Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 52, December 27, 2024
A. Organization and Administration
1. A nursing assistant program may be offered
a. An educational institution licensed by
the State Board for Private Postsecondary Education,
b. A public educational institution or a
program funded by a local, state or federal governmental agency,
c. A health care institution licensed by the
Arizona Department of Health Services or a federally authorized health care
d. A private business
that meets the requirements of this Article and all other legal requirements to
operate a business in Arizona.
2. If a nursing assistant program is offered
by a private business, the program shall meet the following requirements.
a. Hold insurance covering any potential or
future claims for damages resulting from any aspect of the program or a hold a
surety bond from a surety company with a financial strength rating of "A minus"
or better by Best's Credit Ratings, Moody's Investors Service, Standard and
Poor's rating service or another comparable rating service as determined by the
Board in the amount of a minimum of $15,000. The program shall ensure that:
i. Bond or insurance distributions are
limited to students or former students with a valid claim for instructional or
program deficiencies;
ii. The
amount of the bond or insurance is sufficient to reimburse the full amount of
collected tuition and fees for all students during all enrollment periods of
the program; and
iii. The bond or
insurance is maintained for an additional 24 months after program closure;
b. Upon initial use
and remodeling, provide the Board with a fire inspection report from the Office
of the State Fire Marshall or the local authority with jurisdiction, indicating
that each program classroom and skill lab location is in compliance with the
applicable fire code.
Programs approved by the Board before the effective date of this Section shall
comply with subsection (A)(2) within one year of the effective date. If a
program does not charge tuition or fees, the bond requirement is
4. A Medicare or Medicaid
certified long-term care facility-based nursing assistant program shall not
require a student to pay a fee for any portion of the program including the
initial attempt on the state competency exam.
5. In addition to the policies required in
the Board may approve a nursing assistant program to offer an advanced
placement option to a student with a background in health care. A nursing
assistant program wishing to offer an advance placement option shall submit
their advanced placement policy to the Board and receive approval before
implementing the policy. The program shall include, at a minimum, the following
provisions in its policy:
a. Advanced
placement is limited to students with at least one year full-time employment in
the direct provision of health care within the past five years or students who
have successfully completed course work that included direct patient care
experiences in allied health, medicine or nursing in the past five
b. The program, at a
minimum, shall require an advanced placement student to meet the same outcomes
as regular students on all examinations and skill performance
c. The program
shall require an advanced placement student to successfully accomplish all
clinical objectives during a minimum of 16 hours of clinical practice under the
direct supervision and observation of a qualified instructor and in a long-term
care facility.
d. Upon successful
completion of advanced placement and any other program requirements, the
program shall credit the graduate with the same number of didactic, laboratory
and clinical hours as the regular graduate.
B. Program coordinator qualifications and
1. Program coordinator
qualifications include:
a. Holding a current,
registered nurse license that is active and in good standing or multistate
privilege to practice as an RN under A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 15; and
b. Possessing at least two years of nursing
experience at least one year of which is in the provision of long-term care
facility services.
2. A
director of nursing in a health care facility may assume the role of a program
coordinator for a nursing assistant training program that is housed in the
facility but shall not function as a program instructor.
3. A program coordinator's responsibilities
a. Supervising and evaluating the
b. Ensuring that
instructors meet Board qualifications and there are sufficient instructors to
provide for a clinical ratio not to exceed 10 students per
c. Ensuring that the
program meets the requirements of this Article; and
d. Ensuring that the program meets federal
requirements regarding clinical facilities under
CFR 483.151.
4. Other than the director of nursing in a
long-term care facility, a program coordinator may also serve as a program
C. Program
instructor qualifications and duties
Program instructor qualifications include:
Holding a current, registered nurse license that is active and in good standing
under A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 15 and provide documentation of a minimum of one
year full time or 1500 hours employment providing direct care as a registered
nurse in any setting; and
b. At a
minimum, one of the following:
i. Successful
completion of a three semester credit course on adult teaching and learning
concepts offered by an accredited post-secondary educational
ii. Completion of a 40
hour continuing education program in adult teaching and learning concepts that
was awarded continuing education credit by an accredited
iii. One year of
full-time or 1500 hours experience teaching adults as a faculty member or
clinical educator, or
iv. One year
of full time or 1500 hours experience supervising nursing assistants, either in
addition to or concurrent with the one year of experience required in
subsection (C)(1)(a).
