Arkansas Administrative Code
Agency 203 - Commission for Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation
Rule 203.00.08-004 - AFT 027: Rules Governing Academic Facilities 10 Year Facilities Master Plan Program
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
The failure of a district to comply with the Guidelines does not mean that the district's submission will not be considered by the Division.
Each school district in the state shall, in accordance with applicable state law, these Rules, and the guidelines published by the Division:
The Division shall:
The facilities goal of the State of Arkansas is to have all schools in all school districts meet the standards for suitability and adequacy as stated in the Arkansas Public School Facility Manual. The school district Facility Master Plan is the backbone of the State of Arkansas goal to provide these facilities for all of its students. It embodies specifics of each school district, bringing them together into a cohesive plan to serve as a guide for the district toward having suitable and adequate facilities. The Master Plan is the district's plan to move from its present facility condition of their district to this goal of suitable and adequate facilities, as defined by the state, by tying together the district's present facility conditions and needs, student population growth and movements, academic needs and educational delivery systems into a district-wide, campus specific plan that provides a roadmap toward making the facilities compliant with the state standards. The Facility Master Plan should consider priority of need in conjunction with financial ability and provide for a coordinated program toward reaching the goal of suitable facilities that support the district's academic program. It should complement the facility requirements of the school district's technology master plan, educational delivery system plan, maintenance plan and other plans the district has which may be affected by facilities.
The Academic Facilities Master Plan (A.C.A. 6-21-805) is one of the foundations of the Arkansas Public School Academic Facilities Program. The purposes of the Master Plan are to -
* Establish a mechanism for State supervision of school district activities impacting academic facilities and equipment;
* Develop and continually update information critical to identifying academic facilities needs at the local level and across the state; and
* Allow the State to manage state financial participation in eligible academic facilities projects
A.C.A § 6-21-806 requires that school districts:
* Develop a ten (10) year district wide facilities master plan that shall be approved by the school district's board of directors for submission to and approval by the Division of Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation;
* Base its facilities master plan on the provisions of the Arkansas School Facility Manual as adopted by the Commission for Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation and on priorities indicated by statewide assessment, on priorities established by the Division of Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation statewide facility needs priority list, and other pertinent data specific to the needs of the school district with regard to academic facilities and equipment;
* Present a draft of the facilities master plan in a public hearing in the same locality as the school district and take public comments;
* Submit evidence of the district's insurance coverage by July 1 of each even numbered year, including coverage amounts, types of coverage, identification of buildings covered, policy renewal date, and all riders;
* Submit facilities master plan with a summary of comments made at public hearing to the Division by February 1 of each even numbered year; and
* Submit a report to the Division by February 1 of each odd-numbered year that includes description of all projects completed in the school district since the submission of the most recent facilities master plan, the school district's current enrollment projections, new or continuing needs of the school district with regard to academic facilities and equipment, and an accounting of any changes in the school district's insurance coverage from the most recent submission.
School districts may submit its Master Plan in either an electronic format using the Master Plan web tool or in two three-ring notebooks that will contain numbered tabs that address the statutory requirements of A.C.A. 6-21-806. The notebooks should contain a cover page on the front cover and a notebook spine label that contains the school district name, "Master Plan", the date "February 1, 2008", and Volume I or Volume II, as appropriate. The 15 tabs are listed below and described in the following paragraphs.
Volume I will contain Tab 1 through Tab 8 and Tab 12 through Tab 15. Volume II will contain Tabs 9, 10, and 11.
District Overview
Tab 1 - District Information Page (Page 2 of these instructions) (Only required with notebooks or hard copy submissions)
Tab 2 - School Board Resolution
Tab 3 - Public Hearing
Tab 4 - District Enrollment Projections (Not required. Optional if district provides revised enrollment projects)
Tab 5 - Community and District Profile (Not required). Planning Considerations
Tab 6 - Master Plan Narrative Summary (Not required). General Planning Considerations
Tab 7 - Insurance Coverage
Tab 8 - Identification of Access Issues
Tab 9 - Custodial Activities Schedule
Tab 10 -Maintenance, Renovation, Repair Activities Schedule
Tab 11 - Preventative Maintenance Documentation
Tab 12 - Projected Replacement Schedule for Life Cycle Systems
Tab 13 - Committed Projects
Tab 14 - Planned New Construction Projects
Tab 15 - Annual Expenditures for Maintenance/Repair and Capital Outlay
District Overview
Tab 1. District Information Page. (Not required if submitting master plan electronically).
Provide the completed Page 2 of these instructions for district contact information if submitting notebooks or other hard copy information.
Tab 2. School Board Resolution.
Provide a copy of the signed School Board resolution that approved this Master Plan.
Tab 3. Public Hearing.
Provide a description of how your community was involved in the development of this ten-year master plan. Include a "summary of comments made at public hearing"; including dates, times, places of the meetings, and approximate number of attendees.
Tab 4. District Enrollment Projections. (Not required. Optional if district provides revised enrollment projections.)
The district's enrollment growth and suitability needs are predicated on the maximum projected enrollment during the next ten years. Enrollment projections for each district are available for viewing at "Click A Button to Get A Report" select the "District" Button and then choose your District from the pop-up menu). Current enrollment projections posted on the web site were developed using the October 2005 Average Daily Membership (ADM). Revised enrollment projections are available on the Division's web site.
