Arkansas Administrative Code
Agency 088 - Arkansas Teacher Retirement System
Rule 088.00.05-004 - Policy No. 0-1: Organization and Operation ; Removal of Policy Nos. 1-1 thru 1-15: Governance, Policy Nos. 2-1 thru 2-4: Perspectives/Ends, and Policy Nos. 3-1 thru 3-11: Executive Director Constraints and Executive Director Relationship with the Board
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
The Arkansas Teacher Retirement System ("ATRS") is located at 1400 West Third Street, Little Rock, AR 72201. Questions about ATRS may be addressed by visiting the ATRS website (; e-mailing ATRS at; phoning ATRS at 1-800-666-2877 or 501-682-1517; or sending a fax to ATRS at 1-800-682-2663. Visits may be made to the ATRS office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on holidays. Appointments are not required but are suggested.
ATRS makes available a list of persons holding certain responsibilities for handling FOIA requests and requests by the public so that the public may obtain information about ATRS or make submissions or requests. The names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and electronic addresses can be obtained from the ATRS office or website.
The ATRS policies, rules and regulations, and official forms may be obtained from the ATRS office or from the ATRS website.
The Arkansas Teacher Retirement System ("ATRS") is a cost-sharing multiple-employer, defined benefit pension plan established on March 17, 1937 by authority of the Arkansas General Assembly under Act 266 of 1937 (Ark. Code Ann. § 24-7-101 et. seq). ATRS is operated as a "qualified trust" under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. ATRS is a component unit of the State of Arkansas.
The General Assembly is responsible for setting benefits and contributions and amending plan provisions.
Ultimate authority, general administration and responsibility for the proper operation of ATRS and for making effective the provisions of A.C.A. §§ 24-7-201 et seq. are vested in a fifteen-member board of trustees. Eleven members are elected, and four members serve as ex officio members by virtue of their positions in state government. The board appoints the executive director of ATRS who serves as its chief executive officer. From time to time, the board promulgates rules and regulations.
For administrative purposes, the agency is comprised of several divisions: Administration, Membership Services, Data Processing, Investments, and Fiscal Affairs.
The officers of the ATRS board of trustees are a Chair and Vice Chair. Election of officers is held in the odd numbered years at the first regular meeting after the beginning of the fiscal year. These officers perform the duties prescribed by applicable law, this rule, and Robert's Rules of Order.
The business of ATRS is conducted in public meeting pursuant to Robert's Rules of Order. All meetings are conducted in conformity with the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. Regular meetings are held at least quarterly. Special meetings may be held on the call of the chair or as scheduled by action of the Board in a regular meeting.
A quorum for the transaction of business is a majority of the number of voting members of the board.
The ATRS board of trustees may create standing and ad hoc committees whose membership is determined by the chair of the board. A quorum for the transaction of committee business is a majority of the number of voting members of the committee.
The Executive Director prepares the agenda for regular and special meetings. The agenda is distributed to Board members and made available to the public in advance of the meeting. The agenda may be amended by appropriate motion.
Trustees, members, and other individuals wishing to have additional items considered for the agenda should submit a request to the Executive Director prior to a regularly scheduled meeting.
The ATRS board has been authorized by the Legislature to promulgate rules. ATRS follows the procedural requirements of the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, in particular A.C.A. § 25-15-203 and § 25-15-204. Additionally, ATRS is required to abide by the provisions of A.C.A. § 10-3-309.
The process of adopting a new rule or amending or repealing an existing rule (hereinafter referred to as "rulemaking") may be initiated by request of the board or the ATRS staff. Additionally, persons outside the agency may petition for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of any rule.
ATRS will give public notice of proposed rulemaking to be published pursuant to A.C.A. § 25-15-204. The notice will set any written comment period and will specify the time, date, and place of any public hearing, if any.
Before finalizing language of a proposed new rule or an amendment to, or repeal of, an existing rule, ATRS will receive public input through written comments and/or oral submissions. ATRS will designate in the public notice the format and timing of public comment.
A public hearing may be held; if so, it will provide affected persons and other members of the public a reasonable opportunity for presentation of evidence, arguments, and oral statements within reasonable conditions and limitations imposed by the agency to avoid duplication, irrelevant comments, unnecessary delay, or disruption of the proceedings.
Thirty days before the public comment period ends, ATRS will file with the Bureau of Legislative Research the text of the proposed rule or amendment as well as a financial impact statement and a Bureau of Legislative Research questionnaire as provided by § 10-3-309. In addition, a copy of the public notice, the text of the proposed rule or amendment, and a summary will be filed with the Secretary of State. Also, a copy of the public notice and the text of the proposed rule or amendment will be published on the ATRS website, if available.
