California Code of Regulations
Title 10 - Investment
Chapter 5.5 - Major Risk Medical Insurance Board
Article 1 - Definitions
Section 2698.100 - Definitions
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
For the purpose of this part:
(a) "Appellant" means an applicant, subscriber, enrolled dependent, or dependent subscriber who has filed an appeal with the program.
(b) "Applicant" means an individual who has filed an application for major risk medical coverage with the program.
(c) "Authorized Representative" means any person or entity who has been designated, in writing, by the appellant to act on his/her behalf or individuals who have appropriate power of attorney or legal conservatorship.
(d) "Board" means the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board.
(e) "Certificate of Program Completion" means a certificate issued by the Program to persons leaving the Program after 36 consecutive months of coverage.
(f) "Coverage" means the payment by the program or other health plan or insurer for medically necessary services provided by institutional and professional providers.
(g) "Creditable coverage" means:
(h) "Day" means calendar day unless specified otherwise.
(i) "Dependent" means:
(j) "Dependent Subscriber" means an enrolled dependent that has maintained eligibility pursuant to section 2698.205.
(k) "Disenroll" means termination from coverage by the program.
(l) "Eligible" means the applicant is qualified to be enrolled along with dependents in a participating health plan.
(m) "Enroll" means to accept an individual as a subscriber or as a dependent by notifying a participating health plan to accept the applicant and dependents, if any, for coverage.
(n) "Executive Director" means the Executive Director for the Board.
(o) "Fee-for-service plan" means either of the following:
(p) "Health maintenance organization" means either of the following:
(q) "Health plan" means a private insurer holding a valid outstanding certificate of authority from the Insurance Commissioner, a nonprofit hospital service plan qualifying under chapter 11A (commencing with section 11491) of part 2 of division 2 of the Insurance Code, a nonprofit membership corporation lawfully operating under the Nonprofit Corporation Law (division 2 (commencing with section 5000) of the Corporations Code), or a health care service plan as defined under subdivision (f) of section 1345 of the Health and Safety Code, which is lawfully engaged in providing, arranging, paying for, or reimbursing the cost of personal health care services under insurance policies or contracts, medical and hospital service agreements, or membership contracts, in consideration of premiums or other periodic charges payable to it.
(r) "Medicare" means the Health Insurance for The Aged provided under title XVIII of the Social Security Act; "Part A" means Hospital Insurance as defined in title XVIII of the Social Security Act; and "Part B" means Medical Insurance as defined in title XVIII of the Social Security Act.
(s) "Participating health plan" means a health plan which has a contract with the program to administer major risk medical coverage for program subscribers. Participating health plans are categorized as either fee-for-service plans or health maintenance organizations as defined in section 2698.100(p) or (q) respectively.
(t) "Pilot Program" means the program established by Health and Safety Code section 1373.62 and Insurance Code section 10127.15.
(u) "Pilot Program health plan" means any health care service plan or health insurer who has enrolled a program graduate into the Pilot Program and a Pilot Program standard benefit plan.
(v) "Pilot Program standard benefit plan" means a benefit package that meets the criteria of Health and Safety Code section 1373.62(c) or Insurance Code section 10127.15 (c).
(w) "Pre-existing condition" means any condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received during a six month period immediately preceding the effective date of coverage.
(x) "Pre-existing condition exclusion period" means that period of time for which there is no coverage for a pre-existing condition.
(y) "Post-enrollment waiting period" means that period of time between the date of enrollment and the date coverage begins.
(z) "Program" means the California Major Risk Medical Insurance Program.
(aa) "Program Graduate" means:
(bb) "Program Graduate dependent" means an enrolled dependent who has completed 36 consecutive months of coverage and has been issued a Certificate of Program Completion by the Program at the same time as the subscriber.
(cc) "Registered domestic partner" means a person who either (1) has filed a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the Secretary of State which meets the criteria specified by Family Code section 297 and the partnership has not been terminated pursuant to Family Code section 299, or (2) is a member of a domestic partnership validly formed in another jurisdiction which is cognizable as a valid domestic partnership in this state pursuant to Family Code section 299.2.
