acetate used per year 2. |
15 | 1 | Use of parachlorobenzotrifluoride (PCBTF) in cleaning or degreasing solvents, adhesives, printing inks, or coating operations. PCBTF from auto body repair and coating operations are reported under the Phase 2 category for that process. | Any Auto body repair and coating operations, and the associated SICs, 5511 through 5521, 7532, and 7535, are reported under Phase 2. | Any | 5 pounds or 0.5 gallons of parachlorobenzotrifluoride used per year |
16 | 1 | Solvent cleaning and degreasing | 13xx, 17xx, 22xx, 25xx, 26xx, 27xx, 28xx, 29xx, 30xx, 32xx, 33xx, 34xx, 35xx, 36xx, 37xx, 38xx, 39xx, 45xx, 49xx, 509x, 519x, 75xx, 7623, 7641, 8071, 822x, 9711 | 211xxx, 212xxx 213xxx, 221xxx, 238xxx, 322xxx, 323xxx, 324xxx, 325xxx, 326xxx, 327xxx, 332xxx, 333xxx, 334xxx, 335xxx, 336xxx, 337xxx, 339xxx, 423xxx, 425xxx, 441xxx, 447xxx, 451xxx, 486xxx, 488xxx, 541xxx, 562xxx, 611xxx, 811xxx, 928xxx | Use of solvents that are a listed substance designated as a human carcinogen or potential human carcinogen: Any activity level. Use of solvents that are a listed substance but not designated as a human carcinogen or potential human carcinogen: Annual average of 55 gallons per month. |
17 | 2 | Isocyanate compound use, in print shops and commercial printing; aerospace manufacturing and maintenance; adhesive and sealants manufacturing; plastics foam products manufacturing; military facilities; manufacture of flexible and rigid foams, fibers, coatings such as paints and varnishes, and elastomers; spraying of polyurethane coatings on cement, wood, fiberglass and metals; surface coating of appliances; surface coating of magnetic tape; manufacture or use of blowing agents; and production of polyurethane foam | 24xx, 25xx, 26xx, 27xx, 28xx, 30xx, 33xx, 347x, 36xx, 37xx, 38xx, 39xx, 45xx, 50xx, 51xx, and 97xx. | 321xxx, 322xxx, 32311x, 324xxx, 325xxx, 326xxx, 3279xx, 331xxx, 334xxx, 335xxx, 3361xx, 3364xx, 3366xx, 339xxx, 481xxx, 4881xx, 4883xx, 5417xx, 8114xx, 92811x. | Use of materials containing 3 pounds of isocyanates per year |
18 | 2 | Printing and publishing including print shops and miscellaneous commercial printing | 2711 through 2771, 2782 | 313310, 32311x, 5111xx, 51223x, 561439, 81292x | Use of graphic arts materials with no isocyanates: Annual average of 2 gallons per day. Use of graphic arts materials with isocyanates: Annual average of 0.5 gallons per day. |
19 | 2 | Hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal and recycling at a hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal and recycling facility | Any | Any | Any activity level |
20 | 2 | Welding, laser cutting and plasma cutting of metal materials | 1799, 3356, 3496 3541, 3542, 3544, 3548, 3699, 7692 | 325998, 331491, 332313, 333514, 333517, 333922, 335311, 811310 | Any activity level |
21 | 2 | Construction aggregate processing, if asphalt products are also used or produced | 1442 through 1446 | 212321 and 212322 | Any activity level |
22 | 2 | Chemicals and allied products manufacturing | 2812 through 2899 | 211112, 311942, 331311, 325xxx | Any activity level |
23 | 2 | Bulk petroleum storage and loading, bulk benzene storage and loading, and related wholesalers | 5171, 5172 | 4247xx | Any activity level |
24 | 2 | Polybrominated biphenyl compounds (PBBs), and any brominated diphenyl ethers, manufacture or use | Any | Any | Any activity level |
25 | 2 | Use of ethylene oxide for sterilization | Any | Any | Any activity level |
26 | 2 | Leather and hide tanning and finishing, processing and fabricated goods | 3111 | 316110 | Any activity level |
27 | 2 | Retail sale of gasoline | Any | Any | 25,000 gallons of gasoline sold per year |
28 | 2 | Auto body repair and coating operations at auto body shops, including new and used car dealers | 5511 through 5521, 7531, 7532, 7535 | 4411xx, 44121x, 441228, 44131x, 811111, 811121 | 50 gallons of paint used per year |
29 | 2 | Medical services, hospitals, and related facilities which use formaldehyde (or formalin), glutaraldehyde, ethylene oxide, or diesel engines | 8011 through 8099 | 62xxxx | 110 pounds of formaldehyde emitted per year, or 110 pounds of glutaraldehyde emitted per year, or any use of ethylene oxide, or 30 gallons of diesel fuel burned or 5 hours of non-emergency engine operation per year. |
30 | 2 | Flat glass manufacturing | 3211 | 327211 | 100 pounds of glass production |
31 | 2 | Pressed and blown glassware manufacturing | 3229, 3221 | 327212, 327213 | 100 pounds of glass production |
32 | 2 | Clay ceramics manufacturing | 3253, 3261 | 327120, 327110 | 1 ton of product manufactured |
33 | 3 | Hexavalent chromium use in cooling towers | Any | Any | Any activity level |
34 | 3 | Incineration of hazardous, municipal, or biomedical waste, or tires | Any | Any | Any activity level |
35 | 3 | Cremation of humans or animals | 7261, 6531, 8699 | 812220 | Any activity level |
36 | 3 | Fiberglass and various fiberglass materials and product manufacturing | 2221, 3229 | 326191, 326199, 337125 | Any activity level |
37 | 3 | Pulp and paper manufacturing | 2611, 2621, 2631 | 3221xx | Any activity level |
38 | 3 | Semiconductors and related devices manufacturing | 3674 | 334413 | Any activity level |
39 | 3 | Oil and gas extraction or production | 1311 through 1389 | 211xxx, 213111, 213112 | Any activity level |
40 | 3 | Melting, smelting, recovery, reclamation, or recycling of lead-containing materials, including but not limited to lead batteries | 3300 through 3499, 3690 through 3699, 3714, 3728, 5051, 5093, 9711 | 331410, 331492, and 423930 | Any activity level |
41 | 3 | Primary or secondary metal melting, smelting, refining, alloying, forging, or foundry/casting operations | 3300 through 3499, 3690 through 3699, 3714, 3728, 5051, 5093, 9711 | 331410, 331492, 33151x, 33152x, and 423930 | Any activity level |
42 | 3 | Prepared feed manufacturing | 2048 | 321119 | One ton of product manufactured |
43 | 3 | Wood preserving | 259x | 321114, 3212xx | Any activity level |
44 | 3 | Long term asbestos removal on a routine and predictable basis | Any | Any | One year duration |
45 | 3 | Combustion of residual, distillate, or diesel oil in agricultural operations-related industry sectors | 0110 through 0762 | 1111xx, 1112xx, 1113xx, 1114xx, 1119xx, 1121xx, 1122xx, 1123xx, 1124xx, 1125xx, 1129xx, 1151xx, and 1152xx | Tier 4 or higher diesel engines: 100 gallons of fuel combusted per year, or 5 hours per year of non-emergency operation. Tier zero through tier 3 diesel Engines: 30 gallons of fuel combusted per year, or 5 hours per year of non-emergency operation. Combustion devices other than compression ignition engines: 100 gallons of fuel combusted per year. |
46 | 3 | Boat and ship building and repair | 3731, 3732 | 336611, 336612, 488390, 811490 | 1 gallon of coatings used per year |
47 | 3 | Combustion of natural gas or propane | Any | Any | 75 million standard cubic feet or 77,000 MMbtu combusted per year |
48 | 3B | Collection and disposal of refuse | 4953 | 5622xx, 562920 | 1 pound of vinyl chloride or 1 pound of benzene emitted per year |
49 | 3B | Composting of organic waste | 2875, 4953 | 325314, 562212, 562219 | Over 500 tons per year of material composted |
50 | 3B | Recycling facilities, and material recovery facilities that separate organic waste from recyclable materials | 4953 | 562212, 562920 | Facilities where putrescible material is retained on-site for more than 24 hours prior to removal or disposal in a landfill |
51 | 3B | Scrap and waste wholesale handling and recycling, including but not limited to junk metals, shredding operations, and auto dismantling | 5093 | 423930 | 40,000 tons of metal shredded per year or 1,000 tons of metal recycled per year |
52 | 3B | Wastewater treatment at wastewater treatment plants, including incineration of sludge | 4952 | 221320 | Covered systems: 10 million gallons annual average daily flow. Uncovered systems: 5 million gallons annual average daily flow. Facilities that incinerate sludge: Any activity level |
* Where SIC and NAICS codes are designated, the requirements of this article apply to facilities classified with either a matching primary or secondary Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code or North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code listed for the permitted emissions process, and for which the listed process occurs at levels exceeding the emission or activity level threshold. If the SIC or NAICS codes have a designation of "Any" in Table A-3 for a permitted process, then the requirements of this article apply regardless of the SIC or NAICS designation for the facility performing the process, if the listed activity level reporting threshold is exceeded.
1. New Appendix A filed 10-28-2021; operative 1-1-2022 (Register 2021, No. 44). Filing deadline specified in Government Code section 11349.3(a) extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20.