Arizona Administrative Code
Section R9-7-902 - Definitions
The following definitions apply in this Article, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Added filter" (See R9-7-602).
"Arc therapy" means radiation therapy that uses electrons to treat large, superficial volumes that follow curved surfaces, as in postmastectomy patients.
"Authorized medical physicist" means an individual who meets the requirements in R9-7-711. For purposes of ensuring that personnel are adequately trained, an authorized medical physicist is a "qualified expert" as defined in Article 1.
"Beam-limiting device" (See R9-7-602)
"Beam-monitoring system" means a set of devices that will monitor the useful beam, as defined in R9-7-602, during irradiation and terminate irradiation when a preselected number of monitor units has been accumulated.
"Collimator" (See R9-7-602)
"Control panel" (See R9-7-602)
"Full beam detector" means a radiation detector of such size that the total cross section of the maximum size useful beam is intercepted.
"Gantry" means that part of a linear accelerator that supports the radiation source so that it can rotate about a horizontal axis.
"General supervision" means that a radiation therapy technologist is furnished with a procedure for performing therapy under an authorized user's overall direction and control, and the authorized user is responsible for ensuring that the procedure is followed, but the authorized user's presence is not required in a medical institution during the performance of the procedure.
"Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)" means an advanced mode of high-precision radiotherapy that uses computer-controlled linear accelerators to deliver precise radiation doses to a tumor or specific areas within the tumor.
"Isocenter" means the point of intersection of the collimator axis and the axis of rotation of the gantry.
"Monitor unit" means a unit response from the beam monitoring system from which the absorbed dose can be calculated.
"Moving beam therapy" means radiation therapy in which there is displacement of the useful beam relative to the patient. Moving beam therapy includes arc therapy, skip therapy, and rotational beam therapy.
"Radiation therapy technologist" means an individual certified according to 9 A.A.C. 16, Article 6, whose scope of practice is specified according to A.A.C. R9-16-608(D).
"Rotational beam therapy" means radiation therapy that is administered to a patient from a radiation source that rotates around the patient's body or the patient is rotated while the beam is held fixed.
"Skip therapy" means rotational beam therapy that is administered in a way that maximizes the dose to an area of interest and minimizes the dose to surrounding healthy tissue.
"Special procedure" means a type of therapy through which radiation is delivered to a patient through five or fewer fractions or with a dose per fraction greater than 6 Gy.
"Spot check" (See R9-7-602)
"Stationary beam therapy" means radiation therapy that involves a beam from a radiation source that is aimed at the patient from different directions. The distance of the source from the isocenter remains constant irrespective of the beam direction.
"Virtual source" means a point from which radiation appears to originate.