Alaska Administrative Code
Title 7 - Health and Social Services
Part 3 - Public Assistance and Medical Assistance
Chapter 41 - Child Care Assistance Program
Article 1 - Administrative Provisions
7 AAC 41.030 - Enhanced program rate for qualified providers
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) To promote access by families participating in the child care assistance program to the highest quality of child care, and subject to the availability of appropriations, the department will increase the program rate paid to a facility described in 7 AAC 41.200(a) (1) - (3), if the department determines the facility is qualified under this section. Unless available appropriations require a smaller increase, the department will increase the program rate by 10 percent above the program rate established in the schedule under 7 AAC 41.025 if the facility's current rate charged for child care is equal to or exceeds the enhanced rate.
(b) A facility may apply to be eligible for the enhanced program rate under this section using a form prescribed by the department. For a facility to be eligible under this section,
(c) If the department determines that a facility is not qualified under (b) of this section, the facility may reapply every six months.
(d) The department will annually evaluate each facility receiving an enhanced program rate under this section to determine whether the facility continues to be qualified under (b) of this section.
(e) Within 30 days after issuing a written notice to the facility, the department will discontinue an enhanced program rate under this section if appropriations are no longer available or if the facility ceases to meet the standards of (b) of this section. If the discontinuance is for failure to meet the standards of (b) of this section, the notice will advise the facility of the right to request an administrative review under 7 AAC 41.435.
(f) In this section, "SEED" means System for Early Education Development.
Information regarding requirements of the System for Early Education Development (SEED) program referred to in 7 AAC 41.030 is available from the University of Alaska Southeast, Bill Ray Center, Professional Education Center, 1108 F Street, Juneau, AK 99801. Additional information is available at the following website:
Authority:AS 47.25.001
AS 47.25.041