Alaska Administrative Code
Title 7 - Health and Social Services
Part 4 - Children's Services and Juvenile Justice
Chapter 56 - Child Placement Agencies
Article 3 - Personnel
7 AAC 56.250 - Orientation and training
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) An agency with one or more employees, contractors, or regular volunteers shall provide an orientation to each employee, contractor, or regular volunteer. The orientation must include the agency's policies and procedures, including responsibilities of the employee, contractor, or regular volunteer and procedures in an emergency.
(b) The orientation required in (a) of this section must begin at the time of employment, or contract or becoming a regular volunteer and be completed within the succeeding eight weeks.
(c) An agency shall ensure that each worker. other than a volunteer, receives a minimum of 15 hours of job related training a year. The 15 hours must be in addition to orientation required by (a) of this section. For child placing workers 10 of the 15 training hours must relate directly to child placing activity including
(d) Training hours required in this section are clock hours. An agency may count informal training that increases worker skills.
(e) Records documenting training must include the date, subject, method of training, and the name of the individual who conducted the training.
Authority:AS 44.29.020
AS 47.35.010
AS 47.35.037