California Code of Regulations
Title 10 - Investment
Chapter 5 - Insurance Commissioner
Subchapter 2 - Policy Forms and Other Documents
Article 1 - Document Submission and Approval Procedures; Fees
Section 2212 - Blanks to be Completed
All blanks in documents which are not obviously self-explanatory shall be filled in with sample material which will indicate the use to be made of the blanks.
1. Amendment
of section and repealer and new NOTE filed 2-11-97; operative 3-13-97 (Register
97, No. 7).
2. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 2-4-2016;
operative 4-1-2016 (Register 2016, No. 6).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 742.43, 779.21, 10168.92, 10192.3, 10234, 10292, 10327, 10506, 10506.3, 10704, 12921.6 and 12973.9, Insurance Code. Reference: Sections 742.42, 779.8, 795.5, 1320, 9080.1, 10112.5, 10113.95(c), 10123.36, 10123.135, 10123.137(d), 10133.5, 10163.35, 10168.93, 10181.3, 10192.13(a)(7), 10192.14(b)(1), 10192.15, 10192.19, 10192.22, 10198.61, 10205, 10225, 10231.2, 10231.6, 10232, 10234.9, 10234.93, 10234.97, 10236.11, 10236.13, 10270, 10270.1, 10270.2, 10270.3, 10270.5, 10270.507, 10270.57, 10270.9, 10270.93, 10271, 10271.1, 10290, 10292, 10295.2, 10436, 10506, 10705, 10717, 10753.05, 10753.17, 11011, 11027, 11029, 11066, 11069, 11522, 11658, 12250, 12921.6 and 12973.9, Insurance Code.