California Code of Regulations
Title 14 - Natural Resources
Division 1 - Fish and Game Commission-Department of Fish and Game
Subdivision 1 - Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
Chapter 4 - Ocean Fishing
Article 1 - Ocean and San Francisco Bay District
Fin Fish-Minimum Size Limits, Bag and Possession Limits and Seasons
Section 27.80 - Salmon
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) Methods of take:
(b) Statewide Coho (silver) Salmon Restrictions: No coho (silver) salmon may be retained.
(c) Open Fishing Days, Daily Bag Limits, and Minimum Size in effect on or after May 16, 2023.
(d) Open Fishing Days, Daily Bag Limits, and Minimum Size in effect on or after April 1, 2024. Public notification of any in-season change to state salmon regulations to conform to in-season changes to federal regulations is made through the National Marine Fisheries Service ocean salmon hotline at (800) 662-9825.
(e) Ocean salmon possession limit: No more than two daily bag limits may be possessed when on land. On a vessel in ocean waters, no person shall possess or bring ashore more than one daily bag limit. See Section 1.17 and 27.60(c) of these regulations.
Amendment of subsection (c)(1), new subsection (e) and relettering of former
subsection (e) to subsection (f) filed 3-1-90; operative 3-1-90 (Register 90,
No. 10). For prior history, see Register 89, No. 19.
2. Amendment of
subsections (b) and (c) filed 5-31-90; operative 5-31-90 pursuant to Government
Code section
(Register 90, No. 29).
3. Change without regulatory effect amending
subsections (a), (b) and (e) filed 2-22-91 pursuant to section
100, title 1, California Code of
Regulations (Register 91, No. 13).
4. Amendment of subsections (b),
(c) and (e) filed 5-1-91 as an emergency; operative 5-1-91 (Register 91, No.
25). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 8-29-91 or
emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following
5. Amendment of subsections (b) and (e) filed 7-24-91 as an
emergency; operative 7-24-91 (Register 91, No. 47). A Certificate of Compliance
must be transmitted to OAL by 11-12-91 or emergency language will be repealed
by operation of law on the following day.
6. Amendment of
subsections (b) and (c) filed 8-2-91 as an emergency; operative 8-2-91
(Register 92, No. 4). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL
12-2-91 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the
following day.
7. Amendment filed 5-4-92 as an emergency; operative
5-4-92 (Register 92, No. 19). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted
to OAL 9-1-92 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the
following day.
8. Amendment filed 11-24-92; operative 11-24-92
pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 92, No. 48).
9. Amendment of section and NOTE filed
5-4-93; operative 5-4-93 (Register 93, No. 19).
10. Amendment of
subsection (b)(3) and (d) EXCEPTION filed 7-6-93 as an emergency; operative
7-6-93 (Register 93, No. 28). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted
to OAL by 11-3-93 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on
the following day.
11. Amendment filed 4-29-94; operative 4-29-94
(Register 94, No. 17).
12. Order filed 7-6-93 repealed by operation
of Government Code section
(Register 94, No. 21).
13. Amendment filed 4-24-95; operative
4-24-95 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 95, No. 17).
14. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 4-9-96
as an emergency; operative 4-9-96 (Register 96, No. 15). A Certificate of
Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 8-8-96 or emergency language will be
repealed by operation of law on the following day.
15. Amendment of
section and Certificate of Compliance as to 4-9-96 order including amendment
transmitted to OAL 4-26-96 and filed 4-30-96; operative 4-30-96 pursuant to
Fish and Game Code section
(Register 96, No. 18).
16. Amendment of subsections (a)(2), (a)(3),
(b)(1) and (d)(3) filed 6-28-96; operative 6-28-96 pursuant to Fish and Game
Code sections
202 and
(Register 96, No. 26).
17. Amendment filed 5-13-97; operative
5-13-97 pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 97, No. 20).
18. Amendment of subsections (a)(3),
(b)(1)-(4), (c)(2) and (d)(2) filed 4-27-98; operative 4-27-98 pursuant to
Government Code section
and Fish and Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 98, No. 18).
19. Amendment of subsections (a)(3), (a)(4)
and (c)(2) filed 5-14-98 as an emergency; operative 5-14-98 (Register 98, No.
20). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 9-11-98 or
emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following
20. Certificate of Compliance as to 5-14-98 order transmitted
to OAL 9-9-98 and filed 10-20-98 (Register 98, No. 43).
Amendment of subsections (b)(1)-(4), (c)(2) and (d)(2) filed 4-28-99; operative
4-28-99 pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 99, No. 18).
22. Amendment of subsections (b)(1)-(b)(4),
(c)(2) and (d)(2) filed 2-29-2000; operative 2-29-2000 pursuant to Fish and
Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 2000, No. 9).
23. Amendment filed 4-27-2000; operative
4-27-2000 pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 2000, No. 17).
