Alaska Administrative Code
Title 7 - Health and Social Services
Part 3 - Public Assistance and Medical Assistance
Chapter 41 - Child Care Assistance Program
Article 2 - Provisions for Providers
7 AAC 41.270 - General variances
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) The purpose of this section is to provide a process for determining whether a general variance for a provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(a)(5) or (6), if requested, should be granted for a requirement of 7 AAC 41,200 - 7 AAC 41.260 or 7 AAC 41.370.
(b) A provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(a)(5) or (6) shall meet the requirements of this section. The department may grant a general variance if
(c) A provider described in 7 AAC 41.200(a)(5) or (6) seeking a general variance under this section must submit to the department or designee, on a form supplied by the department, a inquest for a general variance as required by this section. A request must contain the following:
(d) The department will or designee shall evaluate a request for a general variance by
(e) If a designee does the evaluation under (d) of this section, the designee shall submit a recommendation to the department for the department's review. The department's decision to grant or deny a request for a general variance will be issued in writing and will be delivered to the provider who made the request. The department may grant a general variance for
(f) A decision to grant a request for a general variance will identify the statutory or regulatory requirement involved by section number and subject matter and state the duration, terms, and conditions of the variance, including the steps the provider must take to achieve compliance before the variance expires.
(g) A decision to deny a request for a general variance will be in writing and will state the reasons for the denial. The provider may reapply for a variance, addressing the department's stated reasons for the denial or may request reconsideration under (k) of this section.
(h) If a provider violates a condition of a general variance granted under this section, the department will send written notice to the provider that the variance is revoked. the notice will advise that the provider may request reconsideration under (k) of this section.
(i) If the department grants a request for a general variance, the provider shall maintain a copy with their records, notify parents of children in care, and make it available to any person who wishes to review it. A general variance remains in effect for the duration stated, unless the department revokes the variance under (j) of this section.
(j) The department will revoke a general variance if the department finds that the provider is not following its plan for achieving compliance, or is no longer able to adequately provide for the health, safety, and welfare of recipients of services during the term of the variance. If the department decides to revoke a variance, it will provide written notice of revocation to the provider, setting out the reasons for the department's decision. The department will advise the provider of its right to request reconsideration under (k) of this section. A notice of revocation issued under this subsection is effective 30 days after the department issues the notice unless a request for reconsideration is submitted. Nothing in this subsection precludes the department from issuing a notice of immediate revocation if the department finds that the fife, health, safety, or welfare of recipients of services is threatened.
(k) If the department denies or revokes a variance the provider may submit a written request to the department for reconsideration of that decision. A request under this subsection must be submitted within 30 days after the department issues the denial or notice of revocation, and must include
(l) After reviewing a request for reconsideration, the department will notify the provider in writing within 30 days after receiving the request, and will state the reasons for the department's final decision.
Authority:AS 47.25.001