Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 52, December 27, 2024
A person shall not install a septic tank in an on-site
wastewater treatment facility unless the tank meets the following requirements:
1. The tank is:
a. Designed to produce a clarified effluent
and provide adequate space for sludge and scum accumulations;
b. Watertight and constructed of solid
durable materials not subject to excessive corrosion or decay;
c. Manufactured with at least two
compartments unless two separate structures are placed in series. The tank is
designed so that:
i. The inlet compartment of
any septic tank not placed in series is nominally 67 percent to 75 percent of
the total required capacity of the tank,
ii. Septic tanks placed in series are
considered a unit and meet the same criteria as a single tank,
iii. The liquid depth of the septic tank is
at least 42 inches, and
iv. A septic
tank of 1000 gallon capacity is at least 8 feet long and the tank length of
septic tanks of greater capacity is at least 2 times but not more than 3 times
the width;
Manufactured with at least two access openings to the tank interior, each at
least 20 inches in diameter. The tank is designed so that:
i. One access opening is located over the
inlet end of the tank and one access opening is located over the outlet
ii. Whenever a first
compartment exceeds 12 feet in length, another access opening is provided over
the baffle wall; and
iii. Access
openings and risers are constructed to ensure accessibility within 6 inches
below finished grade;
Manufactured so that the sewage inlet and wastewater outlet openings are not
smaller than the connecting sewer pipe. The tank is designed so that:
i. The vertical leg of round inlet and outlet
fittings is at least 4 inches but not smaller than the connecting sewer pipe,
ii. A baffle fitting has the
equivalent cross-sectional area of the connecting sewer pipe and not less than
a 4 inch horizontal dimension if measured at the inlet and outlet pipe
f. Manufactured
so that the inlet and outlet pipe or baffle extends 4 inches above and at least
12 inches below the water surface when the tank is installed according to the
manufacturer's instructions consistent with this Chapter. The invert of the
inlet pipe is at least 2 inches above the invert of the outlet pipe;
g. Manufactured so that the inlet and outlet
fittings or baffles and compartment partitions have a free vent area equal to
the required cross-sectional area of the connected sewer pipe to provide free
ventilation above the water surface from the disposal works or seepage pit
through the septic tank, house sewer, and stack to the outer air;
h. Manufactured so that the open space
extends at least 9 inches above the liquid level and the cover of the septic
tank is at least 2 inches above the top of the inlet fitting vent
i. Manufactured so that
partitions or baffles between compartments are of solid durable material
(wooden baffles are prohibited) and extend at least 4 inches above the liquid
level. The open area of the baffle shall be between one and 2 times the open
area of the inlet pipe or horizontal slot and located at the midpoint of the
liquid level of the baffle. If a horizontal slot is used, the slot shall be no
more than 6 inches in height;
Structurally designed to withstand all anticipated earth or other loads. The
tank is designed so that:
i. All septic tank
covers are capable of supporting an earth load of 300 pounds per square foot;
ii. If the top of the tank is
greater than 2 feet below finish grade, the septic tank and cover are capable
of supporting an additional load of 150 pounds per square foot for each
additional foot of cover;
k. Manufactured or installed so that the
influent and effluent ends of the tank are clearly and permanently marked on
the outside of the tank with the words "INLET" or "IN," and "OUTLET" or "OUT,"
above or to the right or left of the corresponding openings; and
l. Clearly and permanently marked with the
manufacturer's name or registered trademark, or both, the month and year, or
Julian date, of manufacture, the maximum recommended depth of earth cover in
feet, and the design liquid capacity of the tank. The tank is manufactured to
protect the markings from corrosion so that they remain permanent and readable
for the operational life of the tank.
2. Materials used to construct or manufacture
septic tanks.
a. A septic tank cast-in-place
at the site of use shall be protected from corrosion by coating the tank with a
bituminous coating, by constructing the tank using a concrete mix that
incorporates 15 percent to 18 percent fly ash, or by any other
Department-approved means. The tank is designed so that:
i. The coating extends at least 4 inches
below the wastewater line and covers all of the internal area above that point;
ii. A septic tank cast-in-place
complies with the "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
Commentary ACI 318-02/318R-02 (2002)," and the "Code Requirements for
Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and Commentary, ACI 350/350R-01
(2001)," published by the American Concrete Institute. This material is
incorporated by reference and does not include any later amendments or editions
of the incorporated material. Copies of the incorporated material are available
for inspection at the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, 1110 W.
Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be obtained from American Concrete
Institute, P.O. Box 9094, Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094.
b. A steel septic tank shall have a minimum
wall thickness of No. 12 U.S. gauge steel and be protected from corrosion,
internally and externally, by a bituminous coating or other Department-approved
c. A prefabricated concrete
septic tank shall meet the "Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Septic
Tanks, C1227-20," published by the American Society for Testing and Materials.
This information is incorporated by reference and does not include any later
amendments or editions of the incorporated material. Copies of the incorporated
material are available for inspection at the Arizona Department of
Environmental Quality, 1110 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be
obtained from the American Society for Testing and Materials International
d. A septic tank manufactured
using fiberglass or thermoplastic shall meet the requirements set forth in
"Prefabricated Septic Tanks - IAPMO/ ANSI Z1000-2019," published by the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. This
information is incorporated by reference, does not include any later amendments
or editions of the incorporated material, and may be viewed at the Arizona
Department of Environmental Quality, 1110 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ
85007 or obtained from International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
Officials, 4755 E. Philadelphia Street, Ontario, CA 917761.
3. Conformance with design,
materials, and manufacturing requirements.
If any conflict exists between this Article and the information incorporated by
reference in subsection (2), the requirements of this Article apply.
b. The Department may approve use of
alternative construction materials under
Tanks constructed of wood, block, or bare steel are prohibited.
c. The Department may inspect septic tanks at
the site of manufacturing to verify compliance with subsections (1) and
d. The septic tank sale
documentation includes:
i. A certificate
attesting that the septic tank conforms with the design, materials, and
manufacturing requirements in subsections (1) and (2); and
ii. Instructions for handling and installing
the septic tank.
4. The septic tank's daily design flow is
determined as follows:
a. For a single family
i. The design liquid capacity of the
septic tank and the septic tank's daily design flow are determined based on the
number of bedrooms and fixture count as follows:
Criteria for Septic Tank Size
and Design Flow
Number of Bedrooms
Fixture Count
Minimum Design Liquid Capacity
Design Flow (gal/day)
7 or less
More than 7
14 or less
More than 14
21 or less
More than 21
28 or less
More than 28
35 or less
More than 35
42 or less
More than 42
49 or less
More than 49
56 or less
More than 56
Fixture count is determined as follows:
Residential Fixture
Fixture Units
Residential Fixture
Fixture Units
Sink, bar
Sink, kitchen (including dishwasher
Clothes washer
Sink, service
Dishwasher (Separate from kitchen)
Utility tub or sink
Lavatory, single
Water closet, 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf)
Lavatory, double in master bedroom
Water closet, >1.6 to 3.2 gpf
Shower, single stall
Water closet, greater than 3.2 gpf
b. For other than a single family dwelling,
the design liquid capacity of a septic tank in gallons is 2.1 times the daily
design flow into the tank as determined from Table 1, Unit Design Flows. If the
wastewater strength exceeds that of typical sewage, additional tank volume is
c. A person may place two
septic tanks in series to meet the septic tank design liquid capacity
requirements if the capacity of the first tank is at least 67 percent of the
total required tank capacity and the capacity of the second tank is at least 33
percent of the total required tank capacity.
5. The following requirements regarding new
or replacement septic tank installation apply:
a. Permanent surface markers for locating the
septic tank access openings are provided for maintenance;
b. A septic tank installed under concrete or
pavement has the required access openings extended to grade;
c. A septic tank effluent filter is installed
on the septic tank. The filter shall:
Prevent the passage of solids larger than 1/8 inch in diameter while under two
feet of hydrostatic head; and
ii. Be
constructed of materials that are resistant to corrosion and erosion, sized to
accommodate hydraulic and organic loading, and removable for cleaning and
maintenance; and
d. The
septic tank is tested for watertightness after installation by the water test
described in subsections (5)(d)(i) and (5)(d)(ii) and repaired or replaced, if
i. The septic tank is filled with
clean water, as specified in
R18-9-A310(A), to
the invert of the outlet and the water left standing in the tank for 24 hours
(1) After 24 hours, the tank is refilled
to the invert, if necessary;
The initial water level and time is recorded; and
(3) After one hour, water level and time is
ii. The tank
passes the water test if the water level does not drop over the one-hour
period. Any visible leak of flowing water is considered a failure. A damp or
wet spot that is not flowing is not considered a