Generally, proposed rules or amendments will be reviewed by the appropriate committee of the ATRS Board of Trustees for recommendation prior to submission to the full Board for consideration and final action.
ATRS will not finalize language of the rule or decide whether to adopt a rule until the period for public comment has expired.
After the ATRS board formally adopts a new rule or amends a current rule or repeals an existing rule, and after the rule change has been reviewed by the Legislative Council, ATRS staff will file final copies of the rule with the Secretary of State, the Arkansas State Library, and the Bureau of Legislative Research, or as otherwise provided by A.C.A. § 25-15-204(d).
Proof of filing a copy of the rule, amendment, or repeal with the Secretary of State, the Arkansas State Library, and the Bureau of Legislative Research will be kept in a file maintained by the Executive Director's Office.
Notice of the rule change will be posted on the agency website, if available, and rules will be made available to interested persons.
Upon receipt of a written statement requesting emergency rulemaking or other evidence to support an assertion that an emergency exists, ATRS will make an independent judgment whether the circumstances and facts constitute an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare requiring adoption of the rule with fewer than 30 days notice. If it is determined that the circumstances warrant emergency rulemaking, a written determination setting out the reasons for the finding that an emergency exists will be made. Upon making this finding, the ATRS board may proceed to adopt the rule without any prior notice or hearing, or it may determine to provide an abbreviated notice and hearing.
The emergency rule will be effective immediately upon filing, or at a stated time less than ten (10) days thereafter, if ATRS finds that this effective date is necessary because of imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare. ATRS will file with the rule its written findings justifying the determination that emergency rulemaking is appropriate and, if applicable, the basis for the effective date of the emergency rule being less than ten days after the filing of the rule pursuant to A.C.A. § 25-15-204(e).
An ATRS member, beneficiary, survivor, retiree or employer may request a review of an administrative decision made by the Executive Director or an ATRS staff member concerning membership, benefits, service, contributions or refunds. A description of the appeals process may be obtained by contacting ATRS or from the ATRS website.
NOTE: These are general rules for the organization and operation of the system. Additional and more specific information is provided in the Policies, Rules and Regulations of ATRS, which may be found on the ATRS website ( under "Publications") or which may be obtained by contacting the Executive Director's office at 501-682-1517 or 1-800-666-2877).
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Authority, Function, and Style
The authority and responsibility for the administration, management, and control of the Retirement System, and for the construing and carrying out the provisions of the plan is vested in the Board of Trustees (hereinafter the "Board"). The Board is responsible for the governance of the System. It is accountable for establishing policies and for supervising the implementation of those policies in compliance with all applicable legal mandates.
The function of the Board is to make certain contributions that lead the Retirement System toward the desired performance and ensure that it occurs. The Board's specific contributions are unique to its trusteeship role and necessary for appropriate governance and management. Board decisions are to be based on facts and expert opinions.
The Board will approach its task with a style that emphasizes outward vision rather than an internal preoccupation; encouragement of diversity of viewpoints; strategic leadership more than administrative detail; clear distinction of Board and staff roles; future rather than past or present; and proactive rather than reactive.
Consequently, the contributions of the Board shall be:
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Guiding Principles
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Code of Conduct
The Board expects of itself and its members ethical and business-like conduct.
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Board Member Development
The Retirement Board is responsible for its own readiness for Board work and the performance of that work.
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Board Meetings
The Board shall hold regular meetings at least quarterly. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair or scheduled by action of the Board in a regular meeting. The Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure, which shall be subject to the following:
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Duties of Chair and Vice Chair
The duty of the Chair is to ensure the integrity of the Board's process and to represent the Board to outside parties.
Duties of the Vice Chair
The duties of the Vice Chair are to act as temporary Chair in the absence of the regular Chair.
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Reimbursement of Expenses
The Board, by majority vote of the total membership cast at the first regularly scheduled meeting of each calendar year, may authorize expense reimbursement for each trustee for performing official Board duties. Official Board duties are defined as follows:
Board members are subject to the same reimbursable expenses as state employees.
Board officers are authorized payment for personal expenses, not otherwise reimbursed, incurred in the performance of their ATRS-related duties. Such reimbursement is to cover (1) any losses in salary or compensation that would otherwise result from their attendance at Board or committee meetings, and will be paid to the officer's employer; and (2) the costs of communication (longdistance telephone calls, postage, etc.) with other trustees or staff members.
