California Code of Regulations
Title 14 - Natural Resources
Division 5.7 - Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
Chapter 4 - Project Initiation [Repealed]
1. New Division
5.7 (Chapters 1-3, Sections 13950-13984, not consecutive) filed 12-9-77;
effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 77, No. 50).
Division 5.7 (Chapters 1-4, Sections 13950-13994, not consecutive) expired by
own terms per legislative mandate.
3. New Division 5.7 (Chapter 4,
Sections 13996-14003 and Chapter 5, Sections 14004-14015) filed 5-16-80 as an
emergency; effective upon filing (Register 80, No. 20). A Certificate of
Compliance must be transmitted to OAH within 120 days or emergency language
will be repealed on 9-14-80.
4. Chapter 4 (Sections 13996-14003)
repealed by operation of Section
Government Code (Register 81, No. 47).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 11373 and 11374, Government Code and Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000), Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 11421 and 11422, Government Code.