2. In addition to the program instruction
requirements in
a nursing assistant program instructor shall provide on-site supervision for
each student placed in a health care facility not to exceed 10 students per
D. Clinical
and classroom hour requirements and resources
1. A nursing assistant training program shall
ensure each graduate receives a minimum of 120 hours of total instruction
consisting of:
a. Instructor-led teaching in a
classroom setting for a minimum of 40 hours;
b. Instructor-supervised skills practice and
testing in a laboratory setting for a minimum of 20 hours; and
c. Instructor-supervised clinical experiences
for a minimum of 40 hours, consistent with the goals of the program. Clinical
requirements include the following:
i. The
program shall provide students with clinical orientation to any clinical
setting utilized.
ii. The program
shall provide a minimum of 20 hours of direct resident care in a long-term care
facility licensed by the Department of Health Services, except as provided in
subsection (iv). Direct resident care does not include orientation and clinical
pre and post conferences.
iii. If
another health care facility is used for additional required hours, the program
shall ensure that the facility provides opportunities for students to apply
nursing assistant skills similar to those provided to long-term care
iv. If a long-term care
facility licensed by the Department of Health Services is not available within
50 miles of the training program's classroom, the program may provide the
required clinical hours in a facility or unit that cares for residents or
patients similar to those residing in a long-term care facility.
d. To meet the 120 hour minimum
program hour requirement, a NA program shall designate an additional 20 hours
to classroom, skill or clinical instruction based upon the educational needs of
the program's students and program resources.
2. A nursing assistant training program shall
ensure that equipment and supplies are in functional condition and sufficient
in number for each enrolled student to practice required skills. At a minimum,
the program shall provide:
a. Hospital-type
bed, over-bed table, linens, linen protectors, pillows, privacy curtain,
call-light and nightstand;
Thermometers, stethoscopes, including a teaching stethoscope, aneroid blood
pressure cuffs, and a scale;
Realistic skill training equipment, such as a manikin or model, that provides
opportunity for practice and demonstration of perineal care;
d. Personal care supplies including wash
basin, towels, washcloths, emesis basin, rinse-free wash, tooth brushes,
disposable toothettes, dentures, razor, shaving cream, emery board, orange
stick, comb, shampoo, hair brush, and lotion;
e. Clothes for dressing residents including
undergarments, socks, hospital gowns, shirts, pants and shoes or non-skid
f. Elimination equipment
including fracture bed pans, bed pans, urinals, ostomy supplies, adult briefs,
specimen cups, graduate cylinder, and catheter supplies;
g. Aseptic and protective equipment including
running water, sink, soap, paper towels, clean disposable gloves, surgical
masks, particulate respirator mask for demonstration purposes, gowns, hair
protectors and shoe protectors;
Restorative equipment including wheelchair, gait belt, walker, anti-embolic
hose, adaptive equipment, and cane;
i. Feeding supplies including cups, glasses,
dishes, straws, standard utensils, adaptive utensils and clothing
j. Clean dressings,
bandages and binders; and
Documentation forms.
E. Consolidated Programs
1. A nursing assistant program may request,
in writing, to consolidate more than one site of a program under one program
approval for convenience of administration. The site of a program is where
didactic instruction occurs. The Board may approve the request for a
consolidated program if all the following conditions are met:
a. The program is not based in a long-term
care facility;
b. The program does
not offer an innovative program as defined in
at any consolidated site;
c. A
single RN administrator has authority and responsibility for all sites
including hiring, retention and evaluation of all program personnel;
d. Curriculum and policies are identical for
all sites;
e. Instructional
delivery methods are substantially similar at all sites;
f. Didactic, lab practice and clinical hours
are identical for all sites;
g. The
program presents sufficient evidence that all sites have comparable resources,
including classroom, skill lab, clinical facilities and staff. Evidence may
include pictures, videos, documentation of equipment purchase and instructor
h. The program provides an
application to the Board a minimum of 30 days before consolidation of the
program or use of the new site;
The site is fully staffed before accepting students;
j. The program evaluates each site separately
k. The program arranges for the test vendor
to provide a separate program number for each site;
2. There have been no substantiated
complaints against the program or failure to follow the provisions of this
Article in the past two years.
The program shall notify the Board if a site is closed or has not been used in
two years.
4. A program that has
been Board-approved as a consolidated program may request to add additional
sites 30 days in advance of site utilization. The Board may approve the new
site if the site meets the criteria in subsection (E)(1).
