Arizona Administrative Code
Section R14-5-201 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 52, December 27, 2024
As used in this Article:
1. "Arizona Office of Pipeline Safety" means the Commission personnel assigned to perform the Commission's day-to-day activities under A.R.S. Title 40, Chapter 2, Article 10, who are headquartered at 1300 W. Washington Street, Suite 220 Phoenix, AZ 85007 and whose contact information is available at
2. "AZOPS" means "Arizona Office of Pipeline Safety," as defined herein.
3. "Building" means any structure intended for supporting or sheltering any occupancy.
4. "Commission" means the Arizona Corporation Commission.
5. "Discontinuation of service" means an interruption in service expected to exceed four hours, occurring after an operator tests a service line or meter set assembly and determines that additional actions are necessary to restore service because of a leak or hazardous operating condition.
6. "DOT" means the U.S. Department of Transportation.
7. "Evacuation" means denying entry into or the organized clearing of a building or buildings, involving:
8. "Gas" means natural gas, flammable gas, or toxic or corrosive gas and includes LPG and LNG that is vaporized.
9. "Hazardous liquid" means:
10. "Independent laboratory" means a laboratory that is not owned or operated by the operator and that has no affiliation with the operator through ownership, familial relationship, or contractual or other relationship that results in the laboratory being controlled by or under common control with the operator.
11. "Intrastate pipeline" means all pipeline facilities included in the definition of "pipeline system" that are used by a provider to transport gas, LNG, or a hazardous liquid within Arizona and that are not used to transport gas, LNG, or a hazardous liquid in interstate or foreign commerce. This includes, without limitation, any equipment, facility, building, or other property used or intended for use in transporting gas, LNG, or a hazardous liquid.
12. "Liquefied natural gas" means natural gas or synthetic gas having as its major constituent methane (CH4) that has been changed to a liquid.
13. "LNG" means liquefied natural gas.
14. "LNG facility" means those portions of a pipeline system that are used for transporting or storing LNG or for LNG conversion.
15. "LPG" means liquefied petroleum gas.
16. "MAOP" means maximum allowable operating pressure, the maximum pressure at which a gas or LPG pipeline or segment of pipeline may be operated.
17. "Master meter system" means physical facilities for distributing gas within a definable area where the operator purchases metered gas from a provider to provide gas service to two or more buildings other than at a single -family residence.
18. "Operator" means a person that owns or operates a pipeline system or master meter system.
19. "Outage" means an unplanned and unscheduled discontinuation of service:
20. "Person" means any individual, firm, joint venture, partnership, corporation, association, cooperative association, joint stock association, trustee, receiver, assignee, or personal representative, or the state or any political subdivision of the state.
21. "PHMSA" means the U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
22. "Pipeline system" means all parts of the physical facilities of a public service corporation or provider through which gas, LPG, LNG, or a hazardous liquid moves in transportation, including but not limited to pipes, compressor units, metering stations, regulator stations, delivery stations, holders, fabricated assemblies, and other equipment, buildings, and property so used.
23. "Provider" means any intrastate gas pipeline operator, public service corporation, or municipality that provides natural gas or LPG service to a master meter customer.
24. "PSIG" means pounds per square inch gauge.
25. "Public service corporation" has the same meaning as in Article 15, § 2 of the Arizona Constitution.
26. "Sandy type soil" means sand no larger than "coarse" as defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM D-2487-83, Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (1983), including no future editions or amendments, which is incorporated by reference; on file with the Office of Pipeline Safety; and published by and available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshocken, PA, 19428-2959.
27. "Sour gas" means natural gas that contains the corrosive sulfur-bearing compound hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in a concentration that exceeds a minimum threshold of 0.25 grain of hydrogen sulfide per 100 cubic feet (5.8 milligrams/m3) under standard operating conditions (4 parts per million).
28. "Sour oil" means crude oil containing the impurity sulfur in a concentration greater than 0.5 percent.
29. "State" means the state of Arizona and all lands within its boundaries.
30. "Structure" means something that is built or constructed, or any piece of work artificially composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
31. "Transport" or "transportation" of gas, LNG, or a hazardous liquid means the gathering, transmission, distribution, or storage of gas, LNG, or a hazardous liquid using a pipeline system within the state.
32. "Unknown failure" means an occurrence in which a portion of a pipeline system fails, and: