California Code of Regulations
Title 13 - Motor Vehicles
Division 3 - Air Resources Board
Chapter 1 - Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Devices
Article 3.2 - State and Local Government Agency Fleet Requirements
Section 2013.1 - State and Local Government Fleet Exemptions

Universal Citation: 13 CA Code of Regs 2013.1

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024

Fleet owners may request the following exemptions or extensions if their California fleets comply with all applicable requirements. Fleet owners requesting or utilizing any exemptions or extensions must meet applicable reporting and recordkeeping requirements for each exemption or extension as specified in sections 2013.2 and 2013.3. Any exemptions or extensions granted to a fleet owner are not transferrable to another fleet owner. The Executive Officer will respond to exemption or extension requests as specified in section 2013.2(i).

(a) Backup Vehicle Exemption. Fleet owners may designate vehicles as backup vehicles during the March reporting period as specified in section 2013.2(b) and renew such designations annually only if the criteria in (1) and (2) below are satisfied:

(1) The vehicle is operated less than 1,000 miles per year excluding any mileage travelled while performing emergency operations in support of a declared emergency event; and

(2) The fleet owner must report the vehicle as a backup vehicle and must submit odometer readings as specified in section 2013.2(f).

(3) Backup vehicles that no longer meet the criteria specified in (1) and (2) above cannot be operated in California and must be removed from the California fleet if the fleet is out of compliance with section 2013(d).

(b) Daily Usage Exemption. Fleet owners may request an exemption as specified in section 2013(n)(2) to purchase a new ICE vehicle of the same configuration as an ICE vehicle being replaced as specified in section 2013.1(b)(1) if no new BEV is available to purchase that can meet the demonstrated daily usage needs of any existing vehicles of the same configuration in the fleet, as determined by the criteria specified in section 2013.1(b)(2) through (5). If approved, fleet owners must place their new ICE vehicle orders within one year from the date the exemption is granted. Fleet owners may request this exemption only if at least ten percent of their California fleet is comprised of ZEVs or NZEVs. The Executive Officer will not approve exemption requests for a vehicle configuration that is available to purchase as: an NZEV; an FCEV; a Class 7 or 8 BEV tractor or BEV three-axle bus with a rated energy capacity of at least 1,000 kilowatt-hours; a Class 4 through 6 BEV with a rated energy capacity of at least 325 kilowatt-hours; or a Class 7 or 8 BEV that is not a tractor or three-axle bus with a rated energy capacity of at least 450 kilowatt-hours. The fleet owner must submit the following information by email to to apply:

(1) Submit the make, model, weight class, configuration, and a photograph of the ICE vehicle to be replaced.

(2) Identify the BEV that is available to purchase in the same weight class and configuration with the highest rated energy capacity available. Submit the make, model, weight class, configuration, and rated energy capacity of the identified BEV.

(3) Calculate the range of the vehicle identified in section 2013.1(b)(2) in miles by dividing the rated energy capacity of the identified BEV by the following factors: for Class 2b through 3 vehicles, 0.6 kilowatt-hours per mile; for Class 4 through 6 vehicles, 1.3 kilowatt-hours per mile; for Class 7 and 8 vehicles that are not tractors, 1.8 kilowatt-hours per mile; for Class 7 and 8 tractors, 2.1 kilowatt-hours per mile. For vehicles that operate truck-mounted or integrated equipment while stationary, in lieu of calculating the needed rated energy capacity based on vehicle miles travelled, the needed rated energy capacity is the same as the measured BEV energy use specified in section 2013.1(b)(3)(A). Submit the calculation and results.
(A) In lieu of calculating range as specified in section 2013.1(b)(3), fleet owners may instead submit measured BEV energy use data from BEVs of the same configuration already operated on similar daily assignments to substantiate their exemption request. Information must include vehicle loading and weight data, route grade, average ambient daily temperature, vehicle miles travelled per day, energy used to drive, and state of charge at the beginning and end of the daily shift to show typical daily energy usage for the BEV, over five consecutive business days. For vehicles that operate truck-mounted or integrated equipment while stationary, the information must also include the energy used while stationary and number of hours such truck-mounted or integrated equipment is operated each day.