The Cohort-Survival method was used to develop the projections provided on the web site. If the district agrees with these projections no further action is required. If the district believes that the provided enrollment projections are not the best representation of future enrollments, submit an enrollment projection displaying the district's current enrollment projections by grade level for the next ten years. The district projection should also include an analysis of the demographic or other factors that substantiate the differences in their projections with those provided by the Division.
Tab 5. Community and District Profile (Submittal not required). Planning Considerations:
School district existing and anticipated future conditions affect school facilities. The following areas should be considered in your planning for school district needs.
Facility Information
Demographic Information
Educational Considerations
Tab 6. Master Planning Considerations. (Submittal not required).
The information in this tab provides the foundation for the Master Plan as it contains the district's strategy and vision to provide an adequate education for its students. The district should review their academic programs, delivery methods, and their existing public school facilities in terms of current and life cycle condition, suitability, adequacy, and ability to address growth requirements.
The following are planning considerations to assist in the development of the school district Master Plan:
Tab 7. Insurance Coverage.
The district must provide a copy of their Statement of Values from their insurance provider, such as the Arkansas School Board Association (ASBA), Arkansas Insurance Department, or any other provider of insurance for its school buildings. The information must include coverage amounts, types of coverage, identification of buildings covered, policy renewal dates, and all riders. (Districts are reminded to be sure the minimum insurance values established by law in Act 625 of 2007 are met).
Tab 8. Identification of Access Issues.
Provide the Division with identification of issues with regard to public school facility and program access to individuals with disabilities and, if applicable, proposed methods for improving access.
Tab 9. Custodial Activities Schedule.
The district must provide schedule of custodial activities for each public school facility in the district.
Appendix B of the Custodial and Maintenance Manual (Section 3 of the Arkansas School Facility Manual) located on the Division's web site provides suggested custodial schedule formats.
Tab 10. Maintenance, Renovation, Repair Activities Schedule.
The district must provide a schedule of maintenance, repair, and renovation activities for each public school facility used by the school district. The schedule must distinguish between work associated with academic facilities and work associated with non academic public school facilities.
Maintenance, renovation, and repair activities are scheduled as part of a work request system to allow others to inform the maintenance department of needs and allow the responsible person(s) to prioritize responses.
Districts must provide a narrative description of the type of work request system used by your district including:
Tab 11. Preventative Maintenance Documentation.
The district must provide documentation that describes preventative maintenance work for each public school facility and identifies the completion date of the work. The documentation must distinguish between preventative maintenance work associated with academic facilities and preventative maintenance work associated with nonacademic public school facilities.
Documentation must include;
Documentation from a computerized work order scheduling and tracking system would satisfy these documentation requirements.
Tab 12. Projected Replacement Schedule.
The district will provide a projected replacement schedule for major building systems in each public school facility. Using the form provided in the Master Plan web based tool on the Division web site, enter the year of projected replacement. One row must be completed for each public school facility, including non-academic facilities. The projected replacement date for the end of life system does not automatically mean the system will be replaced that year by the district, but represents the district's current forecast of the projected replacement date.
To determine the Division's APPLE data base information for end of life for facility systems, district life cycle reports are available in the Reports tab of the master planning tool under Master Planning Reports.
Use the Master Planning Web Based Application (located on the Division's web site).
Districts will use the web based tool to revise district information, to indicate 2004 assessment deficiencies and other facility projects that have been completed, and to enter district facility Master Plan projects. Appendix A of these Guidelines contains instructions on how to use this tool, and instructions and helpful information are also included within the application. You can access the tool by logging onto the Division's web site at and going to the link for the Master Planning application. The following instructions and Appendix A references should be followed when using this application. Districts should be able to review and revise much of the required information from their February 1, 2007 Master Plan update.
Districts should review each deficiency individually on its own merits and should not make sweeping changes of deficiencies to "suspended". Districts are reminded that deficiencies are used in the computation of a facility's Facility Condition Index (FCI) and the Arkansas Facility Condition Index (ARFCI) that are used in the Division's review and prioritization of facility needs.
A Master Plan Project is defined as a new construction or major renovation project, regardless of funding source.
Step b. required the district to review and indicate which deficiencies have been completed. For any of those completed deficiencies that were "end-of-life" system projects for any of five major systems (HVAC, roof, structural, plumbing, and electrical service) and for other completed capital facility projects, submit information including the project description, school, and total project cost using the web based tool. Districts must enter the completed projects using the same general process as outlined in step c. for new Master Plan projects with the following additional instructions.
Tab 13. Committed Projects.
After all projects have been entered, for notebook submission, print out a hard copy of the Committed Projects Report from the Reports tab in the web based master plan application.
Tab 14. Planned New Construction Projects.
For notebooks print out a copy of the Planned Projects from the Reports tab in the application.
Tab 15. Annual Expenditures for Custodial, Maintenance, Repair, and Renovation Activities and Capital Outlay
The most current APSCN Annual Statistical Report contains much of this information. Item 58 on that report displays Maint/Operation of Plant Services, and Item 77 displays Capital Expenditures. For annual expenditures of the school district for custodial, maintenance, and repair activities, the district must distinguish between expenditures associated with academic facilities and expenditures associated with nonacademic school facilities.
The Annual Statistical Report may be found by going to the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) web site located at and following the quick link to APSCN. From the APSCN menu select Reports, then select the Annual Statistical Report page.
Even Numbered Year Submissions:
School districts are required to submit Master Plans, covering a ten year period, by February 1 of each even numbered year. The plans will be submitted in the format contained herein and with the tabulated project data required.
