Arkansas Administrative Code
Agency 067 - Board of Nursing
Rule 067.00.16-005 - Chapter 7: Rules of Procedure
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rules, Rule Making, Notice of Hearing, Hearings, Judicial Review, Declaratory Orders, Adjudications, and other procedures authorized by the Arkansas Nurse Practice Act are governed by the Arkansas Administrative Procedures Act § 25-15-201 et seq.
Proceedings shall be as follows.
Except as provided in subsection 2 below, every licensee or applicant for a license shall be afforded notice and an opportunity to be heard before the Board. The Board shall have authority to take any action the effect of which would be to:
The Board may, after providing notice and a hearing, levy civil penalties in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation against those individuals or entities found to be in violation of this Chapter or Rules promulgated thereunder.
The APN shall submit his/her DEA Registration to the Board upon request following disciplinary hearing in which the registration is encumbered or suspended.
Any notice required by subsection B.3 above, may be served either personally or by an officer authorized by law to serve process, or by registered mail or certified mail with return receipt requested, directed to the licensee or applicant at his or her last known address as shown by the records of the Board. If notice is served personally, it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the officer delivers the notice to the person addressed.
Board hearings held under the provisions of this rule shall be conducted at the Board office or elsewhere in Pulaski County.
Use of Hearing Office - All hearings under this section shall be open to the public.
At all such hearings at least a quorum of the Board shall be present to hear and determine the matter.
A person entitled to be heard pursuant to this section shall have the right to:
In connection with any hearing held pursuant to the provisions of this section, the Board or its hearing officer shall have power to:
In proceedings held pursuant to this rule, the Board may admit any evidence and may give probative effect to evidence that is of a kind commonly relied on by reasonably prudent men in the conduct of serious affairs. The Board may in their discretion exclude incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial, and unduly repetitious evidence.
Witness fees and mileage, if claimed, shall be allowed the same as for testimony in a Circuit Court.
After a hearing has been completed, the members of the Board shall proceed to consider the case and as soon as practicable shall render their decision. If the hearing was conducted by a hearing officer, the decision shall be rendered by the Board at a meeting where a quorum of the members of the Board is present and participating in the decision. In any case the decision must be rendered within ninety (90) days after the hearing.
Within a reasonable time after the decision is rendered, the Board shall serve upon the person whose license is involved a written copy of the decision, either personally or by registered mail to the last address of record in the Board office. If notice is served personally, it shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the officer delivers the notice to the person addressed. Where notice is served by registered mail, it shall be deemed to have been served on the date borne by the return receipt showing delivery of the notice to the addresses or refusal to accept the notice. An attempt to serve notice at the last address of record shall constitute official notice.
If a person duly notified fails to appear for a disciplinary hearing and no continuance has been granted, the Board, or its hearing officer, shall hear the evidence of such witnesses as may have appeared, and the Board shall proceed to consider the matter and dispose of it on the basis of the evidence before it in the manner required by subsection L. of Section II. Failure of the licensee to keep the Board informed of a change of address shall not be grounds to have the hearing reopened.
Where because of accident, sickness, or other cause a person fails to appear for a hearing which has been scheduled by the Board, the person may, within a reasonable time, apply to the Board to reopen the proceeding; and the Board, upon finding such cause sufficient, shall immediately fix a time and place for hearing, and give such person notice thereof as required by Section II. At the time and place fixed, a hearing shall be held in the same manner as would have been employed if the person had appeared in response to the original notice of hearing.
The decision of the Board shall contain:
The Board may institute such civil suits or other legal proceedings as may be required for enforcement of any provisions of ACA § 17-87-101 through § 17-87-711 (Nurse Practice Act), as amended, and related acts.
If the Board has reason to believe that any person has violated any provisions of the Nurse Practice Act, as amended, or related acts for which criminal prosecution would be in order, it shall so inform the prosecuting attorney in whose district any such purported violation may have occurred.