(4) Submit a daily usage report for a period of at least 30 consecutive workdays from within the last 12 months using telemetry data or other data collection system that tracks daily mileage and energy use, and hours of vehicle operation if applicable, for all ICE vehicles of the same weight class and configuration of the vehicle to be replaced. Fleet owners that have a mutual aid agreement to send vehicles to assist other entities during a declared emergency event may alternatively submit this report from within the last 60 months. The report must include the daily miles traveled and energy used to drive for each ICE vehicle of the same weight class and configuration of the vehicle to be replaced. Identify the lowest mileage reading for each day and, except for public agency utilities, exclude the three highest readings. For the exemption to be granted, the highest remaining mileage or energy use number must be greater than the range calculated in 2013.1(b)(3) or the energy use data submitted per section 2013.1(b)(3)(A).
(A) For vehicles that operate truck-mounted or integrated equipment while stationary, the daily usage report must include the energy used while stationary and number of hours such truck-mounted or integrated equipment is operated each day, for at least 30 consecutive workdays from within the last 12 months.

(5) Submit a description of the daily assignments or routes used by existing vehicle configurations with an explanation of why all BEVs available to purchase of the same weight class and configuration cannot be charged or fueled during the workday at the depot, within one mile of the routes, or where ZEV fueling infrastructure is available. The explanation must include a description of why charging could not be managed during driver rest periods or breaks during the workday.

(6) In granting or denying the exemption request, the Executive Officer will rely on the information submitted by the applicant and utilize their good engineering judgement to determine whether the information meets the criteria specified in section 2013.1(b).

(c) ZEV Infrastructure Delay Extension. Fleet owners may request the following extensions as specified in section 2013(n)(3) if they experience delays due to circumstances beyond their control on a project to install ZEV fueling infrastructure. Fleet owners may only request the following extensions for ICE vehicles being replaced at the site experiencing the delay. These extensions also apply for locations where the fleet owner has entered into a contract of one year or longer to charge or fuel their ZEVs at a single location prior to beginning the infrastructure project. The fleet owner must request the following extensions at least 45 calendar days prior to the next applicable compliance date for CARB to consider the request.

(1) ZEV Infrastructure Construction Delays. Fleet owners may request this extension if they experience a construction delay due to circumstances beyond their control. The Executive Officer will grant an extension for up to two years, beginning on the applicable compliance date for the number of vehicles that qualify for the extension, per project, if they determine the fleet owner meets the criteria specified below. The fleet owner must submit the documents specified in subsections (A) through (D) below the following by email to to apply:
(A) Documentation showing the executed contract for the ZEV fueling infrastructure installation including a construction permit indicating the permit issuance date is at least one year prior to the next applicable compliance deadline.

(B) Documentation showing the delay is a result of any of the following circumstances that occurred after the fleet owner obtained the construction permit identified in section 2013.1(c)(1)(A): change of a general contractor; delay in manufacture and shipment of ZEV fueling infrastructure equipment; delays obtaining power from a utility; delays due to unexpected safety issues on the project; discovery of archeological, historical, or tribal cultural resources described in the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code division 13, section 21000 et. seq.; or natural disasters.

(C) A letter to CARB from the responsible official explaining the reason for the delay, why retail ZEV fueling infrastructure cannot be used, the estimated completion date of the project, and documentation supporting the reason for the delay from the licensed contractor performing the work, related utility, building department, or other organization involved in the project.

(D) Documentation showing the executed ZEV purchase agreement.

(E) In granting or denying the extension request, the Executive Officer will rely on the information submitted by the applicant and utilize their good engineering judgement to determine whether the information meets the criteria in section 2013.1(c)(1).

(2) ZEV Infrastructure Site Electrification Delays. Until January 1, 2030, fleet owners may request this extension if their electric utility provider determines it cannot provide the requested power to the site where ZEVs will be charged or refueled before the fleet's next ZEV compliance deadline. The Executive Officer will grant an extension for the time-period specified in section 2013.1(c)(2)(A) and number of vehicles specified in section 2013.1(c)(2)(B) if they determine the fleet owner satisfies the criteria for this delay, based on the information submitted below and the exercise of their good engineering judgment. The fleet owner must meet the criteria specified in subsections (A) and (B) and submit the documentation or information specified in subsection (C) below by email to to apply:
(A) Site Electrification Delay Time Period. Fleet owners may request an initial extension for a period of up to three years to align the estimated ZEV delivery date with the amount of time the utility determines it needs to supply the needed power to the site. Fleet owners can request an additional two-year extension if the utility still cannot supply the needed power by the end of any granted initial extension period. To renew the initial extension, a fleet owner must submit updated supporting documentation at least 45 calendar days prior to the expiration of the initial extension period.

