California Code of Regulations
Title 10 - Investment
Chapter 5 - Insurance Commissioner
Subchapter 1 - Production of Insurance
Article 7 - Production Agency Records
Section 2190.2 - Required Records
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
Wherever applicable, the following records shall be maintained by every agent or broker or surplus lines broker or special lines' surplus lines broker with respect to each and every insurance transaction for at least five years after expiration or cancellation date of the policy to which the records pertain:
(a) Name of insured,
(b) Name of insurer,
(c) Policy number,
(d) Effective date, termination date and mid-term cancellation date of coverage,
(e) Amount of gross premium,
(f) Amount of net premium,
(g) Amount of commission and basis on which computed,
(h) Names of persons who receive, or are promised, any commissions or other valuable consideration related to the transaction,
(i) Amount of premium received including itemization of any partial payments or additional premium,
(j) Date premium received by agent or broker,
(k) Date deposited in bank account or bank depository into which premiums are deposited or maintained in accord with Section 1733 of the Insurance Code, including but not limited to trustee accounts maintained pursuant to Section 1734 of the Insurance Code,
(l) Name and address of bank and number of account in which premium is deposited or maintained in accord with Section 1733 of the Insurance Code, including but not limited to trustee accounts maintained pursuant to Section 1734 of the Insurance Code,
(m) Date premium paid by agent or broker to the person entitled thereto and identification of the means of transmittal,
(n) Amount of net and gross return premium,
(o) Date return premium is received from insurer by agent or broker which may be the date the credit is taken from the insurer or the date the check or draft is received,
(p) Date gross return premium is remitted to person entitled thereto by agent or broker and identification of means of transmittal, and
(q) Any documents required to be maintained pursuant to Section 2695.182 or subdivision (i) of Section 2695.183.
1. Amendment
filed 6-27-78; designated effective 9-1-78 (Register 78, No. 26).
Amendment of first paragraph, amendment of subsections (k) and (l) and new NOTE
filed 8-28-98; operative 9-27-98 (Register 98, No. 35).
3. Amendment
of subsections (o) and (p) and new subsection (q) filed 12-29-2010; operative
6-27-2011 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2010, No. 53).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1727, 1763 and 1768, Insurance Code. Reference: Sections 1727, 1733, 1734, 1763 and 1768, Insurance Code.