Odd Numbered Year Submissions:
Master Plans are required to be updated by February 1 of each odd numbered year. The Master Plan updates are to include:
Amended Master Plan Submissions:
Amended Master Plans may be submitted at any time during the Master Plan cycle when one of the following criteria has occurred:
The Amended Master Plan will take the same format as a Master Plan and remain effective until the next regular plan submission in the even numbered year. The amended Master Plan must fully explain the basis for the amendment. If applicable and needed to support the plan, the Amended Master Plan will be accompanied by any Locally Funded Projects (LFP) deemed necessary to implement the amended plan.
Applications for Partnership Program projects to support the amended plan will not be accepted, but will be submitted in the even numbered year with the regular cycle Master Plan and Partnership Program submissions.
Master Plan Appendix:
An appendix to the Master Plan is an adjustment to the most current approved plan. It is to be used when the school district starts or completes a LFP (Locally Funded Project) which is "100% raised and funded by the school district". The appendix to the Master Plan will include as a minimum:
Electronic submissions under this program must be entered into the web based master plan tool by midnight February 1, 2008. On February 2, 2008 the web based tool will become inaccessible for school district input.
Hard copy submissions as required under this program shall be postmarked or received via first class mail return receipt requested or via stamped receipt of hand delivery, in the Office of the Director of The Division of Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation, 501 Woodlane Street, Suite 600, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, no later than 4:30 pm on February 1, 2008.
* Did you provide complete information for all required tabs?
* Do the master plan planned new construction projects for 2009-2019 support and accomplish district's facility needs and objectives?
A Arkansas Master Planning Application
The Master Planning Web Tool (tool) was developed to allow districts to electronically submit documents and data pertaining to the annual Master Planning activities.
The items in the tool labeled with "Tabs" (1-15) corresponding to the aforementioned Master Planning Guidelines document (document), and for additional details on the nature of the information and documents required for each Tab, you should refer back the document.
Log in
Main Screen
The initial screen is comprised of three separate components (or frames): The Planning Tree, The Information Pane, and The Signoff Status / Responsible Party / Help Pane and Instruction Pane. These three frames are indicated in the following graphic as:
A - The Planning Tree
B - The Information Pane
C - The Signoff Status / Responsible Party / Help Pane
The Main Screen
The Planning Tree
Use the Planning Tree to navigate through the different tasks associated with the planning process. These tasks include General Information Updates (District, School, and Building), Assessment Deficiency Updates, District Project Creation for the district's Master Plan, Project Replacement Schedules to indicate replacement years for major systems, and Master Planning Documents to electronically submit documents associated with the Master Plan.
Click on the '+' or'-' to either expand or collapse the General Information or Deficiencies levels of the tree.
As seen in the preceding image, the tree has been expanded down to the building level in the General Information level of the tree. With the tree expanded, the user can then click on the lower level'+' symbols to expand that level. This can be done until the tree has been expanded to the building level.
By clicking the '-' symbol that occurs after the tree is expanded, the user can collapse that particular level of the tree.
Green stars next to a level in the Planning Tree indicate that that level is a New Item. Orange stars indicate levels for which updates have been recorded.
Signoff Status / Responsible Party / Help Pane
This pane contains three different types of information pertaining to the Master Planning tool and the process of entering data. This pane is arranged by tabs located at the top of the pane
Signoff Status
Note: Document submittal for Tabs 4, 5, and 6 is optional and not required. A signoff of these Tabs, as well as any other tab where no documents are submitted, is required to indicated that the information pertaining to this Tab was reviewed by the district, and the signoff will indicate that the decision to not upload any documents was the intended action of the district
Responsible Party
The Help pane displays information pertaining to the information being displayed in the Information Pane.
General Information Updates (See Guidelines, III, C. Projects, a.)
Upon expanding the General Information level of the tree to display the District Name, the user can then select the District name to generate the following update screen.
By clicking on the Update Info button the user generates the following update screen:
In order to edit the General Information related to both Schools and Buildings, the user would follow the same instructions outlined above for the District Update. At the School level, the user can update the School information or enter a new building. At the building level, the information associated with buildings can only be updated.
Note: Where the forms provide input for address information, please avoid using P.O. Boxes and provide the physical address of the District Administrator or School whenever possible.
Deficiencies (see Guidelines, III, C. Projects, b.)
This Planning tool allows the user to update the status of deficiencies identified during the 2004 Facility Condition Assessment. The user can edit deficiencies to be either "Complete" or "Suspended" based on the current status of the deficiency with regards to the district's planning process.
Use the following definitions. For "Complete", districts should mark those deficiencies that the district has addressed completely. Do not mark as "Complete" if only partially completed and further work is necessary. For "Suspended", districts should mark those deficiencies that the district believes are incorrect or do not exist.
In order to edit deficiency status, the user needs to expand the Planning Tree below the Deficiencies level to reveal the School level. At the school level of the tree, the user can edit the status of those deficiencies that are specific to the site or campus for that school. The user can also expand the school level of the tree to find the buildings associated with that campus. Clicking on a building will generate a list in the information pane of all the deficiencies associated with that building.