(B) Number of Extensions. A fleet owner may request an extension for the number of ZEVs for which, based on information submitted in section 2013.1(c)(2)(C), the utility cannot supply sufficient power. The fleet owner must deploy the maximum number of ZEVs needed to meet its compliance obligations and that can be supported by the utility, and must deploy any additional ZEVs that can be supported by utility upgrades to the site's electrical capacity each calendar year during the delay until the project is complete to maintain the extension.

(C) The fleet owner must submit all of the following information by email to to request this extension:
1. A copy of the application submitted to the utility requesting site electrification that is consistent with the number of ZEVs the fleet owner must deploy each calendar year to meet their compliance requirements during the requested extension period.

2. The utility's response showing that the project will take longer than a year, and the executed utility contract. If a utility is unable or unwilling to execute a contract, a fleet owner must submit the initial contract or application requesting site electrification to the utility, and a signed attestation from the utility stating they will proceed with the project.

3. Documentation indicating the reason for the delay, an estimated delivery date provided by the manufacturer for the ZEV replacing an ICE vehicle at the site, an estimate provided by the utility of the available electrical capacity the utility can supply to the site within one year of the extension request and for each year of the requested delay, in kilowatts, and estimated project completion date.

4. Information about the ZEV fueling infrastructure equipment that can be installed consistent with the utility's capacity estimate and the associated number, configuration, and weight class of the ZEVs that can be supported by such equipment within one year of the extension request and for each year of the requested extension. The information must include:
a. The number, type, and rated capacity for chargers in kilowatts; or

b. For hydrogen stations, dispensing capacity in kilograms per day and the electrical demand in kilowatts.

5. Fleet owners with multiple sites where vehicles are domiciled must submit a copy of each site's infrastructure capacity evaluation from the utility or a third-party licensed professional electrical engineer with the information required to be submitted in sections 2013.1(c)(2)(C)3. and 4.

(D) In granting or denying the extension request, the Executive Officer will rely on the information submitted by the applicant and utilize their good engineering judgement to determine whether the information meets the criteria in section 2013.1(c)(2).

(d) ZEV Purchase Exemptions. Fleet owners may request exemptions as specified in section 2013(n)(4) to purchase a new ICE vehicle if a needed configuration is not available to purchase as a ZEV or NZEV under either the ZEV Purchase Exemption List of section 2013.1(d)(1) or the ZEV Purchase Exemption Application of section 2013.1(d)(2).

(1) ZEV Purchase Exemption List. The Executive Officer will establish and maintain a list of vehicle configurations on the CARB Advanced Clean Fleets webpage at no later than January 1, 2025. That list will specify vehicle configurations that are not available to purchase as ZEVs or NZEVs and the date the exemption expires for listed configurations determined to be available to purchase as specified in section 2013.1(d)(2)(G). The list will include the configurations specified in section 2013.1(d)(1)(A). The Executive Officer will rely on the information submitted and gathered in section 2013.1(d)(2) and utilize their good engineering and business judgement to determine if the information establishes that the criteria in sections 2013.1(d)(2)(C) through (G) are met when determining whether to add a vehicle configuration to the list or to identify the expiration date for a vehicle configuration on the list. The list will not include the following configurations: pickups, any buses, box trucks, vans, or any tractors. Fleet owners may purchase a new ICE vehicle of the same configuration and weight class as one on the list as specified in section 2013(n)(4), report the purchase as specified in section 2013.2(g), and keep records as specified in section 2013.3(e), and CARB will recognize that vehicle as having met the criteria for the exemption.
(A) Configurations List. The list will include the following vehicle configurations: Bucket truck, boom truck, dump truck, flatbed truck, stake bed truck, front-loader refuse compactor truck, side-loader refuse compactor truck, rear-loader refuse compactor truck, refuse roll-off truck, service body truck, street sweeper, tank truck, tow truck, water truck, car carrier truck, concrete mixer truck, concrete pump truck, crane, drill rig, vacuum truck.

