California Code of Regulations
Title 10 - Investment
Chapter 5 - Insurance Commissioner
Subchapter 4 - Insurer Securities Permits
Article 3 - Applications-in General
Section 2603.16 - Exhibits
Exhibits shall be consecutively numbered or lettered. Plainly legible numbering or lettering shall be placed consistently either in the bottom center or at the lower right-hand corner of the face or first page of each exhibit. If there are no more than three exhibits they need not be separately tabbed. If there are four or more exhibits or, in any event, if the application and exhibits exceed fifteen pages in length, exhibits shall be labeled by index tabs affixed either to the right-hand margins or at the bottom of the face pages in a consistent fashion so that the tabs will be visible when the application is punched and affixed in a manila folder with an Acco fastener.
Exhibits shall normally be arranged and attached to the typewritten application so they can be opened and read without taking the file apart. Bulky or cumbersome exhibits, such as quarterly or annual financial statements, registration statements (with S.E.C.), underwriters' agreements and ratebooks and other similar items, not easily capable of being fastened in a manila folder with the typewritten application may remain separate.