5. The Board may deny a request to
consolidate programs or add a site if the requirements of this section are not
met. Denial of such a request is not a disciplinary action and does not affect
the program's approval status.
The Board shall not renew or visit any site that was not used in the previous
approval period.
Curriculum: a nursing assistant training program shall provide classroom and
clinical instruction regarding each of the following subjects:
1. Communication, interpersonal skills, and
2. Infection
3. Safety and emergency
procedures, including abdominal thrusts for foreign body airway obstruction and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
Patient or resident independence;
5. Patient or resident rights, including the
right to:
a. Confidentiality;
b. Privacy;
c. Be free from abuse, mistreatment, and
d. Make personal
e. Obtain assistance in
resolving grievances and disputes;
f. Security of a patient's or resident's
personal property; and
g. Be free
from restraints;
Recognizing and reporting abuse, mistreatment or neglect to a
7. Basic nursing
assistant skills, including:
a. Taking vital
signs, height, and weight using standing, wheelchair and bed scales;
b. Maintaining a patient's or resident's
c. Observing and
reporting pain;
d. Assisting with
diagnostic tests including obtaining specimens;
e. Providing care for patients or residents
with drains and tubes including catheters and feeding tubes;
f. Recognizing and reporting abnormal patient
or resident physical, psychological, or mental changes to a
g. Applying clean
h. Providing
peri-operative care; and
Assisting in admitting, transferring, or discharging patients or
8. Personal
care skills, including:
a. Bathing, skin
care, and dressing;
b. Oral and
denture care;
c. Shampoo and hair
d. Fingernail care;
e. Toileting, perineal, and ostomy
f. Feeding and hydration,
including proper feeding techniques and use of assistive devices in feeding;
9. Age specific,
mental health, and social service needs, including:
a. Modifying the nursing assistant's behavior
in response to patient or resident behavior,
b. Demonstrating an awareness of the
developmental tasks and physiologic changes associated with the aging
c. Responding to patient
or resident behavior,
d. Allowing
the resident or patient to make personal choices and providing and reinforcing
other behavior consistent with the individual's dignity,
e. Providing culturally sensitive
f. Caring for the dying
patient or resident, and
g. Using
the patient's or resident's family as a source of emotional support for the
resident or patient;
Care of the cognitively impaired patient or resident including;
a. Understanding and addressing the unique
needs and behaviors of patients or residents with dementia or other cognitive
b. Communicating with
cognitively impaired patients or residents,
c. Reducing the effects of cognitive
impairment, and
d. Appropriate
responses to the behavior of cognitively impaired individuals.
11. Skills for basic restorative
services, including:
a. Body
b. Resident
c. Assistive devices
used in transferring, ambulating and dressing;
d. Range of motion exercises;
e. Bowel and bladder training;
f. Care and use of prosthetic and orthotic
devices; and
g. Turning and
positioning a resident in bed, transferring a resident between bed and chair
and positioning a resident in a chair.
12. Health care team member skills including
the role of the nursing assistant and others on the health care team, time
management and prioritizing work; and
13. Legal aspects of nursing assistant
practice, including:
a. Requirements for
licensure and registry placement and renewal.
b. Delegation of nursing tasks,
c. Ethics,
d. Advance directives and do-not-resuscitate
orders, and
e. Standards of conduct
14. Body structure and function,
together with common diseases and conditions.
G. Curriculum sequence: A nursing assistant
training program shall provide a student with a minimum of 16 hours instruction
in the subjects identified in subsections (F)(1) through (F)(6) before allowing
a student to care for patients or residents.
H. Skills: A nursing assistant instructor
shall verify and document that the following skills are satisfactorily
performed by each student before allowing the student to perform the skill on a
patient or resident without the instructor present:
1. Hand hygiene, gloving and gowning;
2. Skills in subsection (F)(7),
(8) and (11)(a), (c), (d), (f), and (g).
I. One-year approval: following receipt and
review of a complete initial application as specified in
the Board may approve the program for a period that does not exceed one year,
if requirements are met, without a site visit.
J. A Medicare or Medicaid certified long-term
care facility-based program shall provide in its initial and each renewal
application, a signed, sworn, and notarized document, executed by the program
coordinator, affirming that the program does not require a nursing assistant
student to pay a fee for any portion of the program including the initial
attempt on the state competency exam.