(2) ZEV Purchase Exemption Application. Fleet owners may request an exemption as specified in section 2013(n)(4) to purchase a new ICE vehicle of the same configuration as an ICE vehicle being replaced as specified in section 2013.1(d)(2)(A)1. If approved, fleet owners must place their new ICE vehicle orders within 1 year from the date the exemption is granted. The fleet owner must submit information specified in (A) and (B) below by email to The Executive Officer will rely on the information submitted in sections 2013.1(d)(2)(A) and (B) and their good engineering and business judgement to determine if the information establishes that the criteria specified in sections 2013.1(d)(2)(C) through (G) are met:
(A) Fleet owners must submit the following information about the vehicle configuration needed:
1. Make, model, weight class, configuration, whether the vehicle has a crew cab, cabover, or all-wheel drive, and clear and legible photographs of the entire left and right sides of the vehicle with doors closed showing the vehicle's body configuration, for an existing ICE vehicle being replaced in the fleet;

2. A list of any frame attachments other than the body itself necessary to support or perform the primary intended function of the vehicle. Examples of frame attachments include rail wheels and stabilizing outriggers; and

3. The make and model of the body equipped on the vehicle, if applicable.

(B) Fleet owners must also submit documentation from two or more manufacturers that offer ZEV or NZEV chassis, or complete ZEVs or NZEVs, that states the manufacturer does not offer for sale ZEV or NZEV chassis, or complete ZEVs or NZEVs, of the needed configuration submitted in section 2013.1(d)(2)(A). If there are no manufacturers offering ZEV chassis, the statements can come from other vehicle manufacturers.

(C) After receiving a complete submission, the Executive Officer shall rely on information gathered from fleet owners or manufacturers, including information gathered to comply with other CARB-administered programs, manufacturer websites, manufacturer documentation, authorized dealers, CARB-issued Executive Orders, and their good engineering and business judgement to determine whether the configuration is available for purchase as a ZEV or NZEV from any manufacturer, and whether the identified body submitted in section 2013.1(d)(2)(A)3. or a body from another manufacturer that can perform the same primary intended function can be installed on the offered ZEV or NZEV. If the Executive Officer does not have sufficient information to make the determination, they shall solicit public feedback regarding the information submitted by the fleet owner specified in section 2013.1(d)(2)(A) from vehicle manufacturers and authorized dealers on the CARB Advanced Clean Fleets webpage, available at, to assist in making the determination.

(D) The Executive Officer shall consider an offered ZEV or NZEV available to purchase if all of the following criteria are met:
1. If applicable, the manufacturer has certified the ZEV's powertrain with CARB in accordance with the "California Standards and Test Procedures for New 2021 and Subsequent Model Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Powertrains," as adopted June 27, 2019, which is incorporated by reference herein;

2. ZEVs or NZEVs offered have a model year 18 months or less from the date the fleet owner submitted the complete exemption request;

3. ZEV or NZEV configuration is not solely for demonstration, test, or experimental purposes;

4. ZEVs or NZEVs are not offered as a temporary placeholder for a vehicle that may or may not be offered for sale in the future; and

5. ZEVs or NZEVs do not conflict with safety standards that the fleet owner is subject to, if applicable, as prescribed under title 8, CCR, by the California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, comparable federal or state health and safety laws where the vehicle operates, or federal highway safety laws. The fleet owner must identify which of these safety laws or standards would be in conflict and for what reasons in their application.

(E) If the Executive Officer identifies any manufacturer or authorized dealer that offers for sale a ZEV or NZEV chassis, or complete ZEV or NZEV in the same or next higher weight class, except for Class 8 vehicles which must only be in the same weight class, in the needed configuration, with the needed frame attachments, and on which the identified body submitted in section 2013.1(d)(2)(A) or an equivalent body from another manufacturer or authorized dealer that can perform the same primary intended function can be installed, the Executive Officer will supply the manufacturer or authorized dealer name to the fleet owner applicant, deny the exemption request, and remove the vehicle configuration from the ZEV Purchase Exemption List pursuant to section 2013.1(d)(2)(G).

(F) If the Executive Officer cannot identify any manufacturer that offers a ZEV or NZEV chassis, or complete ZEV or NZEV for sale in the needed configuration and weight class, the vehicle configuration will be added to the ZEV Purchase Exemption List specified in section 2013.1(d)(1).

(G) The Executive Officer will rely on information gathered from fleet owners or manufacturers, including information gathered to comply with other CARB-administered programs, manufacturer websites, manufacturer documentation, authorized dealers, CARB-issued Executive Orders, and their good engineering and business judgement to determine whether any vehicle configuration listed on the ZEV Purchase Exemption List specified in section 2013.1(d)(1) no longer meets the criteria specified in section 2013.1(d)(2)(C) through (G). If such a determination is made, on the Advanced Clean Fleets website, the Executive Officer will notify the public of the determination by posting the vehicle configuration, weight class, and exemption expiration date on and after which the vehicle will no longer be eligible to purchase as an ICE vehicle from the ZEV Purchase Exemption List, which shall be the first day of the month after 180 calendar days after posting the determination.

(H) The Executive Officer will notify the fleet owner by email whether the exemption has been approved within 45 calendar days from the date a complete application is received. If the Executive Officer does not respond within this timeframe, the exemption will be deemed approved.

(I) Fleet owners whose exemption request has been granted must comply with the reporting and recordkeeping requirements specified in sections 2013.2(g) and 2013.3(e).

(e) Mutual Aid Assistance. Fleet owners may request this exemption as specified in section 2013(n)(5) to purchase new ICE vehicles. The total number of new ICE vehicles allowed to be purchased under this exemption must not exceed 25 percent of the total number of vehicles in the fleet owner's California fleet in the calendar year the exemption is approved, less the number of ICE vehicles already in the fleet purchased pursuant to a granted exemption. Fleet owners must have a mutual aid agreement to send vehicles to assist other entities during a declared emergency event to apply. The California fleet must be comprised of ZEVs in the following minimum proportions to apply: at least 25 percent until January 1, 2032; 50 percent until January 1, 2035; and 75 percent thereafter. This exemption does not apply to pickup trucks, buses, box trucks, vans, tractors, or any vehicle configurations available to purchase as NZEVs. The Executive Officer will rely on the information submitted in sections 2013.1(e)(1) through (5) and their good engineering judgment in determining whether the information establishes that the criteria in 2013.1(e)(2) and (3) are met. The fleet owner must submit all of the following by email to to apply:

(1) The make, model, weight class, configuration, and a photograph of the needed ICE vehicle;

(2) Documentation from each manufacturer offering ZEVs for sale of the same configuration and weight class as the ICE vehicle identified in section 2013.1(e)(1) describing the charging or fueling connector and charging or fueling time capability;

(3) Documentation from three mobile ZEV fueling providers, with mobile fueling options that are compatible with the vehicle's charging or hydrogen fueling connector and system identified in section 2013.1(e)(2) to show the ZEV cannot be refueled from 10 to 80 percent of the ZEVs rated energy capacity within one hour. If less than three mobile ZEV fueling providers have compatible mobile fueling options for the ZEV, documentation must be submitted from all mobile ZEV fueling providers that do have compatible mobile fueling options;

(4) A copy of the mutual aid agreement in effect with other entities to assist with affected vehicles during declared emergency events; and

(5) A letter to the Executive Officer that has an explanation of the reason for the exemption request.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 38505, 38510, 38560, 38566, 39010, 39500, 39600, 39601, 39602.5, 39650, 39658, 39659, 39666, 39667, 43013, 43018, 43100, 43101, 43102 and 43104, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 38501, 38505, 38510, 38560, 38566, 38580, 39000, 39003, 39010, 39500, 39600, 39601, 39602.5, 39650, 39658, 39659, 39666, 39667, 39674, 39675, 42400, 42400.1, 42400.2, 42402.2, 42410, 43000, 43000.5, 43013, 43016, 43018, 43023, 43100, 43101, 43102, 43104, 43105, 43106, 43153, 43154, 43211, 43212 and 43214, Health and Safety Code; and Section 28500, Vehicle Code.

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