California Code of Regulations
Title 10 - Investment
Chapter 3 - Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation
Subchapter 2 - Corporate Securities
Article 8 - Licensing of Broker-Dealers and Agents
Section 260.211.1 - Application for License by Notification
Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 52, December 27, 2024
(a) An application for licensing by notification pursuant to Section 25211(b) of the Code shall be in the following form and contain the information therein specified:
Mail to: | Fee: $300 | |
State of California | File No. | |
Department of Business Oversight | Date of Application | |
1515 K Street, Suite 200 | ||
Sacramento, CA 95814-4052 |
(Only for Use in Connection with Applications and Amendments to Applications for Broker-Dealer Certificate Pursuant to Section 25211(b), Corporations Code (Application by Notification), and Section 260.241.4, Title 10, California Code of Regulations.)
1. | Date of Notice_____________________________________________ | |
2. | [] Original Notice [] Amended Notice | |
3. | Name of Broker-Dealer | Address of Principal Office |
______________________________________________________________ | ||
4. | Name and address of officer or partner of the broker-dealer who is to receive compliance and information communications from the Department and who is responsible for disseminating the same within the broker-dealer's organization. |
Name___________________________ | ___________________________Title | |||
Address___________________________ | ___________________________Telephone () | |||
___________________________ | ||||
(See Corporations Code Section 25245) |
[] NYSE | [] NYSE AMEX | [] NYSE Arca | [] FINRA |
[] (1) The broker-dealer has never had a certificate as a broker-dealer, investment adviser or agent revoked, or an application for such a certificate denied, under the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 or any predecessor statute.
[] (2) The Commissioner has by order waived the denial or revocation of a certificate as a broker-dealer, investment adviser or agent heretofore issued to the broker-dealer.
NOTE: Social Security Numbers: In accordance with Section 7 of the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL. 93-579), the following information is provided in connection with the disclosure of social security account numbers in Form BD (Uniform Application for Broker-Dealer Registration, 17 C.F.R. § 249.501) and the Schedules thereto.
Disclosure of a social security account number shall be considered a voluntary disclosure, except as provided below. A social security account number or federal taxpayer identification number under Business and Professions Code Section 494.5 is solicited pursuant to one or more of the following authorities:
Section 25211, Corporations Code.
Section 260.211, Title 10, California Code of Regulations.
Section 17520, Family Code.
Section 494.5, Business and Professions Code.
Uses to be made of social security account numbers and federal taxpayer identification numbers, solicited by Form BD and the Schedules thereto are:
Under Business and Professions Code Section 494.5, the social security number or federal taxpayer identification number is used to match the information to the names on the lists of tax delinquencies provided by the State Board of Equalization and the Franchise Tax Board.
The State Board of Equalization and the Franchise Tax Board are authorized to share taxpayer information with the Department of Business Oversight, and in the event the state tax obligation is not paid by a certificate holder after a certificate is issued, the Department of Business Oversight may be required to suspend the certificate (Business and Professions Code Sections 31 and 494.5).
1. Amendment
filed 4-27-84; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 84, No. 18). For
prior history, see Register 84, No. 2.
2. Editorial correction
repealing 4-27-84 order and readopting 1-3-84 text filed 5-7-84 (Register 84,
No. 18).
3. Certificate of Compliance as to 1-3-84 order transmitted
to OAL 4-27-84 and filed 5-29-84 (Register 84, No. 22).
4. Amendment
filed 12-19-85 as an emergency; designated effective 1-1-86 (Register 85, No.
51). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or
emergency language will be repealed on 5-1-86.
5. Certificate of
Compliance transmitted to OAL 4-10-86 and filed 5-8-86 (Register 86, No.
6. Change without regulatory effect filed 3-2-89 (Register 89,
No. 11).
7. Change without regulatory effect amending form
subsection 6 b filed 11-19-93 pursuant to title 1, section 100, California Code
of Regulations (Register 93, No. 47).
8. Change without regulatory
effect amending subsection (b) filed 2-16-95 pursuant to section 100, title 1,
California Code of Regulations (Register 95, No. 7).
9. Amendment of
section and NOTE filed 1-23-2001; operative 1-23-2001 pursuant to Government
Code section
(Register 2001, No. 4).
10. Amendment of section and NOTE filed
3-27-2003; operative 4-26-2003 (Register 2003, No. 13).
Amendment of form section 5.b. filed 11-10-2009; operative 12-10-2009 (Register
2009, No. 46).
12. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 1-7-2014;
operative 1-7-2014 pursuant to Government Code section
(Register 2014, No. 2).
13. Editorial correction implementing
1-7-2014 amendment of form (Register 2020, No. 35).
14. Editorial
correction removing extraneous history 12 and renumbering histories (Register
2022, No. 19).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 25211(b) and 25610, Corporations Code. Reference: Sections 31 and 494.5, Business and Professions Code; Section 1798.17, Civil Code; and Sections 25210, 25211, 25216, 25241 and 25608, Corporations Code.