Below is a view of the school level deficiencies:
Below is a view of the building level deficiencies:
In order to edit the status of a deficiency, click on the button. The Status field will change to appear like the example below:
The user can now select the drop-down arrow next to the repair cost and generate the following list:
If you wish to receive a view of all the deficiencies for a school or building that is suitable for printing, press the "Print Deficiencies" button as indicated below:
The Deficiency information is not directly associated with any of the Tabs (1-15), but is assumed complete when the district has completed signoff for all Tabs.
Note: It is in the best interest for the districts to indicate any status change to a deficiency, as they should have the best knowledge of the any maintenance activities that might have been performed relating to a specific deficiency.
District Projects (Tabs 13 & 14) (See Guidelines, III, C. Projects)
The District Projects level on the Planning Tree is used for creating District projects, including Projected and Committed project, as required in the Planning acitivities. When the District Projects level has been selected in the tree, the user is presented with a list of projects in the Information Pane.
The user can now enter the required information related to a Master Plan Project.
When developing a Master Plan project, districts should consolidate new construction projects for similar work that will be done with one construction contract. The first year of a project is the year when the design of the project is initiated, and for Partnership Program projects should be the year that the application is submitted for initiation and the Partnership Program Project Agreement is signed. For example, a Partnership Program project with a beginning year of 2011-2012 is a project that is anticipated to be approved, the project agreement signed, and design begun during the period July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012.
Project numbers must be in the following format that contains year-LEA- and number: y1y2-0LEA-xxx, where y1y2 are the last two digits of the fiscal year that the district will begin the project, and if applicable, request Partnership Program funding. For example, 0708 refers to a project that will begin in fiscal year 2007-2008 (July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008). The middle four digits of the project number are the district's LEA number, including the leading zero, if applicable. The last three digits are a sequential numbering of district proj ects for year y 1 y2, beginning with 001. (2006-2009 proj ects that are included on the current master plan should use the xxx number corresponding to that master plan project number.) Non-academic facilities should begin numbering at y 1y2-LEAx-701. Sample project numbers are 0708-0901-004 and 1112-7401-702.
Project Name should be a short description of project.
School Number, Name and Type is a drop-down list that allows the user to pick a location that already exists in their district for which the project will apply. Project Type requires one type to be selected that best suits the project being created. If the user selects General Renovation as a Project Type, a list of affected buildings systems appears. The user should identify all major systems that will be affected by the project being entered.
Building Number and Name is a drop-down list that allows the user to specify a building that is directly involved in the project scope.
Project Scope must be as complete as possible and must provide sufficient information so that state financial participation can be determined. The project scope should also detail if the project costs include any "maintenance, repair, and renovation" costs that are not eligible for state financial participation. If currently approved Master Plan projects for 2006-2009 are consolidated, the project scope should identify all currently approved Master Plan project numbers. Project scopes for consolidated projects must clearly identify all facilities and building systems included in the consolidated project.
Status is a drop-down menu where the user can select a status for projects. A Partnership Program or self-funded project becomes a committed project when a School Construction Approval Form is submitted to the Division for the project. A complete project has construction completed, occupancy of the facility, and all state financial participation funds, if applicable, provided. All projects that are not committed or complete are planned.
Area (GSF) allows the user to input the square footage of the project. Project area for new facilities or facility additions must meet spacing requirements contained in the Program of Requirements contained in the Arkansas School Facility Manual. For roof projects, enter the area of roof system being replaced.
Total Cost is for the total estimated budget for the project.
The user should select the appropriate Funding Code (Partnership or Local) from the provided drop-down. Likewise, the Project Category (Academic or Non-Academic) drop-down will also require a selection.
Facility Type allows the user to designate the type of facility affected by the project.
The Expected Annual Funding allows the user to input expected yearly total expenditures associated with the project that includes both district funding and state financial participation, if applicable. Prior actual expenditures for 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 must also be entered. The sum of the Expected Annual Funding entries must equal to the Total Cost entry.
Projected Replacement Schedule (Tab 12) (See Guidelines, III, C. Projects)
The Projected Replacement Schedule level on the Planning Tree is used for indicating the approximate calendar year a major system for a building is scheduled to be replaced. When the Projected Replacement Schedule level has been selected in the tree, the user is presented with a list of projects in the Information Pane.
Each building within the district, along with the school to which it belongs, will be displayed with gird-like entry cells available to indicate the year associated with the major system. The five (5) major systems are listed as columns, below which, and in the appropriate row for the building, the scheduled replacement year should be entered in the intersecting cell.
When prompted to do so, save the file to your local disk, as shown below:
You can then open the Excel document locally on your system, make the necessary adjustments to the dates, and save the adjustments back to this local version. When you are ready to submit the document, proceed to the next section and upload the document to the appropriate Tab (Tab 12).
Note: Adding or changing any information to the submitted Excel document will not be reflected on the corresponding items depicted on the on-line tool. If you intend to make additions and changes to the School or Building names, it is recommended you do so through the steps outlined in the General Information section, and then make your Replacement Schedule adjustments using the on-line forms, rather than an attached Excel worksheet.
Master Planning Documents (Tabs 1-15) (See Guidelines, III)
The Master Planning Documents level on the Planning Tree is used for electronically uploading documents to the Master Planning tool. Documents can be in any electronic format that are supported. When the Master Planning Documents level has been selected in the tree, the user is presented with a list of projects in the Information Pane.
Click on the Tab that is associated with the document you would like to upload and Information Pane will display a list of document already uploaded for this Tab, as well as the ability to add and maintain documents. Each document is hyperlinked (i.e. you my click on the document name in the list) so that you can preview the document that has been uploaded to the tool.
