Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Section 1002 (3) (i) of the Regulations requires that applicants
be examined for emotional stability by an individual licensed to practice
Psychiatry or Psychology and qualified to perform such evaluations in the State
of Arkansas. The emotional stability to withstand the pressures of modern law
enforcement work is an essential qualification for applicants for law
enforcement service and although psychological tests and interviews have
recognized limitations, many personality defects can and are identified through
screening by trained professionals.
1. All applicants will be examined to
determine emotional stability.
No person will be eligible for certification if they have any condition listed
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th
edition (DSM-5) of the American Psychiatric Association which would limit the
police officer's ability to cope with the stress of modern day police work such
(a) Any organic mental disorder or organic
brain syndrome that currently results in impairment in memory, cognitive
functions, judgment and personality.
(b) Any substance use such as alcohol,
barbiturate, opium, cocaine, amphetamine, hallucinogenic and cannabis which
impairs social or occupational functioning due to an inability to control use
or stop taking the substance and the development of serious withdrawal symptoms
after cessation or reduction in substance use. Previous substance use should be
in remission for three (3) years.
(c) Any psychotic reaction showing
disturbance in content of thought involving delusions, fragmented thoughts,
distortions of reality, breakdown of ego defenses or hallucinations. Any
previous psychotic episodes should be in remission for three (3) years and be
currently evaluated as showing no residual symptoms.
(d) Any neurotic disorder such as excessive
anxiety, panic, or convulsions which would indicate that irrational behavior
would occur under stress.
(e) Any
impulse control problem, particularly with anger, having resulted in
husband/wife or child abuse or revealed in explosive outbreaks.
(f) Any environmental stresses such as
divorce, loss of job, business difficulty, or death in family can result in
maladaptive reactions resulting in either impairment in social or occupational
functioning that are in excess of a normal and expected reaction.
(g) Any personality disorder showing a
pervasive and unwarranted suspicion and mistrust of people, hypersensitivity,
emotional coldness and aloofness resulting in an ability to make and maintain
relationships. Any history of continuous and chronic antisocial
(h) Behavior disorders as
evidenced by:
(1) Frequent encounters with law
enforcement agencies or antisocial attitudes or behavior which, while not a
cause for rejection under Regulation 1002(3) (d) (i) are tangible evidence of
an impaired characterological capacity to adapt to the demands of law
enforcement service.
(2) Behavior
disorders where it is evident by history and objective examination that the
degree of immaturity, instability, personality inadequacy and dependency will
seriously interfere with the performance of law enforcement duties as
demonstrated by repeated inability to maintain reasonable adjustment in school,
with employers and fellow workers, and other social groups.
1. An actual interview and psychometric
evaluation will be utilized:
(a) The employing
agency will determine the examiner to be utilized.
(b) Applicants will complete any preliminary
history forms required by the examiner. The applicant will provide the examiner
with a release of information to the potential employing authority.
(c) The results of the first examination will
be binding. When the original examiner determines that additional tests are
needed, the additional tests or interviews will be considered a part of the
original examination. If extenuating circumstances exist that create a doubt as
to the validity of the results of the first examination, the employing agency
may petition the Commission for the approval of a second examination to be
administered by a different examiner.
(d) The psychometric evaluation shall include
such standardized tests as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, or
others that may be necessary such as Bender Gestalt and Rorschach or the
equivalent of each test as are appropriate and are validated by proper
authority to evaluate personality traits and other mental health
characteristics. These tests will be interpreted by licensed qualified
individuals to assure results.
During the diagnostic interview, the examiner will evaluate each individual
sufficiently for any evidence of disorganized or unclear thinking, of unusual
thought control; of undue suspiciousness or of apathy or "strangeness" and any
discovered evidence will be noted. Any unusual emotional expression such as
depression, expansiveness, withdrawal or marked anxiety, which is out of
keeping with the content of the interview will be noted and carefully
2. The
results of the evaluation will be recorded. A report of the evaluation will be
forwarded to the employing agency. The report will be signed by a licensed
psychologist or psychiatrist designating the applicant as RECOMMENDED or
NOT RECOMMENDED. The results of tests or interviews administered by
licensed psychological examiners must be reviewed and countersigned by either a
licensed Psychologist or Psychiatrist. The form F-26 or equivalent should be
3. The evaluation will be retained by the
employing agency and must be available for examination at any reasonable time
by representatives of the Commission.