California Code of Regulations
Title 14 - Natural Resources
Division 1 - Fish and Game Commission-Department of Fish and Game
Subdivision 1 - Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
Appendix A - Fishing Activity Records

Universal Citation: 14 CA Code of Regs A
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024

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Name of Kelp Harvester ______________________________ Month ____________________Year __________

Harvest License Number______________________________

Tons (short tons- 2000 lbs/ton) Of Kelp Harvested By Bed Number (§ 165.5, T14, CCR).

Please designate leased beds by prefixing bed number with letter (for example, "L23" or

"L-32") and portions of beds within marine protected areas with the name of the marine protected area (§ 632, T14, CCR) (for example "Edward F. Ricketts SMCA - 220").


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1. Insert the folded flap between sets of pages to prevent duplicating on other pages.

2. Please return completed (white) copies to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) on or before the 10th of the following month (20 Lower Ragsdale Dr., Suite 100, Monterey, CA 93940 or 4665 Lampson Ave, Suite C, Los Alamitos, CA 90720).

3. Additional logbooks and envelopes may be obtained through the CDFW office in Monterey or Los Alamitos at the above addresses.

4. The duplicate copy (yellow) is the property of the permittee and should remain in the logbook as a permanent fishing record.

5. Use a blue or black ballpoint pen. DO NOT use pencil or felt marker.

6. Write legibly.


1. Complete the Market Squid Vessel Profile page after reading the instructions.

2. Complete the Market Squid Vessel Profile page when starting each new logbook. Submit the pink copy with your next submission of log pages.


* Vessel ID Number: The registration number assigned by CDFW to a particular vessel.

* Captain's ID Number: The number assigned by CDFW to the fisherman. This number consists of an "L" and five numbers.

* Attracting lights used: Type (sodium, incandescent, metal halide, light emitting diode (LED), other), amount of light generated by individual bulb (circle W for watts or L for lumens), and number of total bulbs for each type. Please indicate if light is submerged by adding S to type (i.e. S-LED).

* Vessel characteristics: Boat length (feet), gross tonnage, and hold capacity (short tons) of the vessel.

* Net type: If applicable, circle appropriate response.

* Net dimensions: Depth and length of net in fathoms.

* Mesh size: Mesh size in inches.

* Scoop capacity: Enter the circumference (distance around the circle) and depth of bag in feet.

* Electronics used: Circle appropriate response.

* Horsepower: Both the main and auxiliary (generator) engines.

* Fish hold's water system: Circle appropriate response. RSW is the acronym for refrigerated sea water and CSW is the acronym for chilled sea water.

* Crew members: List names and CDFW license ID numbers.


1. Use one line per set.

2. Fishing activity must be recorded before fishing activity is complete.


* Date: Date of fishing activity.

* Set Number: Numerical order of sets. Set number should restart at the start of each new trip. If fishing with brail gear, record "B" instead of a set number and record one line per brail fishing location.

* Set Time: Time of start and end of set. Hours and minutes may be entered in 24-hour or 12-hour format. If using 12-hour format, circle AM or PM.

* Set Position: Latitude and longitude of set. Use degree decimal minutes to the hundredths place. Example: 34° 05.15' N, 120° 04.85' W.

* SST: Sea surface temperature in Fahrenheit.

* Bottom Depth: Depth at set location in fathoms.

* Light Boat: Enter name of light boat set upon. If no light boat was used, then leave blank.

* Catch Estimate: Enter your catch estimate for that set in short tons.

* Market Order Limit: Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) if your fishing was limited by your market.

* Bycatch: Species common name and amount in pounds.

* Landing Receipt: Enter landing receipt or receipt numbers if delivering to multiple receivers.

* Comments: List by date any anecdotal information such as equipment problems, interference from other boats, weather-related problems, day set activity, additional bycatch information, etc.

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1. Insert the folded flap between sets of pages to prevent duplicating on other pages.

2. Please return completed (white) copies to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) on or before the 10th of the following month (20 Lower Ragsdale Dr., Suite 100, Monterey, CA 93940 or 4665 Lampson Ave, Suite C, Los Alamitos, CA 90720).

3. Additional logbooks and envelopes may be obtained through the CDFW office in Monterey or Los Alamitos at the above addresses.

4. The duplicate copy (yellow) is the property of the permittee and should remain in the logbook as a permanent fishing record.

5. Use a blue or black ballpoint pen. DO NOT use pencil or felt marker.

6. Write legibly.


1. Complete the Market Squid Light/Brail Profile page after reading the instructions.

2. Complete the Market Squid Light/Brail Profile page when starting each new logbook. Submit the pink copy with your next submission of log pages.


* Vessel ID Number: The registration number assigned by CDFW to a particular vessel.

* Captain's ID Number: The number assigned by CDFW to the fisherman. This number consists of an "L" and five numbers.