Note: Below is a list of suggested file types supported by Arkansas Facilities. If your document type does not appear in the list below, please contact Arkansas Facilities to ensure the document is of a supported type.
.doc - Word Document
pdf - PDF Document
.xls - Excel Worksheet
.ppt - Power Point presentation
.gif, jpg, .bmp - Image file
.mdb - Access Database
.tiff- Scanned document
7500-15 Interactive Classroom Design
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is charged with overseeing the design and construction of school facilities in the state of Arkansas. The Arkansas School Facility Manual has been developed to provide consistent, clear information for school districts and design professionals as a new generation of schools is being created for Arkansas. The Standards & Guidelines contained within this section are the culmination of standards, accepted procedures, statutory requirements, and the experience of experts and authorities throughout the United States and establish a uniform level of quality for all public school buildings. The Standards & Guidelines will apply to new school facilities and new additions to existing buildings. Renovation to existing facilities should adhere to the Standards & Guidelines as outlined in Section 1200.
Since the Standards & Guidelines must communicate information about so many issues, the length and quantity of the document can be intimidating. However, understanding how the Standards & Guidelines is organized and which information will be needed during the various phases of the process will enable each participant to be better prepared for the exciting opportunity of creating school facilities.
An important consideration in developing a state-wide program that must provide equity among districts is the balance between broadly applicable standards and program delivery. A fundamental tenet of educational facility planning is that school facilities must be responsive to a school district's educational program. The Standards & Guidelines allows districts to develop building programs that respond to their current, unique needs as well as prepare for their educational future. There are also many different ways in which districts are delivering educational programs and helping students accomplish learning objectives at every school and school level. By designing classrooms and other instructional spaces to be flexible and adaptable, individual districts are better prepared to accommodate future educational program developments.
Throughout the planning, design, and construction phases of a project there are three factors that must be considered and held in balance: quality, cost, and time (schedule). The Standards & Guidelines was created to provide parameters for balancing these three essential elements fairly for all projects throughout the state.
The Standards & Guidelines are intended as a starting point for architects, engineers, other design professionals, and school districts to develop solutions to meet the needs of the individual school community. The information is provided to allow the planning, design, and construction process to proceed most efficiently, without undo restriction on the design of the facilities, focusing efforts on the creation of best possible school facilities for each project rather than "reinventing the wheel".
The Arkansas School Facility Manual is the exclusive property of the Arkansas Department of Education of the State of Arkansas, and the Arkansas Department of Education reserves the right to add, delete, modify, or otherwise change the content of this manual at any time. Specific information contained within the manual will be periodically modified to reflect current and future trends in teaching methodologies, construction and educational technologies, and lessons learned as Arkansas proceeds with the ongoing task of improving and maintaining its schools.
The Standards & Guidelines are organized into eight chapters that explain the planning, design, and construction process; suggest current educational best practices and facility planning concepts, recommend components of an education framework, identify the square footage provisions for each school level; detail the features and amenities of each space; and provide systems, materials, guidelines information; and technology infrastructure recommendations. This chapter contains an outline of the information found within this section of the Arkansas School Facility Manual and a summary of the standards and guidelines contained within each chapter.
The chapters included in this section of the Arkansas School Facility Manual are:
Chapter 1: How to Use This Section
Chapter 2: Educational Facility Planning Concepts
Chapter 3: Educational Framework
Chapter 4: Site Guidelines
Chapter 5: Program of Requirements [Bracketing]
Chapter 6: Program Space Guidelines
Chapter 7: Building Systems
Chapter 8: Cost Guidelines
Chapter 1 contains introductory information that indicates the organization of Section Two; an executive summary highlighting the standards and guidelines; a glossary of general Arkansas School Facility Manual definitions and abbreviations; and a general overview of the planning, design, and construction process intended to respond to the educational facility needs of Arkansas schools.
Chapter 2 contains planning concepts related to current educational best practices, special education, workforce development, and program and design capacity. The facility planning concepts contained within this chapter are intended to be informative only and are not standards.
Chapter 3 contains a series of broad principles associated with organizational, facility, program, and service issues, including: grade configuration, school size, and class size. In conjunction with the Chapter 2: Educational Facility Planning Concepts, Chapter 3 provides assistance when developing an educational facility.
Chapter 4 contains information about site size and site amenities. Guidelines are also outlined for a multitude of factors that must be considered, including: various types of circulation and site access, drainage, play fields and playgrounds, fencing, lighting, mechanical/ electrical yard, landscaping, site furnishings, and exterior security provisions.
Chapter 5 assists the school district in establishing the size and quantity of instructional and support spaces for construction of a new facility or an addition to an existing facility. The size of a school facility is based on total student population and grade configuration. The Program of Requirements identifies an overall square feet for a facility and then identifies spaces that must be included and provides an allowance for additional support spaces that the district may choose based on their programs and method of delivery.
Chapter 6 contains space plates for each type of space in the Programs of Requirements. Most space plates contain a graphic representation and information related to features, loose furnishings, finishes, and notes.
Chapter 7 provides an overview and examples of the various materials and systems that have been used to establish a design standard and level of quality for the systems and materials to be incorporated into new school buildings and additions to existing school buildings.
Chapter 8 will be added at a later date.
serve as a summary of the standards and guidelines contained within Section Two of the Arkansas School Facility Manual. For additional information, refer to the various chapters for clarification.