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Procurement of Services
ATRS shall utilize an equitable and open system of awarding contracts to providers of all contractual, management, and consultant services, including, but not limited to:
The system of awarding contracts will assure that all bona fide providers of such services will have equal opportunity to submit competitive bids or competitive proposals for consideration.
The Executive Director shall develop procurement procedures and a plan for implementing the process of awarding contracts.
The Board of Trustees shall approve all procedures and contracts related to the procurement of services.
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Committee Principles
The Board may establish committees to help carry out its responsibilities.
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Investment Committee Charter
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Legislative Committee Charter
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Policies Committee Charter
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Real Estate Committee Charter
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Real Estate Screening Committee Charter
POLICY TYPE: Governance Process
POLICY TITLE: Board Self-Evaluation
The Board will regularly evaluate its own performance, taking whatever action is necessary to govern with excellence. The Board will review these policies of conduct at least annually and discuss the degree to which it complies.
POLICY TITLE: Financial Perspective
Investments shall be within the minimum and maximum ranges established by the Board and will approximate the targeted levels unless the Board is advised as to reasons for a deviation.
Total Fund-The overall goal is to achieve, over a period of years, the actuarial interest assumption rate with due consideration being given to preservation of capital and its purchasing power and to maintaining the element of risk at a prudent investor level.
POLICY TITLE: Customer Perspective
POLICY TITLE: Internal-Business-Process Perspective
Communications with the Board, members, and employees that are clear, concise, and timely.
Management decisions based on facts and expert opinions.
POLICY TITLE: Learning and Growth Perspective
Professional and support staff responses to an organizational climate survey to indicate a stable or more positive and innovative work environment from one year to the next.
The gender, race, and age of the professional and support staffs to show progress toward approximating the respective work forces in the Little Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area from one year to the next.
POLICY TYPE: Executive Director Limitations
POLICY TITLE: General Executive Constraints
The Executive Director shall not cause or allow any acts, decisions, activities, or circumstances that are imprudent, in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics, or a breach of fiduciary responsibility.
POLICY TYPE: Executive Director Limitations
POLICY TITLE: Communication and Counsel to the Board
With respect to providing information and counsel to the Board, the Executive Director may not permit the Board to be uninformed. Accordingly, the Executive Director may not:
POLICY TYPE: Executive Director Limitations
POLICY TITLE: Code of Ethics
The Executive Director may not fail to require employees of the Retirement System to adhere to an appropriate code of ethics that will assure:
POLICY TYPE: Board-Executive Director Relationship
POLICY TITLE: Employment of Executive Director
Employment of the Executive Director will be by the Board.
POLICY TYPE: Board-Executive Director's Relationship
POLICY TITLE: Executive Director's Job Description
The Executive Director is the Board's official link to the operation of the Retirement System. The Executive Director is accountable for all organizational performance and entitled to exercise all authority delegated by official Board action.
The Executive Director's job description may be stated as performance in these areas:
POLICY TYPE: Executive Director Limitations
POLICY TITLE: Compensation and Benefits
With respect to employment, compensation, and benefits to employees, consultants, contract workers, and volunteers, the Executive Director may not cause or allow jeopardy to fiscal integrity or public image.
Accordingly, the Executive Director may not:
The Board may remove one or more candidates from consideration. The Executive Director will make the employment decision.
POLICY TYPE: Executive Director Limitations
POLICY TITLE: Operations
Budgeting for any fiscal period shall not deviate materially from Board Ends priorities, risk fiscal jeopardy, or fail to show a generally acceptable level of foresight. The proposed biennial budget shall be presented to the Board for review and approval prior to its submission to the General Assembly for adoption.
Accordingly, the Executive Director may not cause or allow budgeting that:
Accordingly, the Executive Director may not:
POLICY TYPE: Executive Director Limitations
POLICY TITLE: Staff Treatment
The Executive Director may not cause or allow conditions that are inhumane, unfair, or undignified. Accordingly, the Executive Director may not:
POLICY TYPE: Board-Executive Director Relationship
POLICY TITLE: Delegation to the Executive Director
Authority for implementing policy and the development of supporting procedures is delegated to the Executive Director.
Authority: Act 427 of 1973
Adopted: June 12, 2002
Removed from APA: December 6, 2005
1 "Members" as used in the Board Policies document means members of the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System, benefit recipients, and their beneficiaries when the sense requires it.