24. Amendment of subsections (b)(1)-(4),
(c)(1) and (d)(2) and new subsection (d)(3) filed 4-23-2001; operative 5-1-2001
pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 2001, No. 17).
25. Amendment filed 4-29-2002; operative
5-1-2002 pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 2002, No. 18).
26. Amendment of subsections (b)(1)-(4),
(c)(1) and (d)(2) filed 5-1-2003; operative 5-1-2003 pursuant to Fish and Game
Code section
202 and
(Register 2003, No. 18).
27. Amendment of subsections (b)(1)-(4) and
(c)(1), repealer of subsection (c)(2), subsection renumbering and amendment of
subsection (d)(2) filed 5-13-2004; operative 5-15-2004 pursuant to Government
Code section
(Register 2004, No. 20).
28. Amendment of subsections (b)(1)-(4) and
(d)(1)-(2) filed 6-8-2005; operative 6-8-2005 pursuant to Government Code
(Register 2005, No. 23). Because the season in the region described in
subsection (b)(4) had not previously been set in regulation in 2005 and began
prior to the effective date of this regulation, the minimum size of salmon that
may be taken under this section in the region North of Horse Mountain is 20
inches from May 21, 2005 to June 9, 2005.
29. Repealer of
subsections (b)(1)-(4), new subsections (b)(1)-(5) and amendment of subsection
(d)(2) and NOTE filed 5-11-2006 as an emergency; operative 5-11-2006 (Register
2006, No. 19). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by
9-8-2006 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the
following day.
30. Certificate of Compliance as to 5-11-2006 order,
including new EXCEPTION to subsection (b)(3), transmitted to OAL 7-28-2006 and
filed 8-31-2006 (Register 2006, No. 35).
31. Amendment of
subsections (b)(1)-(3), repealer of subsection (b)(4), subsection renumbering
and amendment of newly designated subsection (b)(4) filed 5-10-2007; operative
5-10-2007 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2007, No. 19).
32. Amendment of subsections (b)(2)-(4)
filed 4-4-2008 as an emergency pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
operative 4-4-2008 (Register 2008, No. 14). A Certificate of Compliance must be
transmitted to OAL by 10-1-2008 or emergency language will be repealed by
operation of law on the following day.
33. Amendment superseding
4-4-2008 emergency action filed 7-1-2008 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
subdivision (a); operative 7-31-2008 (Register 2008, No. 27).
Amendment of subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2), repealer and new subsection (b)(3),
new subsections (b)(4)-(5) and repealer of subsection (d)(2) filed 6-15-2009;
operative 7-15-2009 (Register 2009, No. 25).
35. Amendment of
subsections (b)(1)-(5) and new subsection (d)(2) filed 2-9-2010; operative
3-1-2010 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2010, No. 7).
36. Amendment of subsections (b)(1)-(5) and
(d)(2) filed 4-30-2010; operative 5-1-2010 pursuant to Fish and Game Code
202 and
(Register 2010, No. 18).
37. Amendment of subsections (b)(2)-(b)(5)
and (d)(1) and repealer of subsection (d)(2) filed 4-1-2011 as an emergency;
operative 4-2-2011 (Register 2011, No. 13). A Certificate of Compliance must be
transmitted to OAL by 9-29-2011 or emergency language will be repealed by
operation of law on the following day.
38. Amendment of subsections
(b)(1)-(5) and (d)(1) and new subsection (d)(2) filed 5-11-2011; operative
5-11-2011 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2011, No. 19).
39. Repealer of subsections (b)-(d)(2) and
new subsections (b)-(c)(5)(C) filed 3-22-2012; operative 3-22-2012 pursuant to
Government Code section
(Register 2012, No. 12).
40. New subsections (d)-(d)(5)(C) filed
5-1-2012; operative 5-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2012, No. 18).
41. Amendment of subsections (c),
(c)(1)(A), (c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A) filed 3-25-2013;
operative 4-6-2013 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2013, No. 13).
42. Amendment of subsections (d),
(d)(1)(A), (d)(2)(A), (d)(3)(A), (d)(3)(C), (d)(4)(A), (d)(4)(C), (d)(5)(A) and
(d)(5)(C) filed 4-29-2013; operative 5-1-2013 pursuant to Fish and Game Code
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2013, No. 18).
43. Amendment of subsections (c),
(c)(2)(A)-(B), (c)(3)(A)-(B), (c)(4)(A)-(B) and (c)(5)(A)-(B) and new
subsection (e) filed 4-1-2014; operative 4-4-2014 pursuant to Fish and Game
Code section
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2014, No. 14).
44. Amendment of subsections (d),
(d)(1)(A)-(C), (d)(2)(A)-(B), (d)(3)(A)-(3), (d)(4)(A)-(B) and (d)(5)(A)-(B)
filed 4-30-2014; operative 5-1-2014 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2014, No. 18).
