California Code of Regulations
Title 14 - Natural Resources
Division 1 - Fish and Game Commission-Department of Fish and Game
Subdivision 1 - Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
Chapter 4 - Ocean Fishing
Article 1 - Ocean and San Francisco Bay District
Section 29.85 - Crabs
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) Any individual who fishes for crabs using crab trap(s) pursuant to subsection 29.80(c), shall have in possession a valid Recreational Crab Trap Validation (Section 701, Title 14, CCR).
(b) Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister):
(c) All crabs of the Cancer genus except Dungeness crabs, but including: yellow crabs, rock crabs, red crabs and slender crabs:
(d) All crabs of the genus Cancer, including Dungeness crabs, yellow crabs, rock crabs, red crabs and slender crabs, may be brought to the surface of the water for measuring, but no undersize crabs may be placed in any type of receiver, kept on the person or retained in any person's possession or under his direct control; all crabs shall be measured immediately and any undersize crabs shall be released immediately into the water.
(e) Sand crabs (Emerita analoga): Limit: Fifty.
Amendment of subsection (a)(4) filed 3-1-90; operative 3-1-90 (Register 90, No.
2. Amendment of subsections (a)(2)(A)-(B) and (b)(3) and filed
3-12-92; operative 3-12-92 (Register 92, No. 20).
3. New subsection
(d) and amendment of subsection (a) filed 3-7-94; operative 3-7-94 pursuant to
Fish and Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 94, No. 10).
4. Amendment of subsections (a)(3)-(4) filed
10-20-94; operative 10-20-94 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 94, No. 42).
5. New subsections (a)(4)-(a)(6) and
subsection renumbering filed 2-18-2000; operative 3-1-2000 pursuant to Fish and
Game Code sections
202 and
(Register 2000, No. 7).
6. Amendment of subsections (a)(2)(A)-(B)
and amendment of NOTE filed 2-28-2007; operative 2-28-2007 pursuant to
Government Code section
(Register 2007, No. 9).
7. Amendment of subsection (a)(1) and
amendment of NOTE filed 10-9-2007; operative 11-8-2007 (Register 2007, No.
8. Amendment of subsection (a)(2)(A) filed 10-30-2008;
operative 10-30-2008 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2008, No. 44).
9. Amendment of subsection (a)(1), new
subsections (a)(1)(A)-(B), amendment of subsections (a)(2)(A)-(B), new
subsections (b)(1)-(b)(1)(A), subsection renumbering, new subsections
(b)(2)(A)-(B) and amendment of NOTE filed 11-5-2015 as an emergency; operative
11-5-2015 (Register 2015, No. 45). A Certificate of Compliance must be
transmitted to OAL by 5-3-2016 or emergency language will be repealed by
operation of law on the following day.
10. Amendment of subsections
(a)(3) and (a)(7) filed 11-6-2015; operative 11-7-2015 pursuant to Government
Code section
(Register 2015, No. 45).
11. Change without regulatory effect
amending subsections (a)(2)(A)-(B) and (b)(2)(A) filed 11-24-2015 pursuant to
section 100, title 1, California Code of
Regulations (Register 2015, No. 48).
12. Amendment of subsection
(a)(1), new subsections (a)(1)(A)-(B), amendment of subsections (a)(2)(A)-(B),
new subsections (b)(1)-(b)(1)(A), subsection renumbering, new subsections
(b)(2)(A)-(B) and amendment of NOTE refiled 5-2-2016 as an emergency, including
further amendment of subsections (a)(1)(B), (b)(1)(A) and (b)(2)(A); operative
5-4-2016 (Register 2016, No. 19). A Certificate of Compliance must be
transmitted to OAL by 8-2-2016 or emergency language will be repealed by
operation of law on the following day.
13. Amendment of subsection
(a)(1), new subsections (a)(1)(A)-(B), amendment of subsections (a)(2)(A)-(B),
new subsections (b)(1)-(b)(1)(A), subsection renumbering, new subsections
(b)(2)(A)-(B) and amendment of NOTE refiled 8-3-2016 as an emergency, including
further amendment of subsections (a)(1)(B), (b)(1)(A) and (b)(2)(A); operative
8-3-2016 (Register 2016, No. 32). A Certificate of Compliance must be
transmitted to OAL by 11-1-2016 or emergency language will be repealed by
operation of law on the following day.
14. Repealer of 8-3-2016
emergency amendment by operation of Government Code section
(Register 2016, No. 45).
15. Change without regulatory effect
amending NOTE filed 8-8-2019 pursuant to section
100, title 1, California Code of
Regulations (Register 2019, No. 32).
16. Amendment of section
heading, section and NOTE filed 9-20-2021; operative 11-1-2021 pursuant to
Government Code section
(Register 2021, No. 39). Filing deadline specified in Government Code section
extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20 and an additional
60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-71-20.
17. .Amendment
of subsection (a) filed 12-6-2022; operative 12-6-2022 pursuant to Government
Code section
and Fish and Game Code section
(Register 2022, No. 49).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 200, 205, 265 and 275, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 200, 205, 265 and 275, Fish and Game Code.