Arizona Administrative Code
Article 2 - QUARANTINE
Section R3-4-201 - Definitions
In addition to the definitions provided in A.R.S. §§ 3-201, 3-231, 3-441, 3-481, and A.A.C. R3-4-101, the following terms apply to this Article:
"Associate Director" means the Associate Director of the Plant Services Division.
"Common carrier" means any person transporting a commodity or equipment for compensation or commercial purpose.
"Compliance agreement" means a written agreement or permit between a person and the Department for the purpose of allowing the movement or production of a regulated commodity or used equipment from a quarantined area of this state and containing demonstrated safeguarding measures to ensure compliance with the purposes of A.R.S. Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 1.
"Cotton harvesting machine" means any machine used to pick or harvest raw cotton in a field.
"Firewood" means wood that has been cut, sawn, or chopped into a shape and size commonly used for fuel, or other wood intended for fuel.
"Fumigate" means to apply a gaseous substance to a commodity or used equipment in a closed area to eradicate a pest.
"Green lumber" means freshly sawn, unseasoned wood.
"Hull" means the dry outer covering of a seed or nut.
"Infected" means any plant or other material on or in which a disease is found.
"Label" means all tags and other written, printed, or graphic representations in any form, accompanying or pertaining to a plant or other commodity.
"Limited permit" means a permit issued by the Department to a common carrier or responsible party to transport a commodity or used equipment that would otherwise be restricted.
"Master permit" means a permit issued by the Department to another state department of agriculture that gives that other state authority to certify, in accordance with the terms of the permit, that a regulated commodity or used equipment may enter Arizona without a quarantine compliance certificate.
"Origin inspection agreement" means a permit issued by the Department to a person that specifies terms to ship or transport a regulated commodity or used equipment into Arizona, which importation would otherwise be prohibited by this Article, and that the State Plant Regulatory Official agrees with.
"Package" means
(i) any container, box, bag, or envelope used for the shipment of a commodity or used equipment through postal and parcel services or
(ii) individual packets of seeds for planting.
"Pest free" means apparently free from all regulated plant pests, as determined by an inspection.
"Pest Management Program" means any state or federally recognized program designed for the prevention, monitoring, and control of a pest or disease. Based on a targeted management (Integrated Pest Management) or holistic approach (Total Systems Approach Program) that incorporates best management practices, monitoring, cultivation practices, cultural controls, treatment programs and/or pest resistant plant varieties, cultivars or hybrids for the control or effective management of any live life stages of a pest or disease.
"Quarantine compliance certificate" means a certificate issued by a plant regulatory official of the originating state that establishes that a commodity or used equipment has been treated or inspected to comply with Arizona quarantine rules and orders and includes a certificate of inspection.
"Receiver" means any person or place of business listed on a bill of lading, manifest, or freight bill as a consignee or destination for a commodity or used equipment.
"Regulated plant pest" means all live life stages of an arthropod, disease, plant, nematode, or snail that is regulated or considered under quarantine by a state or federal law, rule or order enforced by the Department.
"Responsible party" means a common carrier, person, or place of business that is legally responsible for the possession of a commodity or used equipment.
"Stub or soca cotton" means cotton stalks of a previous crop that begin to show signs of growth.
"Treatment Manual" means the USDA-APHIS-PPQ Treatment Manual, T301-Cotton and Cotton Products, revised May 2017. The Treatment Manual is incorporated by reference, does not include any later amendments or editions, and is available from the Department and online at