California Code of Regulations
Title 14 - Natural Resources
Division 16 - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
Appendix B - Disclosure Categories
Category 1
Every person in this category must report: All interests in real property in the State of California, as well as investments, business positions in business entities, and sources of income, including gifts, loans and travel payments.
Category 2
Every person in this category must report: Investments, and business positions in business entities, and sources of income, including gifts, loans and travel payments, from sources of the type which provide services, supplies, materials, machinery or equipment of the type utilized by the Conservancy.
Category 3
Every person in this category must report: All interests in real property in the State of California.
Category 4
Every person in this category must report: Investments, business positions, and income, including gifts, loans and travel payments, if the source is of the type to receive grants, loans or scholarships, from or through the Conservancy.
1. New division
16 (section
28301), section and Appendices A
and B filed 5-12-2011; operative 6-11-2011. Approved by Fair Political
Practices Commission 4-15-2011 (Register 2011, No. 19).
2. Amendment
of appendices A and B filed 12-12-2016; operative 1-11-2017 pursuant to Cal.
Code Regs., tit. 2, section
Approved by Fair Political Practices Commission 11-8-2016 and submitted to OAL
for filing and printing only pursuant to Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, section
(Register 2016, No. 51).
3. Amendment of section and Appendices A
and B filed 3-23-2021; operative 4-22-2021 pursuant to Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2,
section 18750(d).
Approved by the Fair Political Practices Commission 3-12-2020 and submitted to
OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2021, No. 13).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 32300, et seq., Public Resources Code; and Sections 87300 and 87304, Government Code. Reference: Sections 87300, et seq., Government Code.