Standards are identified by boldedtext. Guidelines are identified as regular text.
Chapter |
Standards & Guidelines |
Notes |
3 |
GRADE CONFIGURATION The Program of Requirements has been developed to address any K-12 grade configuration. |
3 |
CLASS SIZE: A. Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten 20 students B. 1st Grade through 3rd Grade 25 students C. 4th Grade through 6th Grade 28 students D. 7th Grade through 12th Grade 30 students E. Workforce Development 30 students |
Districts may decrease class size by adding teaching stations at their own expense or by utilizing innovative program delivery methods that allow multiple uses of spaces. |
5 |
SQUARE FOOT PER STUDENT A. A gross square foot per student for the overall building may be calculated using the total student population and the total gross square feet indicated by the Program of Requirements. B. The Program of Requirements indicates the following approximate square foot per student ranges: 1. ES = -119-151 2. MS = -124-182 3. HS = -161-243 4. PK-8 = Blended 5. PK-12 = Blended |
Total student population is established by the highest projected enrollment beginning three years out from the date of the 10-year projection. |
5 |
NET AND GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE The net square footage will be composed of the following two components: A. Required Spaces. The Program of Requirements identifies the quantity and size of all required spaces to provide an adequate education. B. Support Space Allowance. The Program of Requirements provides a net square foot allowance for districts to provide flexibility for their instructional programs. Districts must include the indicated support space allowance in a new school. Support space allowance shall not be used to increase the size of gymnasiums or auditoriums. C. The gross square footage will be equal to the net square footage plus a construction factor that accounts for wall thickness and equal to 0 of the total net square footage. |
Size of the building is driven by the total number of students. The percentage of support space allowance is 10% for elementary school spaces and 15% for middle and high school spaces. |
5 |
SIZE MODIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL SPACES A. The size standard for all individual required spaces is established by the Programs of Requirements located in Chapter 5. B. Sizes indicated by the Programs of Requirements located in Chapter 5 for support spaces are not intended to be standards but to serve as guidelines for planning and design purposes. C. Size of individual required space may be altered + 5% for design and structural purposes only provided the following: 1. The standard for total gross square footage is met. D. Individual required spaces may NOT be removed or reduced in size. |
The selection of support spaces is limited only by the following basic rules: a. The standard for total gross square footage must be met. Any overages will be at district expense. b. If an instructional space is selected, its size may only be altered by the design professional for design and structural purposes. |
4 |
SITE SIZE A. The recommended site sizes are: 1. Elementary School: 10 acres plus 1 acre per 100 students 2. Middle School: 20 acres plus 1 acre per 100 students |
The site sizes shown should be considered as the minimum size to provide adequate pedestrian & vehicular circulation, parking for staff student & vicitorn and playgrounds and playfields. |
3. High School: 35 acres plus 1 acre per 100 students 4. Combination Schools: a. PK-12 School: 40 acres plus 1 acre per 100 students b. PK-8 School: 20 acres plus 1 acre per 100 students B. Deviations from the site size may be required because of extenuating circumstances. Deviations from the site size recommendations must be approved by the Arkansas Department of Education. The site sizes shown should be considered. |
When selecting a site, the District should consider current and future student needs, changing demographics, and possible development around the site. It is recognized that not all sites, especially urban sites, will be able to meet those recommendations. The Design Professional, working with the District, should make every attempt to meet as many of the recommendations as possible. Variances will be considered by the Department of Education. |
5 |
PROGRAMS The following programs are guidelines. It is the responsibility of each district to determine the appropriate programs for their students. The programs listed below were used to develop the spaces contained in the Programs of Requirements. A. Elementary Schools 1. Academic Core 2. Special Education 3. Visual Arts 4. Music 5. Physical Education B. Middle Schools 1. Academic Core 2. Special Education 3. Visual Arts 4. Music 5. Technology Education 6. Family and Consumer Sciences 7. Physical Education 8. Workforce Development C. High Schools 1. Academic Core 2. Special Education 3. Visual Arts 4. Music 5. Physical Education 6. Workforce Development 7. Alternative Education |
Combination Schools contain the programs from which those schools are comprised. Example: A Pre-K - 8 school would contain all the elementary school programs and the middle school programs. Workforce development is an exception. Accreditation Requirements make it necessary for all comprehensive high schools to make available at least three programs of study from three different occupational areas. Refer to Workforce Development in Chapter 2. |
5 |
SIZE OF SPECIFIC SPACES The following sizes are standards from the Programs of Requirements in Chapter 5. The spaces listed below are intended to be samples and representative of typical spaces. Regular Classrooms 850 SQFT Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Classrooms 1,000 SQFT Special Education Classrooms 850 SQFT Resource Room 450 SQFT Art Classroom 1,200 SQFT Music Classroom 1,200 SQFT Student Dining 50% TSP x 15 SQFT/Student |
TSP = Total Student Population The Program of Requirements contained in Chapter 5 details the size and quantity of all instructional and support space allowances that must be included in new school construction. |
7 |
EXTERIOR WALLS A. Options available for numerous, insulated wall systems. B. All systems to be well insulated and have moisture barrier. |
Minimum insulation R values. 40-year minimum lifespan. |
7 |
ROOFS A. New construction to be sloped or low slope roof system. B. Options available for numerous, UL class "A" systems with warranties. C. Vapor barrier are critical for weather protection. |
Meet "energy star" values Minimum, thermal resistant U-values. |
7 |
OPENINGS A. All academic spaces to have natural daylight. B. Minimize east and west facing glass. C. Interior wood doors to be solid core and factory finished. |
Encourage top lighting. Provide uniform light distribution. Select formaldehyde-free doors constructed with recycled or recovered content. |
7 |