* Attracting lights used: Type (sodium, incandescent, metal halide, light emitting diode (LED), other), amount of light generated by individual bulb (circle W for watts or L for lumens), and number of total bulbs for each type. Please indicate if light is for use underwater (submerged) by adding S to type (i.e. S-metal halide).

* Vessel characteristics: Boat length (feet), gross tonnage, and hold capacity (short tons) of the vessel.

* Electronics used: Circle appropriate response.

* Horsepower: Both the main and auxiliary (generator) engines.

* Scoop capacity: Enter the circumference (distance around the circle) and depth of bag in feet. Also include an estimate of average pounds of squid caught per scoop.

* Fish hold's water system: Circle appropriate response. RSW is the acronym for refrigerated sea water and CSW is the acronym for chilled sea water.

* Crew members: List names and CDFW license ID numbers.


1. Use only one line per day, unless you provided light for more than two seiners or fished in more than one location. Several fishing days, but no more than seven, may be recorded per page.

2. Fishing activity must be recorded before fishing activity is complete.


* Date: Date of fishing activity.

* Location: If fishing with brail gear enter latitude and longitude using degree decimal minutes to the hundredths place. Example: 34°05.15' N, 120° 04.85' W. If operating as a light boat, enter the CDFW block code that encompasses your location of fishing. If the CDFW block code is unknown enter your latitude and longitude. If you move to a new block record details on a new line.

* Hours spent searching: Hours spent metering for squid. This time also includes time spent holding locations for day sets. Only enter one value per date or one value for each location if you operated in multiple locations on the same date. Do not enter a unique value for each seiner if you provided light for more than one seiner.

* Hours spent lighting: Hours spent attempting to attract squid with lights. Only enter one value per date or one value for each location if you operated in multiple locations on the same date. Do not enter a unique value for each seiner if you provided light for more than one seiner.

* Name of seiner that set squid: Provide the name of the seiner that set squid on each line. If you lit for more than two seiners, use the next line.

* Estimated total tons taken by each seiner: Enter total short tons taken by each seiner. Use one line per seiner.

* Estimated tonnage, if any, remaining after fishing is completed: Was there any squid left? Enter amount in short tons. Only enter one value per date or one value for each location if you operate in multiple locations on the same date. Do not enter a unique value for each seiner if you provided light for more than one seiner.

* Were birds present? Y/N: Enter appropriate response.

* Were mammals present? Y/N: Enter appropriate response.

* Time of brail fishing activity (brailing): Time of start and end of brail fishing activity. Hours and minutes may be entered in 24-hour or 12-hour format. If using 12-hour format, circle AM or PM.

* Bottom Depth: Depth in fathoms to be completed if fishing by brail.

* Amount sold to market: Record amount of your vessel's brail caught squid sold to market in short tons.

* Landing receipt #: Enter landing receipt of your vessel's brail caught squid or receipt numbers if delivering to multiple receivers.

* Amount for live bait: Enter your vessel's live bait catch amount in pounds.

* Bycatch: Species common name and amount in pounds of your vessel's brail caught bycatch.

* Comments: List by date any anecdotal information such as additional bycatch information, equipment problems, interference from other boats, weather-related problems, day set activity, etc.

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1. Amendment of Appendix A -- "Daily Lobster Log" filed 9-10-96; operative 10-10-96 (Register 96, No. 37).
2. Repealer of form DFG 122 (within Appendix A) and new form DFG 122 (incorporated by reference) filed 7-13-2005; operative 7-13-2005 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2005, No. 28).
3. Amendment adding form FG 2025 to Appendix A filed 3-22-2006; operative 4-21-2006 (Register 2006, No. 12).
4. Editorial correction moving HISTORIES related to Appendix A from section 245 to following Appendix A and renumbering HISTORIES (Register 2006, No. 20).
5. New forms DFG 149a and DFG 149b filed 2-13-2007; operative 2-13-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 7).
6. Amendment of appendix adding forms FG 113 and FG 114 filed 8-22-2007; operative 9-21-2007 (Register 2007, No. 34).
7. Repealer of Form DFG 195 (Skipper's Log Book) and new forms DFW 195A and DFW 195B filed 10-11-2013; operative 1-1-2014 (Register 2013, No. 41).
9. Repealer of Forms DFW 195A and DFW 195B (these forms have been incorporated by reference into 14 CCR section 195) filed 6-30-2016; operative 6-30-2016 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2016, No. 27).
8. Repealer of forms DFG 149a and DFG 149b and new forms DFW 149a and DFW 149b filed 1-13-2016; operative 4-1-2016 (Register 2016, No. 3).
9. Repealer of Forms DFW 195A and DFW 195B (these forms have been incorporated by reference into 14 CCR section 195) filed 6-30-2016; operative 6-30-2016 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2016, No. 27).
10. Change without regulatory effect repealing FG form 2025 -- Bay Shrimp Log (new version of form has been incorporated by reference into section 119) filed 8-29-2017 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2017, No. 35).
11. Repealer of form DFG 107 filed 2-26-2019; operative 4-1-2019 (Register 2019, No. 9).

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