Arizona Administrative Code
Section R18-9-1012 - Self-monitoring
Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 52, December 27, 2024
A. Except as provided in subsection (B) the person who prepares the biosolids shall conduct self-monitoring events at the frequency listed in Table 5 for the pollutants listed in R18-9-1005, the pathogen reduction in R18-9-1006 and the vector attraction reduction requirements in R18-9-1010.
Table 5. Frequency of Self-monitoring
Amount of biosolids prepared (tons/metric tons per 365-day period(1)) |
Frequency |
Greater than zero but less than 319.6/290 |
Once per year |
Equal to or greater than 319.6/290 but less than 1,653/1,500 |
Once per quarter (Four times per year) |
Equal to or greater than 1,653/1,500 but less than 16,530/15,000 |
Once per 60 days (Six times per year) |
Equal to or greater than 16,530/15,000 |
Once per month (12 times per year) |
B. If biosolids are stockpiled or lagooned, the person shall sample the biosolids for pathogen and vector attraction reduction before land application. A person shall sample in a manner that is representative of the entire stockpile or lagoon.
C. A person who prepares biosolids shall submit additional or more frequent biosolids samples, collected and analyzed during the reporting period, to the Department with the regularly-scheduled data required in subsection (A).
D. The Department may order the person who prepares biosolids or the applicator to collect and analyze additional samples to measure pollutants of concern other than those established in Table 1 of R18-9-1005.
E. The applicator, person who prepares biosolids, or a person collecting samples for the applicator or preparer for analysis shall obtain the samples in a manner that does not compromise the integrity of the sample, sample method, or sampling instrument and shall be representative of the quality of the biosolids being applied during the reporting period.
F. A person responsible for sampling the biosolids shall track biosolids samples using a chain-of-custody procedure that documents each person in control of the sample from the time it was collected through the time of analysis.
G. The person who prepares biosolids or the applicator shall ensure that the biosolids samples are analyzed as specified by the analytical methods established in 40 CFR 503.8, July 1, 2001 edition, or by the wastewater sample methods and solid, liquid, and hazardous waste sample methods established in A.A.C. R9-14-612 and R9-14-613. The person who prepares the biosolids or the applicator shall ensure that the biosolids analyses are performed at a laboratory operating in compliance with A.R.S. § 36-495 et seq. The information in 40 CFR 503.8 is incorporated by reference, does not include any later amendments or editions of the incorporated matter and is on file with the Department and the Office of the Secretary of State.
H. The person who prepares the biosolids or the applicator shall monitor pathogen and vector attraction reduction treatment operating parameters, such as time and temperature, shall be monitored on a continual basis.
I. An applicator shall conduct and record monitoring of each site for the management practices established in R18-9-1007 and R18-9-1008.
J. A person shall maintain, as specified in R18-9-1013, and report to the Department as specified in R18-9-1014, all compliance measurements, including the analysis of pollutant concentrations.