INTERIOR FLOOR FINISHES A. Use water-based coatings and adhesives. B. Options available for soft and hard surface flooring. C. Choose low-VOC emitting materials. D. Meet carpet "green label plus" rating and use carpet reclamation programs. |
Use products containing recycled content. |
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PLUMBING A. Water piping should not be installed under floor slabs. B. Domestic water systems within the building shall be type "K" or "L" copper tubing. |
No additional notes. |
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HVAC A. All new construction will include air conditioning. B. Several systems are available and selection shall be based on a life cycle cost analysis. A. All temperature control systems shall be electronic, direct digital controls. |
All systems shall be designed in compliance with ASHRAE standard 90.1 Energy Code. Control indoor and outdoor HVAC noise. |
B. Commissioning of HVAC is recommended. |
7 |
ELECTRICAL A. Conductors shall only be copper. B. All branch circuits and feeder circuits should be run above ceilings and within walls. C. Interior lighting shall be controlled by occupancy sensors, automatic timed lighting controlled system or a combination of both. |
Within building electric system, provide technology infrastructure such as cable trays, conduit, boxes, etc. |
8 |
TECHNOLOGY A. All instructional spaces will be wired for voice, video, data, and power. B. All offices and meeting spaces will be wired for voice, data, and power. |
Selected offices may also be wired for video. |
An Educational Framework is a series of broad principles associated with organizational, facility, program, and service issues. In conjunction with the Educational Facility Planning Concepts, the Education Framework establishes the foundation on which educational facilities are designed.
The Standards & Guidelines are not intended to address every possible condition. Flexibility is required to develop appropriate solutions given the diversity of programs, community requirements, existing building conditions, site constraints, etc. found in the school district.
The following educational assumptions/concepts were derived from a wide range of sources that included representation from parents and students, teachers and school administrators, business and government [state and local] officials.
Following are the suggested grade configurations for each level of school facility.
Pre-Kindergarten programs should be included as part of the school facility as required by state law.
Workforce Development courses are included in middle and high school facilities.
School size is based on the number of students projected to attend a particular school facility. For the number of students by grade level the Program of Requirements provides the total required school size that contains both the required spaces and a support space allowance needed to adequately meet the needs of the students.
The Program of Requirements found in Chapter 5 provides required spaces and a support space allowance for the selection of spaces needed for the various program areas found in each grade level of school.
Class size [or Average class size] is defined as the number of students occupying a space at one time. Class size is not necessarily synonymous with student teacher ratio.
A. |
Pre-Kindergarten-Kindergarten |
20 students |
B. |
1st Grade through 3rd Grade |
25 students |
C. |
4th Grade through 6th Grade |
28 students |
D. |
7th Grade through 12th Grade |
30 students |
Workforce Development [WFD] refers to programs traditionally offered under the label Career Technical Education or Vocational Education.
Note: Access to a WFD occupational area can occur in the following ways:
Kindergarten courses will be delivered all day.
As programs and services change it is important that each school district identify the current and future educational needs of its students. Once those needs have been identified, the District should then determine the types of instructional programs that will result in a successful student. The Standards & Guidelines are based on current and future trends in education and include the following programs. As stated above, ultimately each district should determine the appropriate programs for their students.
The intent of Chapter 7 is to provide standards and guidelines necessary to plan design and construct school facilities throughout the state of Arkansas. The focus is on building systems and materials that will provide buildings that are economical and reflect quality construction: Aalong with mandatory performance standards, additional options and available choices.
All items and systems, such as loose furnishings, casework, technology, etc., should be integrated early in the planning phase of the project.
The planning and design of school facilities shall be based upon criteria . described in Chapter 7 in accordance with the following definitions:
"Standards" - Performance or construction required items for which there is mandatory adherence.
"Guidelines" - Performance or construction items which are recommended, but NOT required.
"Examples" - Typical component(s) off standards or guidelines.
Codes and Standards
Applicable local, state, and international building codes and standards are not repeated in this chapter. It is the responsibility of the Design Professionals to conform to the current codes in their design process. Should the oo ee standards contained in this manual beafe in conflict with international, state, or local codes, the established codes shall prevail. The requirements of (ADAAG) [Americans with Disabilities Act) should be consulted.
No attempt has been made to provide detailed specifications in Chapter 7. Standards and guidelines are available that allow architects and engineers the flexibility to design to fit the school district needs.
The construction and performance standards and guidelines contained herein are applicable to both new construction of public school facilities and renovation of existing public school facilities, is Every attempt should be made to apply these standards and guidelines to existing buildings, in gradual steps as funding and other influences allow, (refer to Chapter 1 It may be recognized that some standards may not be compatible with existing facilities in renovation projects nor may it be possible to completely conform a performance or construction standard to new a new facility. It those instances variances to those standards, upon reguest, may be granted by the Division.)
Green Building Design (optional)
A strong motive of these building systems standards and guidelines is to promote high performance schools. High performance schools are healthy, comfortable, energy efficient, resource efficient, water efficient, safe, secure, adaptable, and easy to operate and maintain, Designing for high performance goals is a guideline. It is to be considered, but not mandatory.
