Arizona Administrative Code
Chapter 3 - Corporation Commission - Rules of Practice and Procedure
Section R14-3-109 - Hearings, prehearings, conduct of hearings, procedure, evidence, subpoenas, briefs, arguments, official notice and rulings
Current through Register Vol. 30, No. 52, December 27, 2024
A. Procedure. Hearings will be held before one or more Commissioners, one or more Hearing Officers, or any combination thereof. Notice of the place, date and hour of the hearing will be served by the Commission at least ten days before the time set therefor, unless otherwise provided by law or as ordered by the Commission.
B. Publication of notice of hearings. Publication of notice of hearings shall be as required by law or as ordered by the Commission in a particular proceeding. If publication is required, affidavit of publication shall be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission at or prior to the time of initial hearing.
C. Dismissal of proceeding. The Commission may dismiss the application or complaint with or without prejudice or may recess said hearing for a further period to be set by the Commission. A single Commissioner or a Hearing Officer may adjourn or recess a hearing at any time to submit a recommendation to the Commission to dismiss the proceeding, or may recess said hearing for a further period to be set by the Commission.
D. Preliminary procedure. The presiding officer shall call the proceeding for hearing and proceed to take the appearances and act upon any pending motions or applications. The parties may then make opening statements if they desire.
E. Conduct at hearings. All parties to hearings, their counsel and spectators will conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Smoking shall not be permitted at formal hearings of the Commission.
F. Testimony under oath. All testimony to be considered by the Commission in formal hearings shall be under oath, except matters of which judicial notice is taken or entered by stipulation.
G. Order of procedure. Applicants or complainants (each of whom must carry the burden of proof) shall present their evidence and then such parties as may be opposing the application or complaint shall submit their evidence. The presiding officer shall determine the order in which parties shall introduce their evidence. Intervenors shall, insofar as possible, follow the party with respect to whom their interests are most closely identified. If the intervention is not in support of either original party, the presiding officer shall designate at which stage such intervenors shall be heard. Evidence will ordinarily be received in the following order unless otherwise directed by the presiding officer:
Upon applications
Intervenors or protestants
Commission staff
Upon formal complaints
Commission staff
Upon complaints by Commission
Commission staff
Examination of witnesses shall proceed as follows:
Direct examination by applicant
Cross-examination by each protestant or intervenor
Cross-examination by staff
Examination by presiding officer of Commissioners
Re-direct examination by applicant
Re-cross examination as permitted by the presiding officer
Examination by presiding officer or Commissioners
Opening and closing statements may be allowed
Once a party has rested his case he shall not be allowed to introduce further evidence without consent of the presiding officer.
H. Consolidation. The Commission or the presiding officer may consolidate two or more proceedings in one hearing when it appears that the issues are substantially the same and that the rights of the parties will not be prejudiced by such procedure. At such consolidated hearing the presiding officer shall determine the order in which all the parties shall introduce their evidence and which party or parties shall open and close.
I. Limiting number of witnesses. To avoid unnecessary cumulative evidence, the presiding officer may limit the number of witnesses or the time for testimony upon a particular issue.
J. Stipulations. With the approval of the presiding officer, the parties may stipulate as to any fact at issue, either by written stipulation introduced in evidence as an exhibit or by oral statement shown upon the record and such stipulation shall be binding upon all parties thereto. The Commission or presiding officer, may, however, require proof by evidence of the facts stipulated to, notwithstanding the stipulation of the parties.
K. Rules of evidence. In conducting any investigation, inquiry or hearing, neither the Commission nor any officer or employee thereof shall be bound by the technical rules of evidence, and no informality in any proceeding or in the manner of taking of testimony shall invalidate any order, decision, rule or regulation made, approved or confirmed by the Commission. Rules of evidence before the Superior Court of the state of Arizona will be generally followed but may be relaxed in the discretion of the Commission or presiding officer when deviation from the technical rules of evidence will aid in ascertaining the facts.
L. Documentary evidence. Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission or presiding officer and if practicable, exhibits should be limited in size when folded to 8 1/2 x 11 inches. A copy of each documentary exhibit shall be furnished to each party of record present, and three additional copies shall be furnished for the use of the Commission unless the Commission or presiding officer otherwise directs. Where relevant and material matter offered in evidence is embraced in a written or printed statement, book or document of any kind containing other matter not material or relevant and not intended to be put in evidence, such statement, book or document in whole shall not be received or allowed to be filed, but counsel and other parties offering the same shall present in convenient and proper form for filing a copy of such material and relevant matter, or at the discretion of the presiding officer, read the same into the record, and that only shall be received and allowed to be filed as evidence and made a part of the record. Whenever practicable, or when ordered by the Commission or presiding officer, the parties shall interchange copies of exhibits before or at the hearing. Any documentary evidence offered, whether in the form of exhibit or introduced by reference, shall be subject to appropriate and timely objection.
M. Prepared testimony. The Commission may order the prefiling and service of testimony and exhibits. Before any prepared testimony is read, unless excused by the presiding officer, the witness shall deliver copies thereof to the presiding officer, the court reporter, and all counsel or parties. Admissibility shall be subject to the rules governing oral testimony. If the presiding officer deems that substantial saving in time will result, he may direct prepared testimony be copied into the record without reading.
N. Resolutions. Resolutions properly authenticated by the governing bodies of a governmental entity will be received in evidence if offered at the hearing by the president, secretary, or other proper person. Such resolutions shall be received subject to rebuttal by adversely affected parties as to either the authenticity of the resolution or the circumstances surrounding its procurement. Recitals of fact contained in resolutions shall not be deemed proof of those facts, and such resolutions shall only be received for the limited purpose of showing the expression of the official action of the resolving body with respect to the matter under consideration in the proceeding.
O. Subpoenas. Subpoenas requiring the attendance of a witness from any place in the state of Arizona to any designated place of hearing for the purpose of taking testimony of such witnesses orally before the Commission may be issued upon application in writing. A subpoena may also command the person to whom it is directed to produce books, papers, documents or tangible things designated therein. The application for such subpoenas must specify, as clearly as possible, the books, waybills, papers, accounts or other documents desired. The Commission or presiding officer, upon motion made promptly and, in any event, at or before the time specified in the subpoena for compliance therewith may:
Witnesses who are summoned are entitled to the same fees as are paid for like service in the courts of the state of Arizona, such fees to be paid by the party at whose instance the witness is subpoenaed. If service of subpoena is made by an officer of the state or his deputy, such service shall be evidenced by his return thereon. In case of failure to make service, the reasons for the failure shall be stated on the original subpoena. In making service the original subpoena shall be exhibited to the person served, shall be read to him if he is unable to read, and a copy thereof shall be left with him. The original subpoena, bearing or accompanied by the required return, shall be returned forthwith to the Commission.
P. Depositions. The Commission, a Commissioner, or any party to any proceeding before it may cause the depositions of witnesses to be taken in the manner prescribed by law and of the civil procedure for the Superior Court of the state of Arizona.
Q. Continuance. Either prior to hearing or during a hearing, and on a showing of good cause, a matter may be continued by the Commission or the presiding officer for submission of further or additional evidence or for any other proper purpose.
R. Briefs. In any hearing, briefs may be ordered by the Commission or presiding officer to be filed within such time as may be allowed. Four copies of briefs shall be filed with the Commission and shall be accompanied by a proof of service showing service on other parties of record.
S. Oral argument. Following the filing of briefs or upon contested motions, the presiding officer may set the matter for oral argument.
T. Official notice. The presiding officer may take official notice of the following matters:
U. Reliance on other records in Commission's files. When a party desires to offer in evidence any portion of the testimony, exhibits, order, decision or record in any other proceeding before the Commission, such portion shall be plainly designated in the stenographic record and, if admitted, shall be deemed to be a part of the testimony in the immediate proceeding without physical production and marking for identification.
V. Open hearings. All hearings conducted pursuant to these rules shall be open to the public.
W. Transcripts. The Commission will cause a stenographic record to be made of all public hearings. Parties desiring copies of such transcript may purchase same from the court reporter.
X. Objections and rulings. When objections are made to the admission or exclusion of evidence, the grounds relied upon shall be stated briefly. The presiding officer shall rule on the admissibility of all evidence.
Y. Offer of proof. An offer of proof for the record shall consist of a statement of the substance of the evidence to which objection has been sustained.
Z. Documents in the docket file as evidence for the record. The docket file is a public record and, as such, is available and open to inspection to all. Any document in such file shall not be considered unless same is offered and accepted in evidence. Such document need not be produced as an exhibit but may be received in evidence by reference, provided that the particular portions of such document are specifically identified and are competent, relative and material. If testimony in proceedings other than the one being heard is offered in evidence, a copy thereof shall be presented as an exhibit, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer.