California Code of Regulations
Title 10 - Investment
Chapter 5 - Insurance Commissioner
Subchapter 5.9 - Privacy of Nonpublic Personal Information
Article 2 - Privacy Notices; Opt Out Notices for Nonpublic Personal Financial Information
Section 2689.6 - Annual Privacy Notice
In addition to any notice of information practices required by California Insurance Code Section 791.04, licensees shall provide notice as required by this section. Licensees may provide the notices required by California Insurance Code Section 791.04 and this section in a single combined notice or in separate notices, so long as all the requirements of California Insurance Code Section 791.04 and these regulations are satisfied. If a licensee uses a California notice and another separate notice, the California notice shall clearly state that any rights a consumer, claimant, or beneficiary may have as described in the California notice are not limited by the standard privacy notice that the licensee also uses.
A licensee shall provide a clear and conspicuous notice to customers that accurately reflects its privacy policies and practices not less than annually during the continuation of the customer relationship. Annually means at least once in any period of twelve (12) consecutive months during which that relationship exists. A licensee may define the twelve-consecutive-month period, but the licensee shall apply it to the customer on a consistent basis. A licensee is not required to provide an annual notice to a former customer with whom it no longer has a continuing relationship.
1. New section filed 11-22-2002; operative 3-24-2003 (Register 2002, No. 47).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 791- 791.27, Insurance Code; and 15 U.S.C. Sections 6801, 6805 and 6807. Reference: Section 791.04, Insurance Code; and 15 U.S.C. Section 6803.