California Code of Regulations
Title 10 - Investment
Chapter 2 - Savings and Loan Commissioner
Subchapter 3 - Applications and Hearings
Article 3 - Acquisition of Control of Savings and Loan Association or Savings and Loan Holding Company Registration as a Savings and Loan Holding Company
Section 103.303 - Registration Instructions
Registration application shall be typed in duplicate and filed in accordance with such instructions as the commissioner may publish from time to time. Applications will be deemed to be filed upon receipt in either office of the Department of Savings and Loan. The instructions shall set forth the form of the registration application to be completed and filed by every person and company defined as a savings and loan holding company, hereinafter referred to as "Registrants." Copies of such instructions will be available at either office of the Department of Savings and Loan.
1. Change without regulatory effect renumbering former Section 183 to Section 103.303 (Register 87, No. 14). For prior history, see Register 82, No. 33.
Note: Authority cited: Section 5255, Financial Code. Reference: Section 11550, Financial Code.