(dd) "Resident of the State of California" means a person who is present in California with intent to remain present except when absent for transitory or temporary purposes. However, a person who is absent from the state for a consecutive period greater than 210 days shall not be considered a resident.
(ee) "Standard average individual rate" means that rate a participating health plan estimates it would charge the general public for individual, non-group coverage for the benefits described in the program contract with the participating health plan.
(ff) "Standard monthly administrative fee" means the weighted monthly average per person administrative fee paid by the Pilot Program to participating Pilot Program health plans and calculated in accordance with section 2698.602(d).
(gg) "Subscriber" means an individual who is eligible for and receives major risk medical coverage through the program. "Subscriber" does not include an individual receiving major risk medical coverage through the program as an enrolled dependent of a subscriber. An individual who is enrolled but not yet receiving coverage due to a post-enrollment waiting period is considered a subscriber.
(hh) "Subscriber contribution" means the amount paid by a subscriber or a dependent subscriber on a periodic basis to the program for coverage for a subscriber and/or enrolled dependents, if any, or for a dependent subscriber.
(ii) "Unique Identification Number (UIN)" means a number assigned by the Program to each Program Graduate's Certificate of Program Completion to be used in the Pilot Program to track each Program Graduate for payment and reporting purposes.
1. New section
filed 12-20-90 as an emergency; operative 12-20-90 (Register 91, No. 11). A
Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 4-19-91 or emergency
language will be repealed by operation of law on the following
2. Certificate of Compliance as to 12-20-90 order including
amendment of subsections (f) and (g) and NOTE transmitted to OAL 4-18-91 and
filed 5-17-91 (Register 91, No. 27).
3. Editorial correction of
printing errors (Register 91, No. 27).
4. New subsection (y) filed
6-27-91 as an emergency; operative 6-27-91 (Register 91, No. 40). A Certificate
of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 10-25-91 or emergency language will
be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
5. Certificate
of Compliance as to 6-27-91 order including amendment of subsection (y)
transmitted to OAL 10-23-91 and filed 11-22-91 (Register 92, No.
6. Amendment of subsection (f) and NOTE filed 12-19-91 as an
emergency; operative 12-19-91 (Register 92, No. 19). A Certificate of
Compliance must be transmitted to OAL 4-17-92 or emergency language will be
repealed by operation of law on the following day.
7. Certificate of
Compliance as to 12-19-91 order transmitted to OAL 4-8-92 and filed 5-12-92
(Register 92, No. 23).
8. Amendment of subsections (d), (f) and (p),
new subsections (s)-(s)(4), subsection relettering, and amendment of newly
designated subsection (z) and NOTE filed 5-19-95; operative 6-19-95 (Register
95, No. 20).
9. Editorial correction of article 1 heading (Register
96, No. 17).
10. Amendment of subsections (t) and (w) and repealer
of subsection (z) filed 4-23-96; operative 5-23-96 (Register 96, No.
11. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 8-4-2003 as an
emergency; operative 8-4-2003 (Register 2003, No. 32). Amendments to remain in
effect for 180 days pursuant to section 21, chapter 794, Statutes of 2002 (AB
1401). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 2-2-2004 or
emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following
12. Certificate of Compliance as to 8-4-2003 order transmitted
to OAL 1-23-2004 and filed 3-1-2004 (Register 2004, No. 10).
Amendment of subsections (i)(1)-(3), new subsections (i)(3)(A)-(C) and (cc),
subsection relettering and amendment of NOTE filed 1-14-2009; operative
2-13-2009 (Register 2009, No. 3).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 12711 and 12712, Insurance Code; and ASSEM. Bill No. 1401 (Stats. 2002, ch. 794 Sec. 21). Reference: Sections 10900, 10127.15, 12705, 12711, 12712, 12725, 12726 and 12730, Insurance Code; and Section 1373.62, Health and Safety Code; and Sections 297, 299 and 299.2, Family Code.