Commissioning (optional)
The commissioning process is a single-point responsibility to make sure that certain systems in a building are functioning and performing according to the design intent. The independent Commissioning Agent goes far beyond the occasional Design Professional job visits during the construction period. Actual tests are performed and components are verified under the guidance of the Commissioning Agent. Several systems can be commissioned, but emphasis in the chapter is to commission the HVAC components.
Commissioning is the process of ensuring that systems are designed, installed, functionally tested, and capable of being operated and maintained according to the Owner's operational needs.
Commissioning may be applicable to both new facilities and renovation. It is a guideline to be considered, but not mandatory.
Commissioning Authority (CA)
The CA is in charge of the commissioning process and is an objective, independent advocate of the Owner.
Commissioning Authority Options
CA can be selected from an independent third party; a mechanical or installing contractor; or a design professional.
Contractor: Desirable when building is small and contractor performs all mechanical work, but a conflict of interest can arise.
Design Professional: Good idea provided that the project specifications detail the reguirements. Already familiar with the design intent but may not have day-today experience in the process.
How To Select
Use competitive Reguest for Qualifications (RFQ) and follow a qualification based selection process (QBS).
CA Qualifications
Experience required:
* Designing, specifying, or installing educational building mechanical-control systems or general HVAC systems
* Working with project teams and conducting "scoping meetings"
* Building systems start-up, balancing, testing, and troubleshooting
* Commissioning at least two projects involving HVAC and lighting controls
* Writing functional performance-test plans for at least two projects.
Extent of Commissioning
The degree or extent of commissioning for new buildings is recommended for the planning, design, and construction phases. However, involvement can occur only in design, construction, or post-construction phases.
What to Commission
All projects that include controls, EMCS, pneumatic equipment, integrated systems, HVAC-related equipment, and air distribution systems should be commissioned.
* Improved performance of building equipment and building systems interactions
* Improved IAQ occupant comfort and productivity
* Decreased potential for building Owner liability related to IAQ
* Reduced operation and maintenance costs
* Maximize energy efficiency
* Provide training for school personnel
Green Building Design (optional)
The term "green building" is synonymous with "high-performance building", "sustainable design and construction", as well as other terms that refer to a holistic approach to design and construction. Green building design strives to balance environmental responsibility, resource efficiency, occupant comfort and well-being, and community sensitivity. Green building design includes all players in an integrated development process, from the design team {building owners, architects, engineers, and consultants), to the construction team (materials manufacturers, contractors, and waste haulers), to the maintenance staff and | building occupants. The green building process results in a -high-quality product that maximizes the owner's return on investment.
Why Design Green?
The building sector has a tremendous impact on the environment. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), buildings in the United States consume more than 30% of our total energy and 60% of our electricity annually. Buildings are a major source of pollutants that cause urban air quality problems and contribute to climate change. Buildings produce 35% of the country's carbon dioxide emissions. Green building practices can substantially reduce the negative environmental impacts associated with these buildings and reverse the trend of unsustainable construction activities. Green design also reduces operating costs, enhances building marketability, potentially increases occupant productivity, and helps create a sustainable community. Green design has environmental, economic, and social elements that benefit all stakeholders, including owners, occupants, and the general public.
Creating High Performance Schools (optional)
School districts around the country are finding that smart energy choices can help them save money and provide healthier, more effective learning environments. By incorporating energy improvements into their construction or renovation plans, school can significantly reduce energy consumption and costs. These savings can then be redirected to educational needs such as additional teachers, instructional materials, or new computers.
Establishing High Performance Goals
Cost-effective energy- and resource-efficient schools start with good planning. Working closely with the school's design and planning staff, the architects and engineers should develop objectives that reflect local conditions and priorities, balance short-term needs and long-term savings, and address environmental issues. Goals can include reducing operating costs; designing building that teach; improving academic performance; protecting the environment; increasing health, safety, and comfort; supporting community values; and considering emerging solutions.
Establishing High Performance Goals (continued)
Establishing dayjighting objectives will also improve classroom conditions and can help improve performance if you:
Green Building Rating System (optional)
The Green Building Initiative design program called Green Globes and the program offered by the U.S. Green Building council, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), are green measurement systems designed for rating commercial and institutional buildings. Both address new construction and major renovations. The programs address various environmental categories, typically sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy, indoor environmental quality, and aeiamaterials and resources. Both are performance oriented systems where points are earned for satisfying performance criteria. Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total points earned.
Green building design may be applicable to both new facilities and renovation. It is a guideline to be considered, but not mandatory.
Strength of concrete provided is to be tested by independent testing lab, during construction.
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
NOTE: #1: Other types of roof systems may be acceptable if system meets or exceeds the above performance standards.
#2: All roof system and products shall be designed in accordance with state fire prevention code and state building code.
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Construction Guideline
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Guidelines
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Guidelines
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
Construction Standards
Performance Standards
* Resiiient
* Carpeting
* Tile
* Terrazzo
* Concrete
* Wood
* Resilient
* Rubber
* Resinous
* Hardwood
Construction Guidelines
Performance Guidelines
Construction Standards
* carpetCarpet and sheet vinyl -3 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. per 24 hours or less
* VCT-5 lbs/1,000 sq.ft.
Performance Guidelines
Construction Standards
* maximum 4.5 pounds per 1,000 sq.ft. moisture emission in slab
* two year guarantee
* second and better grade, maple strip flooring