California Code of Regulations
Title 14 - Natural Resources
Division 1 - Fish and Game Commission-Department of Fish and Game
Subdivision 1 - Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
Chapter 4 - Ocean Fishing
Article 1 - Ocean and San Francisco Bay District
Fin Fish-Minimum Size Limits, Bag and Possession Limits and Seasons
Section 28.57 - Pacific Cod, Pacific Whiting, Sablefish, and Thornyheads. [Repealed]
1. New
section filed 1-18-2007; operative 1-18-2007 pursuant to Government Code
(Register 2007, No. 3).
2. Amendment of subsections (a)(1), (a)(2)
and (b) and amendment of NOTE filed 5-9-2008 as an emergency; operative
5-9-2008 (Register 2008, No. 19). A Certificate of Compliance must be
transmitted to OAL by 11-5-2008 or emergency language will be repealed by
operation of law on the following day.
3. Amendment of subsections
(a)-(a)(2), new subsection (a)(3), subsection renumbering and amendment of
newly designated subsections (a)(4)-(6) filed 8-25-2008 as an emergency;
operative 9-2-2008 (Register 2008, No. 35). A Certificate of Compliance must be
transmitted to OAL by 2-23-2009 or emergency language will be repealed by
operation of law on the following day.
4. Amendment of subsections
(a)(1)-(5) filed 3-3-2009; operative 3-3-2009 pursuant to Government Code
(Register 2009, No. 10).
5. Repealer filed 6-9-2011; operative
6-9-2011 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2011, No. 23).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 200, 202, 205 and 702, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 200, 202, 205 and 1802, Fish and Game Code; 50 CFR Part 660, Subpart G; 50 CFR 660.384; and 14 CCR 27.20.