45. Amendment of subsections (c),
(c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A) filed 4-1-2015; operative
4-1-2015 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2015, No. 14).
46. Amendment of subsections (d),
(d)(1)(A), (d)(1)(C), (d)(2)(A), (d)(3)(A), (d)(3)(C), (d)(4)(A), (d)(4)(C),
(d)(5)(A) and (d)(5)(C) filed 5-1-2015; operative 5-1-2015 pursuant to Fish and
Game Code section
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2015, No. 18).
47. Amendment of subsections (c),
(c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A) filed 3-29-2016; operative
4-1-2016 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2016, No. 14).
48. Amendment of subsections (d),
(d)(1)(A), (d)(2)(A), (d)(3)(A), (d)(3)(C), (d)(4)(A), (d)(4)(C), (d)(5)(A) and
(d)(5)(C) filed 4-27-2016; operative 5-1-2016 pursuant to Fish and Game Code
202 and
Government Code section
(Register 2016, No. 18).
49. Amendment of subsections (c),
(c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A) and amendment of NOTE filed
3-27-2017; operative 3-27-2017 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2017, No. 13).
50. Amendment of subsection (d), repealer
and new subsection (d)(1)(A), repealer of subsections (d)(1)(B)-(C), amendment
of subsections (d)(2)(A), (d)(3)(A), (d)(4)(A) and (d)(5)(A) and amendment of
NOTE filed 5-1-2017; operative 5-1-2017 pursuant to Government Code section
and Fish and Game Code section
(Register 2017, No. 18).
51. Amendment of subsections (c),
(c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A), repealer of subsections
(c)(2)(B)-(C) and (c)(3)(B)-(C) and amendment of NOTE filed 2-22-2018;
operative 4-6-2018 pursuant to section
1.95(c), title
14, California Code of Regulations. Submitted to OAL for printing only
(Register 2018, No. 13).
52. Amendment of subsection (d), repealer
and new subsection (d)(1)(A), new subsections (d)(1)(B) and (d)(1)(C) and
amendment of subsections (d)(2)(A), (d)(3)(A), (d)(4)(A) and (d)(5)(A) filed
4-24-2018; operative 5-1-2018 and submitted for printing only pursuant to Fish
and Game Code section
and section
1.95, title 14 of the California
Code of Regulations (Register 2018, No. 18).
53. Amendment of
subsections (c) and (c)(2)(A), new subsections (c)(2)(B)-(C), amendment of
subsection (c)(3)(A) and new subsections (c)(3)(B)-(C) and amendment of
subsections (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A) filed 5-9-2018; operative 5-1-2018.
Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
and section
1.95, title 14, California Code of
Regulations (Register 2018, No. 20).
54. Amendment of subsections
(d), (d)(1)(A), (d)(2)(A), (d)(3)(A), (d)(4)(A) and (d)(5)(A) filed 5-28-2019;
operative 5-6-2019. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Fish and
Game Code section
and section
1.95, title 14, California Code of
Regulations (Register 2019, No. 23).
55. Amendment of subsections
(c), (c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A) filed 5-28-2019; operative
5-6-2019. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Fish and Game Code
and section
1.95, title 14, California Code of
Regulations (Register 2019, No. 23).
56. Amendment of subsections
(c), (c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A) and (c)(5)(A) filed 6-11-2020; operative
5-6-2020 pursuant to
14 CCR
section 1.95(c) (Register
2020, No. 24).
57. Amendment of subsections (d), (d)(1)(A),
(d)(2)(A), (d)(3)(A), (d)(4)(A) and (d)(5)(A) filed 6-11-2020; operative
5-6-2020 pursuant to
14 CCR
section 1.95(c) (Register
2020, No. 24).
58. Amendment filed 7-1-2021; operative 5-16-2021.
Submitted to OAL for filing and printing only pursuant to
14 CCR
section 1.95(c) (Register
2021, No. 27).
59. Amendment of subsections (c), (c)(1)(A),
(c)(2)(A), (c)(3)(A), (c)(4)(A), (c)(5)(A), (d), (d)(1)(A), (d)(2)(A),
(d)(3)(A), (d)(4)(A) and (d)(5)(A) filed 6-22-2022; operative 5-16-2022
pursuant to section
1.95(c), title
14, California Code of Regulations. Submitted to OAL for courtesy filing and
for printing only pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
and section
1.95, title 14, California Code of
Regulations (Register 2022, No. 25).
60. Amendment of subsections
within subsections (c) and (d) filed 5-19-2023; operative 5-16-2023 pursuant to
section 1.95(c), title
14, California Code of Regulations. Submitted to OAL for filing and printing
only pursuant to Fish and Game Code section
and section
1.95(c), title
14, California Code of Regulations (Register 2023, No.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 200, 205, 265, 316.5, 399, 2084 and 7110, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 200, 205, 265, 316.5, 2084 and 7110, Fish and Game Code.