The following conditions apply to activities in the Susitna
Flats State Game Refuge:
Off-road vehicles.No wheeled, tracked, or other ground- effect
motorized vehicle may be used off of an authorized paved or gravel surface road
or permitted winter road in the Susitna Flats State Game Refuge, except that
(A) the department will, in its discretion,
issue a general permit under
AAC 95.770 for the off-road use of a wheeled, tracked,
or other ground-effect motorized vehicle of less than 1,000 lbs. gross vehicle
weight for the period from April 1 through November 8 within 1/8 mile of
mean high tide or as designated by the department;
(B) the department will, in its discretion,
issue a general permit under
AAC 95.770 for the off-road use of a wheeled, tracked,
or other ground-effect motorized vehicle of less than 1,000 lbs. gross vehicle
weight for the period from November 9 through March 31;
(C) the department will, in its discretion,
issue an individual special area permit under 5 AAC 95 for the off-road use of
a wheeled, tracked, or other ground-effect vehicle not covered under (A) or (B)
of this paragraph if the use is consistent with
AAC 95.510 and fulfills a demonstrable need for which
there is no feasible alternative.
motorboat, including a motorized vehicle capable of carrying a person in or
over the water, may be used in the Susitna Flats State Game Refuge, except from
May 15 through August 31 on the Theodore River upstream from private parcel USS
no. 3956 depicted on a map in the March, 1988 Susitna Flats State Game Refuge
Management Plan, incorporated by reference in
AAC 95.510, in order to prevent conflict with the
sport fishery.
Aircraft.The landing or taking off of
aircraft is prohibited from April 1 through May 15 in high-density spring
waterfowl staging habitat as depicted on a map in the March, 1988 Susitna Flats
State Game Refuge Management Plan incorporated by reference in
AAC 95.510, except that the department will, in its
discretion, issue a special area permit for the landing and taking off of an
aircraft if the use is consistent with
AAC 95.510, and fulfills a demonstrable need for which
there is no feasible alternative.
Little Susitna Public Use
Facility.The following restrictions apply to the use of the
Little Susitna public use facility as depicted on a map in the March, 1988
Susitna Flats State Game Refuge Management Plan incorporated by reference in
AAC 95.510:
(A) no person may bring waste or refuse from
outside the refuge into the public use facility for disposal, and no person may
place waste or refuse in the public use facility except in a public use
facility waste receptacle;
(B) no
person may disturb, damage, deface, or remove any state property, facility, or
(C) no person may disturb,
damage, deface, or remove a natural object, including a tree, plant, moss,
rock, or gravel;
(D) from May 1
through August 25, no person may bring, or keep, a dog or other pet in the
public use facility unless the dog or other pet is on a leash not exceeding
nine feet in length and is under control by a person at all times; no person
may have a dog or other pet in the public use facility which creates excessive
noise, a public safety hazard, or unsanitary conditions; an authorized
representative of the state will, in his or her discretion, seize a dog or
other pet running at large in the public use facility and take appropriate
action if it is mad, vicious, or harassing wildlife;
(E) no person may organize or conduct an
assembly of more than 20 people in the public use facility unless authorized by
a special area permit under 5 AAC 95;
(F) no person may start or maintain a fire in
the public use facility except in a portable campstove or confined to a
structure provided by the department for fires;
(G) no person may use or discharge a weapon
in the public use facility;
(H) for
the preservation of the public use facility, an authorized representative of
the state will, in his or her discretion, limit the number of vehicles and
persons occupying a campsite unit;
(I) camping is permitted only at a developed
campsite in the public use facility; if all developed campsites are occupied, a
self-contained camper/trailer may be used in another established parking area
as determined by an authorized representative of the state;
(J) from May 1 through August 25, a person
using the developed campground must occupy the campsite the first night after
setting up camping equipment or parking a vehicle at the campsite; a
representative of the state will, in his or her discretion, impound camping
equipment and any vehicle left unattended for a period of 48 hours at a
campsite, unless advance arrangements have been made with an authorized
representative of the state;
(K) no
person may camp in the public use facility for more than 15 consecutive days in
a calendar year unless authorized by a special area permit under 5 AAC 95; if
it is determined by an authorized representative of the state that the public
use facility might be damaged or is subject to unusual demand, the authorized
representative of the state will, in his or her discretion, limit camping to a
period of less than 15 days. An authorized representative of the state will
post notice of any time limit of less than 15 days in the public use
(L) no person may
solicit, sell, or peddle any food or beverage, or distribute circulars, or
hawk, peddle, or vend goods, wares, services, or merchandise within the public
use facility except under a special area permit issued under 5 AAC
(M) users of the public use
facility shall comply with all traffic control signs in the public use
(N) an authorized
representative of the state will, in his or her discretion, establish and post
campground rules to limit certain activities, or hours of activity, in the
public use facility for the purpose of preserving the public peace, safety,
comfort, and convenience.