(a) The department
will pay for day habilitation services that
(1) are provided to a recipient in one of the
following recipient categories:
(A) children
with complex medical conditions, if the recipient is three years of age or
(B) adults with physical and
developmental disabilities:
individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, if the recipient
is three years of age or older;
(2) are provided in accordance with the
Day Habilitation Services Conditions of
Participation, adopted by reference in
AAC 160.900;
here to view image
(3) are approved under
AAC 130.217 and
AAC 130.218 as part of the recipient's support plan;
(4) receive prior
(b) The
department will consider habilitation services to be day habilitation services
if the services
(1) are provided in a
residential or community-based setting, to a recipient individually or as a
member of a group; a day habilitation service may not duplicate a service
provided in residential settings that bill for daily rate services;
(2) include round-trip transportation for the
recipient between the recipient's residence and the site where services are
provided unless the recipient's support plan reflects that other transportation
will be provided;
(3) provide
active teaching or training that assists the recipient to acquire, retain, or
improve the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to live
independently, autonomously, and fully integrated in home and community-based
settings; the skills may additionally do one or more of the following:
(A) reinforce the skills taught in school,
therapy, or other settings;
help mitigate the impact of a degenerative condition and regression of skills
and functioning caused by the progression of that condition;
(4) do not duplicate or replace
services that are provided under 7 AAC 125, 7 AAC 127, or this
(5) do not
(A) replace, enhance, or supplement services
for which the recipient is eligible under
20 U.S.C.
(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), or
29 U.S.C.
796/ (Rehabilitation
(B) provide only
companionship for or supervision of a recipient; or
(C) displace activities or opportunities that
natural supports provide;
(6) for each recipient, provide
(A) active teaching or training based on
goals that are meaningful to the recipient, outcome-based, and have the
explicit purpose of developing or retaining skills and functioning reasonably
necessary for community integration;
(B) activities that the recipient has a
capacity to engage in and benefit from and that are appropriate for the
recipient's needs, abilities, and interests as identified through a
person-centered planning process that includes review of relevant
(C) the least
restrictive environment appropriate for that recipient, including in the
recipient's home or in another private residence; the day habilitation services
provided in all residential settings combined
(i) may not be more than 10 percent of the
total units of service approved for a plan year; and
(ii) must be justified and approved in the
recipient's support plan; and
(D) opportunities that promote connections to
natural supports or the greater community, including distance delivery; the day
habilitation services provided by distance delivery
(i) may not be more than 10 percent of the
total units of service approved for a plan year; and
(ii) must be justified and approved in the
recipient's support plan.
(c) The department will only pay for a
maximum of 624 hours each year of all types of day habilitation services from
all providers combined. The department may approve a limited amount of
additional day habilitation services if
the department finds that
(A) the recipient's
current physical or behavioral condition places the recipient at risk of
institutionalization or incarceration if additional day habilitation services
are not provided;
(B) the
recipient's support plan and records indicate that the recipient has a critical
need for additional day habilitation services because of one or more of the
(i) the recipient has an acute or
degenerative physical condition that necessitates participation in activities
to maintain or improve that condition that are available only in the
(ii) the recipient
exhibits behaviors that create a risk of physical harm to the recipient or
others that can only be mitigated by the development of skills related to
appropriate behavior in the community;
(iii) the recipient's one-to-one support
provided under
AAC 130.267 was recently terminated, and the recipient
needs to learn skills required for living successfully in the community;
(iv) the recipient's release
from an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual
disabilities or the criminal justice system within the current or prior support
plan year increases the need for additional day habilitation services for
teaching or training skills for community integration; and
(C) the recipient's medical, social,
educational, or other records support the recipient's need for, and capacity to
engage in and benefit from, additional active teaching or training; those
records include the following:
(i) the
current and prior year assessments under
AAC 130.213;
(ii) the current and prior year support
(iii) records maintained
under 7 AAC 105.230(d);
(iv) direct service case notes;
(2) the
request for additional day habilitation services is submitted in a recipient's
support plan that
(A) describes how the
recipient's physical or behavioral condition and one or more of the
circumstances in (1)(B) of this subsection justify additional
(B) identifies goals
related to the skills specified in (b)(3) of this section and explains why
additional services in a day habilitation setting are necessary to reach the
recipient's goals;
(C) lists
interventions used or in use to address the recipient's condition and whether
each intervention was successful or unsuccessful; and
(D) indicates how additional day habilitation
services will not duplicate or supplant other services rendered to the
Notwithstanding (b)(l) of this section, the department will waive the
requirement for provision of day habilitation services in a non-residential
setting if the provider documents to the department's satisfaction, in a format
provided by the department,
(1) the
unavailability of a suitable non-residential setting in the community or
location in which the services are to be provided, except that services under
this section may not be provided in the private residence of a recipient;
(2) the setting where day
habilitation services are to be provided will
(A) offer opportunities for activities
appropriate for the recipient population to be served; and
(B) be delivered in a manner that protects
recipient health, safety, and welfare.
(e) In this section,
"critical need" means the condition resulting from the recipient's
circumstances that would result in institutionalization within the support plan
year if additional day habitation services are not approved;
(2) "limited amount" means day habilitation
(A) that exceed 624 hours in a plan
year; and
(B) for which the
department determines, on an hour-by-hour basis, that a recipient can
reasonably be expected to engage in and benefit from active teaching or
training, given that recipient's physical or behavioral